Hey, exotics. :)


The EXOtic survey! 
This is a must-take survey for anyone who thinks they are a fan of EXO. It's not a quiz, nor is it a trivia survey. It's just to gather your thoughts and favors towards our twelve guardians! Are you ready?

O1. List three members of EXO 

1) your EXO bias
Gaaaah, hard question. Luhan, Sehun or Baekhyun? Eenie, meenie, mi, ni, mo... Well, it's OH SEHUN. :">
2) your EXO-K bias
Sehun. :)))
3) your EXO-M bias
Luhan. :))))
O2. What's your favorite MV from EXO and why?
What is Love & History. What is Love, is kind of awesome and cool. History is funky and catchy. 
O3. Who in EXO did you think had a certain personality at first, but as you slowly got to know EXO more, your impression was completely different?
Hmmmm, SUHO oppa. :)))
O4. Who was your first bias? If he's different from your current bias, why did you switch?
Kim Jong In, or KAI. Errr, maybe because I haven't seen the other members at that time? Or I guess because my insincts just told me to LOVE Oh Sehun more. Kekekeke.
O5. Why is your bias your bias?
Oh Sehun? Or Xi Luhan? Well, Sehun, because I love his personality. He's hot for a maknae. XDD Xi Luhan? I never thought, behind that Angelic face comes an angelic voice, too. :))
O6. Is there a ship you sail to the high heavens? If so, why?
HunHan, OH MY HOLY MAMA, this pairing is just oh-so-irresistable. I scream whenever I see their interactions. GAAAH. BaekYeol IS just SO addicting. TaoRis is just so adorableeee. ♥
O7. Is there a ship you absolutely cannot stand? If so, why?
Xiumin & Luhan and Kai & Sehun, NO ONE WILL NEVER GET IN THE WAY OF HUNHAN. 
O8. Why are you a fan of EXO?
Because they're all talented, and I guess my heart is bound to love them. Kekeke. I guess I was born to be an exotic, LOL.
09. Which member do you think would look great if he crossdressed?

This is not originally mine, got this from baby-taoris unnie.



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