
Rule One | Post the rules

Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (It'll be at the bottom) and then make your own 11 questions.

Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule Four | Let them know that you tagged them!

I got tagged by etherkey

1. List five favorite idol groups.


(Ugh...My top 3 always switch around...)

Pssssh, only five?! Well....5. MBLAQ (Cuz they're so adorkable :3) 4. U-KISS (I will always love them <3 It doesn't matter if they're 7 members, 9 members, or just 2 of them left. I will ALWAYS love them.) 3. SHINee (They were literally the first group I watched a variety show of. AND I FELL IN LOVE, PPL, LOOOOOVE. 2. Super Junior (I don't think I have to explain on this one...They're just perfect.) 1. INFINITE (Oh...My...God. They're like the whole package. Hilarious, talented, and good looking. Can't express how much I love them)


2. Which idol would you prefer to be your sibling?

Even though I love my sister to death and can't see myself with a different sibling......I pick....Dara....Because I feel she'd make an amazing older sister. <3 


3. Have you seen your favorite idol personally?

Um....I've seen SMTOWN in California (And it was ic *_*) Does that count?


4. What would you do if your ultimate bias pulled you out of the concert seats and lead you towards the stage to confess his love for you?

What do you mean, 'What would I do'!? I probably wouldn't be alive by then. If Sungyeol, Onew, Key, Eunhyuk, Donghae, or Kiseop even TOUCHED my hand I'd die. (I have alot of ultimate biases -.-)


5. Which idol would you want to sing a song for you?

Ummm.....Tough question, my friend...Tough question...Um....Onew. Yup...Onew. I'd die a happy girl if he ever sang to me.


6. Your ultimate OTP pair?

ASDJFJKDGDKK...JONGKEY. <3 I can't help it...I just love them together. They have SOOOO many moments. Even though Key's my bias, I'd love it if he, or Jonghyun, announced that they were gay. <3 They're just so....AMAZINGLY CUTE TOGETHER OMFG. <3


7. If given the chance, would you like to travel to Seoul?

I've already been to Seoul. :| But, that was only to visit my family, I didn't actually do anything you'd consider 'fun'.


8. Who among the rookie groups today is currently ruining your bias list?

Omg -.-.....A lot.... Baekhyun (Bacon :3), Chanyeol, D.O - EXO-K

Chen and Xiumin - EXO-M

Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Zelo - B.A.P

Sungmin, Seungyub, Hyeongkon, and Seungjin - A-JAX

Aron, JR, and Ren - NU'EST

Changseob, Minhyuk, Ilhoon, and Sungjae - BTOB.....Yeah...Ik have a problem.


9. If the given the chance, would you train under a entertainment agency and become an idol?

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSH, hell no! I mean...I'm not a really good singer. I mean, I take dance...I can play the guitar and piano, but I can't sing for sh*t....And on top of that; I'm lazy, and I have trouble paying attention, and I get bored easily. So...No. Just no.


10. What's your favorite KPOP song as of now?

NU'EST - ACTION ASDFKHLHL. I mean...My God...Way to ruin my bias list. I'm not a HUGE fan of NU'EST...But...That music video....That song...Those damn beautiful FACES. -.- Ugh....Speaking of faces, I feel Action is a FAAAAR better song than Face. Just because I like POWERFUL songs. (Like EXO - Mama, B.A.P - Warrior. etc. etc.)


11. Your current ringtone

Uh...Sunnyhill - The Grasshopper Song for a caller. Myname - Message for a text. :3 Appropriate, huh?


Do I haaaaave to tag people? ;~; (Proof of how lazy I am.)


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- Ahhhhh, JONGKEY! ♥