Let The Games Begin Application


Username: kath_elf5hawol

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/140395


Character name: Devorah "Yuko" Park

Age (16-19): 17

Height: 1.67m

Weight: 53kg

Ulzzang name: Baek Su Min

Ulzzang picture (4+):


Style (4+):

Nationality (At least a tiny bit asian): japanese-korean


Personality: she isn't like any other pretty-looking girl. a picture perfect girl can be ruined just by doing something you are unaware of, that irritated her. irritable, loner, serious and doesn't let anything nor anyone to be on her way in achieving something. a fighter. she never trusts anyone, because she thinks that everyone are good actors and actresses and leaves you when you need them most. despite all of these, she's still human. she has a weakness that she never shows to anyone. 

Background: her mom has another family in Japan, that's why she doesn't go there. her father is alcoholic, and he beats Dev everytime he's drunk, that is everyday. at first, Dev didn't fight back coz she can't. but the day came when she realized that she needs to defend and protect herself. She ran away from home and wandered everywhere. that was the time she met a Korean guy, who taught her how to fight. the guy taught her: "life is a game, a battle; play it, fight. and you'll taste the awesomeness of triumph"

Likes (4+): black, dark places, being alone, martial arts, books, art

Dislikes (4+): bright places, white, talkative and noisy, flowers, butterflies 

Habits (4+): always serious, doodles when she's free, talks to herself, stares at someone that talks to her which she met for the first time 

Trivia:  the last time she had her haircut was when she ran away from home so her father won't be able to recognize her easily, if he'll search for her, so her hair is long and ties it always.

-Yuko and Dev-her nicknames


Trainer (Colour your chosen trainer Red): Yongguk, Kris, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Minho, Jonghyun, Minhyuk, Luhan


Extras (Tattoos, piercings, comments, questions): an abstract-butterfly tattoo at her lower back waist. and 2 piercings on her left ear, the right ear has only one



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