❖s t y l e - l i t e society ▬ application

before you start on your journey, i want to let you know: not to change the font, size & colour.
everything should remain the same.
quantity over quality. hyperlink your links, k?
take your time, the supposed dateline would be august o1, tiffany's buuurfday <3
it's pretty short though, i mean, i don't need that much information so the unchosen ones won't... you know OuO
{insert character's picture here. size: 220x120}
aff username; y'know...
aff profile link; hyperlinkkkk 
active rate; 1-10
name; i shall call u that o u o
some basics
birth name; korean, american, japanese, chinese blablabla, i don't care
age; 16-21
nickname(s); uhhh.. yeahh... 
birthdate; month, date
birthplace; anywhere~
hometown; where you grew up in, spent most of your life there, preferably in south korea. 
ethnicity; some korean blood pwease.  
languages spoken; must have korean
bloodtype; for the mosquitos to choose 


close and personal
personality; quantity over quality. don't have to be reaaally long. just detailed enough for me to briefly understand your character. 
likes; 7+ 
dislikes; 7+
hobbies;  3+
trivia; 3+ random facts about chuu ~ the more the better :3 . like your fears...habits...and stuffs...
occupation; student/waitress/tutor ... i don't care
background; 'bout your life
relations on ship 
family history; hm, interesting stuffs... 
parents; name / relation / age / occupation
sibling(s);  name / relation / age / occupation ; idols are ok, occupation: idol. you can choose them to be non-idols, put a random job then
friends; name / relation / age / occupation . close friends only, same as sibling about the idol thingy^
rival(s); name / age / occupation . same bout the idol thingy^ optional
love partner; top 2 :3 kim myung soo is taken yo. 
relationship; crush/friends/enemies/in a relationship/engaged... or something... 
personality; brief one will do
extra(s); do you wanna end up together or something? or have him dead? LMAO. 
beautiful my girl
girl code; y'know, the one with the ';' thing infront
ulzzang; mmhmm.. 
ulzzang photo links; 3+ hq links 
back-up ulzzang;  just in case
style; brief description
style link(s); 5+ . casual / formal 
fashion line; like ... arooki, stylenanda.. wait a minute, stylenanda is taken 8'D briefly explain the concept, like cute, dark, casual, at least 2
fashion line title; your own fashion line's title. like, i chose stylenanda, so i'll name it as...er.... black&white o u o  
that's sad... 
password; ruleees? 
comment/question(s); like: do you love me? and my answer will be n-n-no YES 
suggestion(s); mm, idk. 
request(s); scene req or smth? 


thank you for your kind participation!


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