Masked App/ Park 'Ava' Ha Ra





Kim 'Ava' Hara 



[name] You can call me Dany! =D

[activity rate] 8


「 hello, hello

[character name] Kim 'Ava' Hara

[nickname(s)] Pogjug (Firecracker in Korean) the girls usually call Ava this whenever she does something risky or loses her temper, they'll say 'Ah, this Pogjug! Always blowing up over little things!" She has gotten the Title, 'The Mixed Demon' by those who are a part of the Underworld because of her temper and fighting. 

[age] 18

[birthday] Augest, 12, 1993

[ethnicity] 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Mexican

[languages] Fluent: Korean, English and Spanish

[birthplace] East Los Angeles

[hometown] East Los Angeles 


she's breathtaking 

[ulzzang name] Im Da Hye




[back-up ulzzang] Lee Jung Ha

 001 002 003 

[height] 157cm

[style] Ava likes to blend urban clothing with tight, y clothing. For example she’ll mix tight jeans or shorts with a baggy shirt. Or she’ll wear a cropped shirt with a oversized sweater on top. She likes to wear caps and beanies and a lot of sweaters and jackets. Although, since she does like to show cleavage when she can so her s will look bigger since she feels like her top is smaller compared to her hips so she’ll wear push up bras to make her B cup chest look bigger. She usually wears sneakers or boots since she feels more safe with them on. She is capable of walking in heels and wearing dresses when the time calls for, much to her friends surprise. Her retort to their surprise was “ I am capable of acting and looking civilized, you know.” She doesn’t wear jewelry other than hoop ear rings.When she has to wear something dressy she either wears dresses that are tight at the bust and bouncy at the bottom or dresses that are tight everywhere.

Casual: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 

Pajamas: 001 002 003 

Club Wear/Formal Wear: 001 002 003 004 005 006 

[other] Eye Color- Honey Brown/ Hair Color/ Medium Brown




I'm so curious, yeah 


Ava seems like a very rational person at first glance. She has a stoic expression and a very intimidating presence, she’ll let a smirk, eye roll or smile escape every now and then and you get the impression that she is a calm person, until you see her freeze then all hell breaks lose. Ava is a person who doesn’t have the best control over her temper. She will either attack with sharp words or heavy fists. She has been described as a drama queen although her argument for that is “ Listen, I only react like that if are disrespectful towards me and think you’re better than me, okay?” She will go from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat if she feels that you have disrespected her or her girls and is not afraid to fight anyone, female or male. She hates when people look down one her, So, if she feels like someone is challenging her, even someone much stronger than her she stupidly goes at it. She is a stubborn person and will not quit no matter how many times she is stomped down. When she is in the streets she walks around with confidence and swagger, her arms slightly flexing every now and then but when shes at work or going to school she walks around with her music blaring, giving off an almost forgettable aura.

The reason why Ava has such a temper is that she is a very sensitive person when it comes to what others think of her. She feels like she has to prove herself to everyone and make them respect her, she does not care if that respect comes from how well she did on a job or how hard she smashed someone’s face in. The difference between other sensitive people and Ava is that Ava’s reaction to being looked down on is not depression or sadness, it’s rage. Like I said, she is a very sensitive person when it comes to how others see her, she wants them to see her as a walking weapon that they respect or fear but also as a female.

But just because she has an explosive temper does not mean that that Ava is an unapproachable beast. She tries to get along with everyone when she first meets you. She can be reserved in the beginning since it always takes a while for her to warm up to someone unless she feels that instant click with you. It’s very easy to get on her bad side, she doesn’t like it when people try to pretend like they know her or can talk about her like they’ve been friends forever when she has just met you. With her small group of friends she is loud and somewhat warm towards them. She finds it very hard for herself to show how she is feeling and to show love. She’s that friend who you have to force into a group hug and will make a face and try to pry herself away immediately. She feels very awkward showing people affection but she will show it in other ways. If you are hurt she won’t disinfect the cut for you and your cheek but will toss a Bandaid and tell you “That’s what you get for being to slow, stupid. Next time, be sure to return the favor ten fold.” See, an insult with a little encouragement, that’s how she rolls. She has a very dark and Americanized sense of humor and because of this she feels like she comes off as unladylike which bothers her immensely. Even though she comes off as a crazy animal Ava actually has a very girly side to her so when she feels like people perceive her as a tomboy and ‘one of the boys’ it bothers her for days. She thinks that if she is known as one of the guys no male will ever think of her in a romantic light and will approach her because they see her as too manly or an oddity so she always has her nails fixed and her hair taken care of, she takes good care of her skin and uses any remedy she can to make all the scars she has gotten from fighting smaller. It’s kind of funny just how much she worries about her appearance, you wouldn’t think she was the type of person who cared about how she looked and was worried about boys when you saw her acting all intimidating and harsh.

[background] Ava was born Park Ha Ra in Los Angeles. Ava’s family is of working class, her dad is the owner of a woodshop that makes handmade furniture. Ava’s childhood was a happy one, she was a little monster though. She was never quiet or shy and always a force to be reckoned with. When Ava was 12 and her sister was 14, the family left for South Korea since her dad decided to open up a wood shop in Seoul. This was when things became a little bit harder for Ava. She was met with more hostility than she thought she would be because of her skin tone and the fact that she wasn’t ‘pure’. Not to mention the fact that she was very ‘Americanized’ and loud that made it hard for people to feel comfortable enough to approach her. Ava was bullied when she first came to Korea by her classmates byt the confidant girl that she was before she came to Korea vanished and all that was left was someone who couldnt stand up for herself. As time went by the bullying became worse and more violent. Ava decided to ask her father to help her defend herself. He had been an underground fighter and so Ava thought he would be the perfect person to teacher her how to fight despite her father being tired almost everyday. Her father said that if Ava had been a boy he would have no problem teaching her but he felt that she wouldn't be able to handle it. The next day Ava went to a local fighting gym, not knowing that this was one of the training spots for members of  2PM. She asked if there was anyone to teach her how to fight and kept going back until finally 2PM's second in command Nickhun accepted her as his student and she began to train. When she told him the reason why she wanted to learn he took it upon himself to teach her anything that would destroy a person. With all that training Ava was finally able to stand up for herself. After her second year of High school she began to participate in underground fighting and this is where her title 'The Mixed Demon' came from, because she was a mixed fighter who was almost scary to see fight. 

[family] you must do the parents part but if you don't have a sibling, delete it. however, feel free to add to the siblings!


name : Kim Hyun Ki

age : 44

occupation : Owner of Golden Wood Shop, a wood shop that makes handmade furniture 

deceased - alive :  Alive

relationship : the relationship between Ava and her father had it’s up and downs. They would heads often but that all changed when it was discovered that Hyun Ki had lung cancer since he had taken the habit of smoking since he was 17. Ava made the effort to spend more time with her dad and get to know him once she discovered he had cancer. The whole family was shocked when they figured out about his condition but not Hyun Ki, all he asked was when he could leave the hospital because he had a shop to run. He doesn’t show how much pain he is in or how lonely he feels now that his girls have left the nest.


name : Kim Carmen 

age : 42

occupation : Works alongside her husband at Golden Wood Shop 

deceased - alive : Alive 

relationship : Ava and her mother had a stronger relationship than that of her father’s. She was the one who helped Ava when she was feeling down or angry. Carmen was the type of person who always thought before she spoke and picked her battles. She was a strong women who always put her family first. Although the marriage between Carmen and Hyun Ki wasn’t always perfect, she has tried her best to keep her family together. She works alongside her husband. One of the things she enjoys most is gardening.


name : Kim Ha Hyo (Lia)

age : 25

occupation (if any) : Nurse

deceased - alive : Alive

relationship :  Lia is a very important person in Ava’s Life. Lex had gone through the judgment and bullying that Ava was going through first so she was there for Ava to comfort her. Lex was the person who Ava looked up to the most. Although they did have similar personalities, Lex was a lot more chill than Ava. Lex always puts her parents first, going to the college they had wanted her to go to.

[likes] -she likes to intimidate people

-going to the Salon With any other member of the gang and getting pampered
-mango and tangerines
-winning a fight
-working at her father’s wood shop
-making cute little animal figurines out of wood when she has no orders to work on
-hip hop, r&b and pop music
-reading books


-people who disrespect her
- she dislikes her small chest
-she doesn’t like pineapples or carrots
-dislikes when people say ignorant things about other races or people who are mixed
-saying oppa or unnie, only saying this when she absolutely has to
-she doesn’t like birds



--practicing hapkido and Muay Thai

-going to get massages
-painting her nails

-trying out new skin products that will erase or minimize scar


applying hand cream at least times a day so her hands don’t become rough
Whenever someone sneezes she says “Bless you” even if it’s someone walking down the street who she doesn’t know

-applying lip balm once very hour

-fixing her hair after every fight

[trivia] Types of fighting Ava knows 

Hapkido:  originated in Korea and is a form of martial arts that focuses on kicks, punches, locks, throws and the manipulation of joints/ Ava isn't as comfortable with hapkido and is still training to perfect it

Muay Thai: a term that is not commonly known, however; it is through this style of martial arts that most forms of kickboxing originated. The form itself originated in Thailand./ also is training to perfect it, Nickhun is training her on both Muay Thai and Hapkido

Taekwondo: is also a very popular form of martial arts and is Korean in origin. In many ways it is quite similar to Karate; however there is a specific emphasis on kicking within Taekwondo/ One of Ava's favorite fighting styles to use

Capoeira:  is believed to have originated during the 16th century in Brazil as a form of self-defense. This style of martial arts features kicks and dodging as well as mental training. Capoeira may also feature knife fighting at times/ also another favorite of Ava's

-Ava likes to wake up in the middle of some nights and eat cereal
- she isn’t a frequent smoker, only smoking when she needs five minutes to herself, she ends up feeling very guilty after smoking though, since that is what caused her father's lung cancer.
-She has a black Escalade that belonged to her father which she inherited when she moved out, it’s not the newest truck out there but she keeps it nice and sleek

-always wears red underwear
-she has a pear shaped body meaning her hip measurements are bigger than her chest measurements

-she feels like she has absolutely no chance of winning a guy over if he had to choose between her and a girl who fit the mold of what a female should look like
-she begins to build crushes on any guy who actually treats her like a girl

 -when she likes someone she finds it very hard to look them in their eyes

-Since Ava's family is a working class family, they don't have that much income coming in, even with the wood shop so Ava tries her best to give as much money as she can to her parent's so they can afford to pay for her dad's treatment.

-She always carries cherry flavored lip balm with her

-even though she isn't that lovey dovey with the other girls, she truly does care and will beat the crap out of anyone who hurts them


I will be on your side」


name : Nickhun

age : 22

occupation : Second in command of 2PM

brief personality : Nickhun is a very nice person despite being in such a violent gang. He likes to take care of people and is very comforting. He knows when to be serious and when to just let loose and have fun.

relationship : Ava and Nickhun have a brother-sister type of relationship. Nickhun is always checking up on Ava and making sure she is ok. 

when you met : Nickhun was the eprson who trained Ava

Name: Jongup

Age: 17

Occupation: Member of B.A.P

Brief Personality: Jongup is very reserved. At first he doesn't talk much and seems cold and shy. When he gets to know you though he begins to talk more and make jokes. Jongup finds it very hard to just let go and fight, he feels like he is holding his gang back because he isn't strong. 

Relationship:  Ava met Jongup when she went out to train. Ava plans on teaching Jongup how to let go and fight. Ava hasn’t met Jongup yet but when she does Jongup is a very quiet but fun kid. Ava treats Jongup like a little brother and she tries to be the best noona she can be. Jongup is slowly becoming comfortable with Ava

When you met: Ava had seen Jongup training alone one day at a gym and she had this very strong feeling to approach him. 

Name: Ailee

Age: 22

Occupation: She isn't part of any gangs but she does work in the blakc market. She sells anything she can 'find' there, from cars to jewerly to designer handbags and shoes, anything.

Brief Personality: Ailee is someone very blunt. She lived most of her life in America so she isn't really demure or quiet.

Relationship" Ava and Ailee met when Ailee went to visit Nickhun to deliver him something that he asked for since he couldn't go to the Center and retrieve it. They bonded over both coming from the states and both being very 'American'


[best friends]

name : Jung 'Zinger' Hana

age :19

occupation : Member of Secret 

brief personality : Zinger is a lot like Ava except that Zinger is a lot mroe cute than Ava. Zinger is someone who is very strong and independent and would do anything for SECRET. She is very witty and likes to tease anyone. 

relationship : Even though Ava has only known Zinger for a year she felt that instant click with her. Zinger is someone who likes to push Ava into things she isn’t comfortable. When they are together they bicker a lot and people think that they are actually fighting but that's just how they are with each other. One of Zinger’s most favorite things to do to Ava is tick her off because she says ‘the things Ava says when she is angry are always funny and witty’.

when you met : Ava met Zinger at a hip hop concert

Name: Kim Hyoyeon


Occupation: Baker at Twinkle

Brief Personality: Hyoyeon and Ava have almost the same personality as well except that Hyoyeon cannot be serious at all most of the time. She says she just tries to always be happy and to make others around her happy aswell. She is very independent and knows what she wants. She lves to troll her friends and is always making people laugh. 

Relationship: Ava met Hyoyeon when they were both getting manicures at a salon. They have a strong relationship aswell. Ava looks up to Hyoyeon because she reminds Ava so much of her sister. 



name : CL

age : 21

occupation : Leader of 2NE1

when you met : Ava met CL at Mask. CL was drunk and said soemthign about how mixed couples always resulted in ugly children and Ava overheard her say that. Ava didn't take it too kindly and began to approach CL before the girls stopped her and said that that was CL, someone who should not be messed with

brief personlity : Cl  is a tough chick, there is no doubt about that. She walks with confidence that is rightly deserved. 

why you're rivals : Ava still hasn't forgotten the comment that CL made. She hates the fact that CL is considered to be the strongest female in the Underground and hopes to one day take away her title as 'The Baddest Female'.

[love interest] Bang Yongguk 

[when you met] Their first meeting is at a club. Ava was dacing with Zinger and the other members of Secret when Yongguk first sees her. He had been looking for Secret when his eyes landed on Ava, her tan skin easily destinguishable from all the other creamy colored girls. Ava was wearing a crop top and Yongguk was able to see the snake tattooon her right side she has move and dance as Ava danced. He was intrigued and finally approached them. He is introduced to Ava and manages to dance with her and tells her how much he likes her tattoo and manages to creep Ava the out. Ava doesn't like Yongguk at the beggining, she thinks he's a creepy ert but still manages to let out a few sharp and witty comments. Bang was interested in the 'Mixed Demon', he thought she was exotic.

[personality] Yongguk is someone who has a very intimidating aura surrounding him. He is someone who just exudes power and confidance. He takes his work very seriously and puts loyalty on top of everything. He likes to observe all his surroundings and make sure everything goes as he wants it to go. But You’d think that someone as scary as him wouldn’t have such a warm smile but he does. He isn’t afraid to show his laid back side around s, though. He is someone who is caring and fun when the time calls for it. He is someone who enjoys the high life, he likes women and expensive things, always carrying a gold rolex. He has a dark sense of humor mixed with your typical guy ‘That’s what she said’ humor.

[relationship] As there relationship progressed and Ava was able to see how he interacted with s and how he made decisions she began to see why he was such a good leader. Yongguk always had the plan of dominating Ava, you could say. He wanted to be the one to tame the girl with the fiery temper and decided to act upon his feelings.He would give her compliments and stop by to check up on her at first, he would by her flowers and just take interest in Ava romantically which made Ava like him. He asked her out but Ava declined, she knew of his history with women and relationships and didn’t trust him enough to accept. She wanted a relationship and she didn’t think he could give her that. The thing that bothered Ava the most was when he confessed to wanting to be the only one who could tame Ava. 


[love interest #two] Changmin/DBSK

[when you met] Ava met Changmin when she went to Romeo and Juliet to get something to eat. When Ava got there she realized how awkward it was to be around so many couples and was immediately put in a bad mood, not to mention the fact that the line was long. When she heard the guy in front of her begin to complain out loud how 'The line was taking to ing long' she couldn't help but voice her agreement. The guy infront of her turned out to be Changmin. They began to complain to eachother of how 'ing hungry they were'.

[personality] He is very strong and resilient. He has many sides to him, he knows when to be serious and when to have fun. He takes his job very seriously and won’t settle for anything less than perfect. He does not take to kindly to people who show disrespect. He is a very sarcastic person and will choose food over anything.

[relationship] After that day in Romeo and Juliet Ava and Changmin began to see more of eachother. You would have thought that they would get along great but both were stubborn, mean and blunt so whenever they did meet they more or less annoyed eachother. They often exchange sarcastic and sharp words around eachother. Very quickly, though he begins to admire and like the fact that Ava is very fiery and strong which is a surprise since he never thought he would take interest in a head strong female like Ava. Many people mistake their bickering as flirting.



world full of lies

[mask color] Black

[coverup] Mixed Demon

[status] Ava is known for being a part of underground fighting and for having a fiery temper. 

[record] Ava got in the gang when they saw her at an underground fight. They saw how quick and just how scary and strong she was in fighting. She has been a part of Mask for almost a year. 

[occupation] she works part time at her dad's wood shop

[hangout] Mask/ Even though this club is run by CL, Ava still likes to come here and dance. Everytime she goes to Mask she imagines getting into a fight with CL there. 

Center/ Ava hangs out at the Center, hoping to find some goodies, maybe some new boots or a cool sweater, some new earings. She also goes to see Ailee here.

Twinkle: Since Hyoyeon works as a baker at Twinkle Ava likes to come here often. 

Ava also likes to go to a local salon where she can get facials, massages and her hair and nails done.

[connections] Secret: Ava's best friend is a part of Secret and she sometimes hangs out with them

2PM/ Because of Nickhun and Ava training at one of 2PM'S hyms she was able to not really befriend but be cool with the other members of 2PM

B.A.P: She is good friends with Jong Up and Yongguk likes to invite Ava to hangout with the rest of B.A.P.



your last goodbye

[requests] a scene where Ava and CL finally get to fight

-a scene where Yongguk tells Ava that he wants to dominate her

-a scene where Ava can't go to her weekly salon appointment and is being overdramatic and thinks the world will end/ I think this would be funny


[comments/questions] Wow, I can tell that this took a while to make and I hope that I filed it out correctly.

Suggestions: Maybe one of the lesser gangs can overthrow some of the main gangs?



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