Tagging Game... (again)

Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post

rule four | let them know you tagged them!

tagged by: suju154ev




1. If your ultimate bias happens to show up while you're in school to suprise you, what would you do?^^

I dont even know.....

2.Who is your most favorite couple?

Karam and Jay from The Boss

3. Who is your second ultimate bias and why?

The Almighty KEY~ B/c he's cute, funny, adorable, unquie, and looks good in anything.

4. You're in South Korea. What's your schecule for the day?


5. Which band do you like most in SM Ent.?


6. What is your favorite song by a K-POP artist?

New Boyz by The Boss

7. Do you believe in Super Junior 15?


8. If you could have a special ability, what would it be and why?

yeah, thats like somewhat a scerect.

9. If you get to meet your 2nd ultimate bias, what would you do?


10. What do you think of my story? ^^

I love your story, its just full of laughter.

11. How would you react if you found out that you will be living with your favorite K-POP bands?



Id die


1. If your ultimate bias happens to show up while you're in school to suprise you, what would you do?^^


2.Who is your most favorite couple?


3. Who is your second ultimate bias and why?


4. You're in South Korea. What's your schecule for the day?


5. Which band do you like most in SM Ent.?


6. What is your favorite song by a K-POP artist?


7. Do you believe in Super Junior 15?


8. If you could have a special ability, what would it be and why?


9. If you get to meet your 2nd ultimate bias, what would you do?


10. What do you think of my story? ^^


11. How would you react if you found out that you will be living with your favorite K-POP bands?


Tag yourself.


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