personal information

name: Park Se Hun

age(16-19): 17

nationality(at least half asian): Korean

personality(a paragraph at least): All around a bad boy. Very ignorant to his surrounding, but loves his big sister so much. and very loyal to his friends. Very stubborn and hot-tempered. He can be very rough when angry. He's basically your typical tough guy, didn't like to flirt with girls. If he likes someone then so be it.  Different with his sister, he's more like the rebel in the family. Always ditched school, smoking, drinking, went to the club, illegal racing. Basically he already did everything. He's very out-spoken. Students are afraid of him because of his cold appearance.

where you live: Seoul

history(3 paragraphs at least):

The Park Family was known as one of Seoul socialites, you know what it means, right? They're famous because they're rich. Since he was a kid he'll always treated like a little prince. His parents never home only leaving her and her sister home with a bunch of nannies. The nannies are practically the one who raised them. That's why he'd do anything to get his parent's attention by doing inappropriate things.

By the age of 14, he's already known as the bad-boy and has quite reputation on the Underground. Already been in jail for several times (his sister always bails him out, of course). Bang a girl a little here and there (and make them cry sometimes). And this was the time when he's doing drugs for the first time. He was caught and his parent sent him straight in to rehab, but he didn't care. Or at least he actes like he didn't. Even though he's a bad boy, he loves his sister too much.

Six months after he was sent to rehab, his sister came and shed a tear in front of him and asked him to change, at least to stop the drugs, tbecause she said their parents were so worred about him. He agreed, but he actually doing it for his sister's sake. He loves his sister. His sister also the one who practically raised him too. So, he stopped the drugs and went back homw with the help of his sister


  • hip hop music
  • action movies
  • car-racing
  • spicy food
  • cute and innocent girl (he hates to admit it, but it's true..LOL)
  • video games


  • fake girls
  • annoying girls
  • whiny girls
  • fake girls
  • anykind of onion, garlic, etc
  • awkward moment

family backround

mom's name(if you dont have a mom put 'X'): Lee Hwayoung

dad's name(if you dont have a dad put 'X'): Park Il Woo

siblings(again if none put 'X'): Park Se Na

relationship life

who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: Choi Sulli (not a gf yet, he just admiring her from a far, she's too innocent for him, it could kill her reputation to be with someone like him, basically he thinks she's too good for him)

friends: Jae BumChansung, Jonghyun, Taecyeon,  and anyone who follows him around.

rivals(at least more than one): G.O, Yunho, Taeyang and anyone who digs his sister


ulzzang(4+): Lee Chi Hoon 1 2 3 4 5

back up(4+): Park Ji Ho 1 2 3








name: Park Se Na

age(16-19): 19

nationality(at least half asian): Korean

personality(a paragraph at least): She's what you call the school Queenka. Girls wants to be her, boys wants to date her. But she is very arrogant, she's very aware that she got the looks, the money, and the minions. She's a senior. She knows that she rules the school. When someone is clashing with her, she'll do anything to destroy their social life. She'll dig their very deep dark secret and spread it. Or if they don't have any, she'll make them up, she knows how cruel gossip can be. She's a very great actress. Other students knows that there is some rotten apple behind the beautiful outside appearance, but she can be so angelic and innocent in front of the teachers.

She doesn't like being 'all cutesy and full of aegyo' when there were boys around. She thinks it's not necessary and well, she thinks girls with too much aegyo are retarded and only can attract boys that way, and it makes girls look dumb, something that she couldn't agree on. Yeah, she's a hardcore feminist, so what?? She's also a hardcore fashionista, wearing jeans and T-shirt is a big NO NO for her and she doesn't need a fashion stylist to do that for her.

where you live: Seoul.

history(3 paragraphs at least):

The Park Family was known as one of Seoul socialites, you know what it means, right? They're famous because they're rich. Since she was a kid he'll always treated like a little princess. Her parents never home only leaving her and her brother home with a bunch of nannies. The nannies are practically the one who raised them. That's why she'd do anything to get her parent's attention by doing appropriate things.

Yup, there's the different between Se Na and Se Hun. When her brother busied trying anything dangerous, she was trying to be the perfect daughter for their parents. But of course they didn't care. They send them money, of course, but that's not what she wants. She stopped trying to do everything perfectly when Se Hun was caught doing drugs. That time she felt like she failed to be a good older sister because she was busy playing 'the perfect doll' for her parents.

So now, she just live her life like she wants it to be. Just doing things her own way. She learns that money and power solve every thing, even relationship, like parents and child relationship.


  • yellow roses
  • books
  • fashion
  • strawberry


  • girls who act 'extremely' cute when there are boys around
  • hospitals
  • men who smokes
  • men who couldn't get the hint that she's not in to them

family backround

mom's name(if you dont have a mom put 'X'): Lee Hwayoung

dad's name(if you dont have a dad put 'X'): Park Il Woo

siblings(again if none put 'X'): Park Se Hun

relationship life

who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: G.O, Taeyang, Yunho, Seungri (no, they're not her bf, Se Na doesn't do boy friend, she just slept with them a couple of times, and boy, they always come back for more. And no, she's not a , she always choose her target, The Dongs, the Jungs, And The Lee are the  respected families in Seoul)

friends: Hyuna, Sunhwa, Bora, Tiffany (they're not her friends, they're just her minions). Her truly friend is Siwon and Sooyoung from the Chois family (they grow up together)

rivals(at least more than one): IU, Gyuri, Sohee


ulzzang(4+): Huang Fu Lin 1 2 3 4 5

back up(4+): Shi Zi Jia 1 2 3 4


extra :

School fashion : this is how she dress for school 1 2 3



comments(like what you dont understand): hey, uhm as you can see, this is the bio of the Park Siblings. And uhm, since this is a rated M story, so I think the character should be complicated and bad- on their own way. So I gave you Park Se Hun and Park Se Na.!! <3


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