The Real Me! Taken from YesungLover ♥

I just saw this from YesungLover and I thought why not do it? So here it is! Just some insight on Dhee~


Name; I'm not revealing my real name unfortunately xD So call me Dhee. My middle name is Ysabelle though. ^o^

Nickname; Nana - That's the closest nickname to my real name xD

Age; 13 baybuuh

Birthday; July 11 1997 - 7 DAYS FROM NOW! xD

Birth Place; Philippines.

Ethnic; 100% Filo

Height; I have no idea.

Weight; Why would I share this?! xD

Appearance; I think a few people have seen this already xD

I don't have any recent pictures unfortunately, this is me 2 months ago xD I got my haircut but I still look the same but with a full fringe/side fringe ^^

Personality; I'm pretty quiet around people I'm not close to. Around my Irish friends I'm a lot more talkative but around all my filo friends I'm just quieter. I'm happy most of the time but I can get annoyed really easily. I'm pretty observant, I see people doing things when they think no one is looking, it's pretty funny actually. I read a lot, lots and lots of fiction. I'm into reading any genre of books, whether it be romance to angst to manga shoujo. (xD) I'm lazy and I love food~! I'm pretty smart so to say, especially in maths and history, my favourite subjects <3. I'm no where being near sporty, I love sports but it doesn't mean I'm good at it! (xD)

I'm inlove with clothes! I'm not the most fashionable person out there but I know how to dress well! I really do hate seeing people in tracksuits, I just think they should put more effort into their sense of style. At home I'm glued to the laptop from the moment I wake up, I usually use it for 24 hours straight. I'm pretty emotional so to say, I'll only cry if something happened to me physically or mentally. For movies I've only ever cried 3 times. I cried in I Am Legend, The Notebook and some other movie that I can't remember. I cried in I Am Legend when the dog died TT^TT. I love love love animals! Seriously, but I don't have a pet since my mom won't let us get one.

Background; I'm the youngest of three and I like it! My brother is seven years older than me whereas my sister is 2 years older than me. They were both planned, my bro and sis, I was an accident. (xD) I was really a troublemaker when I was younger, I'd get into trouble a lot.

I lived in the Phils until I was 5. We moved to Ireland then, I was really excited but I didn't understand why everyone was crying when we left. I was a weird child with practically no sympathy. Well when we moved into the apartment we lived there for two years and know we are currently in our new home. I was really sad yet excited that we had to move. I didn't want to leave my friends and there isn't many filo's where we live now. I started to play the piano 2 years ago.

I went back to Philippines for the first time with my mom and sister 2 years ago. After 6 years the three of us went back. My brother and dad didn't go back until December last year. I was getting teased a lot since they wanted me to speak Tagalog, not English. I couldn't help it though, my mom told me to speak English though which I was like "The Fuuuuq?"

I'm currently 13 turning 14, going to be in my third year of secondary school in Sept.

Likes; Reading, Books, Food, Clothes, Non-graded glasses, Animals, Movie/Series Marathons.

Dislikes; Racists, Ugly clothes, People bossing me around, Getting hurt, Other people liking my bias xD

Hobbies; Reading, Using the comp, Listening to music, Watching movies/series, Dancing(occasionally xD)

Habits; Balling my hand into a fist when angry, thinking/keeping things to myself, answering questions that aren't directed to me, smiling.

Siblings; pauchii & my older brother(not gonna reveal his name xD)


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Lol, your ghetto is cool! xD<br />
Thanks, both your comment and Rennie's comment made my day! :)<br />
Thank youu! <3
YesungLover #2
DAMN girl! your so pretty!! like no lie!! {sorry if my ghetto is coming out -_-'} <br />
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Wow it was nice reading the real you! <br />
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and your birthday is coming up!!!! I wanna be the first one to say it so HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thanks Rennie~! <3<br />
It was a good shot, at this moment I'm a pig. xD
PRETTY BETCH >3> <3 :)