❖s t y l e - l i t e society ▬ application


aff username; _shuppylove
aff profile link; {click}
active rate; 9
name; call me CES. (:
some basics
birth name; Cho Eunmi (Eunice Cho)
age; 19
nickname(s); Nice, Mimi
birthdate; March 24
birthplace; Los Angeles, California
hometown; Seoul, South Korea 
ethnicity; Korean-American
languages spoken; Korean and English
bloodtype; O+


close and personal
personality; Eunmi is not your typical gal who fawns over boys, cries to some sappy romance dramas or seen out partying during friday night. Instead, she is rather homebound and prefers to be in her room checking the fashion trends in the net. She may seem a little distant with others and prefers to be alone but actually she's just socially awkward and she's not really good with building up her first impression. She has a hard time talking to people she barely knows. But in contrast, she enjoys talking with people who are close and dear to her. Other than her social aspect, she is the calmest and most laid back person you'll ever meet. It's not that she's emotionless or something like that, she remains to be still and inanimate when there is problem so that others would not start to panic and that others would try to calm whenever they see her cool and laid-back demeanor. She also has the longest patience among them all and doesn't get angry easily. She can control her emotions and temperament really well. She abhors violence, chaos, disorder and anything similar of the sort. She can't stand gore movies and immediately turn the TV off when she sees one. Same thing if there's a fight among her friends. She's the one who takes control of the problem and talk to the persons who are involved in the fight. They give them advices and words of enlightenment and in just a snap, the problem is solved. She is like an angel who brings harmonization to the society. She has a strong and firm grip with her perception in life, one that changes in rare ocassions. She also stands up to what she believes in and do anything to fight for what is right. She likes challenges and she never backs down when she engage into one. She does and means every word that she says, making her a loyal and committed girl.
  • coffee
  • milkshake
  • modelling
  • night sky
  • stars
  • fashion
  • nail art
  • flowers
  • spring
  • nature


  • violence, fights, disorder
  • mess and dirt
  • thunder and lightning
  • noisy and crowded places
  • insects
  • closed spaces
  • winter/cold weather
  • bullies
  • gore movies
  • cleaning dilligently
  • fashion designing
  • style matchmaking (matching clothes and accessories)
  • doing nail art
  • star-gazing/looking at the night sky
  • gardening


  • has a star-shaped birthmark on her lower back
  • has a piercing in her right earlobe
  • she bites her nails when she's nervous
  • she touches her nape when she feels uncomfortable
  • she is claustrophobic
  • her wardrobe is arranged by color
occupation; a student and a part time assistant of a fashion magazine editor
background; She started to like fashion when she stumbled on a fashion channel and instatly fell in love with their outfits and styles. From then on, she started buying fashion magazines, searching up latest fashion trends in the net, self-learned how to draw and design clothes and stuffs. She enjoyed fashion in general. 
relations on ship 
family history; Eunmi lives in a good environment with her mother, father and older brother. She was born in Seoul, South Korea but due to her mom's wish, they migrated to LA, her mother's hometown, when she was still 2 years older. Her dad is full korean while her mom is an american citizen but has a chinese blood in her. They are a family of artisans. Her father mainly an architect but he is also a craftsman. Her mother is a painter and a popular one. Her older brother is studying sculpting. She on the other hand was the odd one in the family. She has no calling for being an artisan. Instead, she wanted to be a model or a fashion designer or any jobs related to fashion. Her family is aware of her likes, they once insisted Eunmi to learn painting or sculpting but she just at it big time but then soon gave up on her. Eunmi, thinking that she is not creative and sees herself as a burden in her family, thought that she will just go to her birthplace, South Korea, and start a new life there  away from her family's burden and would someday reach for her dream as a fashion designer/model.
Cho SeungKi / Father / 47 / Architect
Carolene Yu / Mother / 45 / Painter
sibling(s);   Cho Kyuhyun / brother / 24 / BFA- Major in Sculpting Student
Lee Ji Eun (IU) / roommates, bestfriends / 19 / student, part time waitress
Park Jiyeon / boardermates, bestfriends / 18 / student
Do Kyung Soo / classmate, friends / 19 /student
rival(s); Kim Hyuna / 19 / Model
love partner;
1. Kris Wu (EXO)
2. Lay (EXO)
relationship; they are enemies at first but then they became friends.  
personality; He is an arrogant, cold and the cockiest guy you've ever meet. He always loves Eunmi to be the subject of his mockeries because she doesn't get angry. But over that arrogant demeanor he shows, he is actually sweet and soft-hearted. He just wants to seek some attention because he lacks one at home.
extra(s); of course HAVE HIM DEAD. ok i'm kidding. we will end up together of course. ^^ 
beautiful my girl
girl code; warm-hearted
ulzzang; Baek Sumin
ulzzang photo links; {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
back-up ulzzang;  Choi Seo Hee
style; Eunmi loves warm and vibrant colors because she thinks it reflects her personality. She likes wearing clothes that are comfortable to her. She doesn't risk comfort with fashion. Even though she likes and knows wide variety of fashion, she sticks to clothes that are simple yet trendy. She can be usually seen sporting floral blouses, knitted sweaters or cardigans paired with shorts, hot pants, skirts or skinny jeans. She is more comfortable with sneakers, but she also wear sandals, flats, wedges, and those with 1-2 inch heels. She never get used with high heels and pumps. She rarely goes for dresses when she goes out. Just when there is ocassion, she wears them dresses. She's not that adorned with jewelries. Just pearl earring in her right earlobe, necklace and a bracelet.
style link(s);
casual | {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8}
formal | {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8}
fashion line; arooki & vintagevender ; warm, vibrant, pastel colours
fashion line title; Euniquely (a spin-off of her name + unique)
that's sad... 
comment/question(s); omg im not really familiar with the plotline since you just revealed too little about it but i know this'll be interesting. it's all about fashion, right? hope im correct. kkk. and your fanfic is really neat and pastel-y and all, i just love it gurrrrl. hihi. and yes! i am loving you already! (say no and i'll shoot you like how EXO shoot anonymous! kkk kiddin! ^^) anyways, i can't wait for this fanfic to officially get starteeed *dances like a happy bouncy rabbit on crack* fighting author-nim! 
suggestion(s); mmm idk either but just LOTSA butterfly-invading scenes with the love interest.. KEKEKEKE.
request(s); nothing in particular. i know you're creative enough author-nim! i trust in you! kkkk.




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