Application for { AURA } SM Ent. New Girl Group





 Username + Link:


Name: Alexis Young

Age: 16





Name: Lee Ae Tae

*Nicknames: Ally or Tae

Age: 21

Birthplace: San Deigo, California

Hometown: San Deigo, California

Ethnicity: Filipino/Korean

Language(s): English, Tagalog, Korean and Spanish

Bloodtype: O






is a very bubbly, loud, and happy weirdo who will laugh at mostly anything. On the other hand, she tends to be very serious when it come to caring for her friends and family. Adding to that note, Ae Tae thinks more about others than herself so she is often found sick or really tired. That's how much she cares! She absolutely LOVES music. You can find her saying," If music didn't exist, I wouldn't also." she is also a tech-junkie so she always has her Iphone or Ipod handy. She tends to always have a smile on her face. Ae Tae loves PLUSHIES!!!


Ae Tae grew up with a single mother and one brother.  Her father had left them when he had gotten in a serious fight with her mom. Seeing her mom get hurt had scared her for life. She had promised herself that she would never forgive her father for doing what he did to them. That's why Ae Tae smiles all the time, because if she isn't smiling, she's crying. Her brother has helped her try to improve her singing and dancing abilites which has obviously helped, alot! Both of them often have their bickering fights but both  love each other to death.

Likes (8+)

 Music, sweets, love dramas, the sound of rain, videogames, cloudy days, pokemon, Dogs

Dislikes (5+)

Thunder storms, rude/snobby people,  annoying noises, super hot days, waking up early.

Hobbies (7+)

Dj-ing, writing, drawing, Tai chi, rapping, dancing, singing, B-girling,  and swimming

Habits (3+)

Constantly her lips, making random noises( humming), making weird faces, braiding hair, tends to space out alot!

Fears (3+) 

Fur-less cats, Scary clowns, Tight spaces

Trivia (8+)

Sleeps with a piplup plushie, Fangirl of Bigbang, loves Graffiti art, can impersonate a lot of different accents, has to take pills for her A.D.D, knows how to cut her own hair, sings in the shower, can fall asleep in any postion in any type of weather, knows how to play Flute,Piano, Cello, Violin, and guitar.




Ulzzang Name: Lee Dasom



Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo






Practice wear:

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 50 kg



Your People



Celia Young/43/ being a mom and house maid/ Love each other to death.

James Young/23/Being an older brother and a Graphic designer/ have their arugments but still love each other.

Young Kwan/Unknown/ Being a horrible Father/ Ae Tae will never forgive her father for what he did.

Best Friend(s): (Name/Age/Occupation/How is the relationship. Can be idols too)

Kim Taeyeon/23/ member of SNSD/ Practically like sisters!

Im Yoona/22/ member of SNSD/ love each other to death

Park Sandara/27/ member of 2NE1/ Acted as a mother to Ae Tae when she first came to Korea.

Rivals : (Name/Age/Occupation /Reason why rival?)

Sohee/20/ member of wondergirls/ Both have a healthy rivalry when it comes to dancing. Both try to out dance each other.



                                                     Love interest


Name: Junho

Age: 22

Personality: Junho is like Gatorade, he instantly refuels your energy when around him. He's loud, Random and very funny. He's not afraid to embarrass himself in front of others. When he's with friends, he himself, but when he's in a group of people he doesn't know, he's completely mute... SOMETIMES... haha ^-^. Futhermore, He cares alot about his friends and will do absolutely anything for them. 

Relationship with character :


How are you around each other?:

Both give off natural energy when around each other. When one gets hyper and pumped the other one does too! Both become wierd, loud and random making each other laugh.

How you met :

When Ae Tae was walking to the park to meet up with some friends, Junho had been walking his dog. When they pass by each other, Junho's dog starts to bark and snarl at Ae Tae. Junho apoligizes for his dog's behavior, saying that its usually friendly. Then Ae Tae realizes that she had some food in her bag, which made Junho's dog bark in the first place. Both laugh, and ask where the other is going, to the park. They had a small conversation about what they do in life. Ae Tae was surprised that Junho was famous since she was pretty knew to Korea and only knew a few idol groups.


Back-Up Love Interest: Key

Age: 20

Personality: Loud and Proud. Isn't afraid to speak his mind. Loves little kids and watching anime.




Position: Main Dancer/Main Vocal

Singing links :

Dancing links :

Rapping links :

Back-Up Position: Main Dancer/ sub-vocal

Stage Name: Tae

Persona : Free spirited Tae!

Individual Fan Club: The Wild and Free

Individual Fan Color: Violet  

Describe Your Trainee days and experience:

Ae Tae's trainee life wasn't awesome right from the start. People often made fun of her for getting sick so often. They also made fun of her for being weird. All that changed when she started to sing and Break Dance! Everyone's face-> O_O. From that day on they all respected her as a dancer and singer. Futhermore, she started to make friends and finalyy started to have fun. ^-^



*Comments: Nope!

*Questions: Nope!

*Scene Request: Can you make a scene where Ae Tae is crying and Junho tries to comfort her? ^-^

*Album Song Request: Ugly by 2NE1, its a very girl impowering song.. XD






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