Letters To Friends {MAIL}

I  have arrived! Anyone happy? no? urm.. nevermind then /goes to a corner to wallow in self-pity/ 

sorry for the late mail, homework and school KIlls. no joke. enough of my blabbering... let's get down to business! 


we will be friends as long as the stars twinkle in the midnight sky, as long as angels are there up high, till the oceans run dry and till the day i die. 

all of you are like a puzzle piece, without a single one, my puzzle would not be complete.

i hope you enjoy your mail. 


ps: i'm just speaking whatever comes to my mind ,so yeah.




「dear mrs choi junhong (aka tiffi),

ah, my majorly-erted dongsaeng. though we only met like for a few months, i feel like i've known you for an eternity. plus, you're the first aff friend to have seen my real awesome and perfect face, so count yourself lucky.

and you're like, the only person i know on aff who's younger than me. underaged people rule!

booyeah, a Katgale follower with me! katniss and gale rock this world! to you katniss+peeta lover! :P

but, thank you for coming into my life. 


lol (lots of love),

mrs lee byunghun 」


「dear mrs kim jaejoong (aka tia unnie),

oh gosh, where do i start?! urm... urm.. uhh... your writing is beautiful, don't deny it, your graphics and posters are magic. your talents and creativity is endless. so hand over some talent if ya wanna see tomorrow!

i feel so blessed to have met you, unnie~ are you some kind of angelic-dork sent down by god? admit it now!

thank you for understanding me for not being able to talk to you often due to psle. 

and thank you for coming into my life.


lol (lots of love),

mrs lee byunghun


「dear connie unnie,

you're asking me if you could have a letter? you serious, my dear? i'll love to send you one. so here you go!

hmm... i don't know you very well, but i hope to get closer! and don't worry, one day, you'll get to see all your biases live! trust me, you will. singapore is not the only place idols travel to! 

talk to me more soon, neh?

thank you for coming into my life.


lol (lots of love), 

mrs lee byunghun 


「dear mrs jung yunho [i think] (aka alina unnie),

hey, the cousin of mrs kim jaejoong, aka tia unnie! we've met like only a month ago, but i am awestruck. you are a beautiful person, unnie, inside out.

plus, you're of mixed blood! i've always wanted to be mixed. like chinese-korean, that'll be cool /nods/ 

wahahaha! our biases are nearly the same! well, half of 'em. but no worries, i ain't gonna steal them from you, though i'll just keep l.joe~ /evil grin/

i hope we get closer!

thank you for coming into my life.


lol (lots of love),

mrs lee byunghun 


「dear mrs choi minho (aka ashleigh unnie),

it's been a loooonnnggggg time since we last talked!!! /pouts/  talk to me more often!

kekeke, secondary life is difficult, i suppose? keep hanging in there unnie! you will survive. you won't die this way too. 

and, we're two people who at chinese! i feel proud, and i don't know why. /evil laugh/  my chinese standards just... /sigh/

sorry for the awfully short letter. but if you talk to me more, i can write a whole essay about it! so chat with me more!!

thank you for coming into my life.


lol (lots of love),

mrs lee byunghun 


「dear mrs kim ryeowook (aka reina unnie),

super junior lover! especially ryeowook ^^ 

/sigh/ i honestly don't know what to say now. sorry!

and you really know how to spaz a lot 0_0 not that it's a bad thing :)

talk to me more!! 

thank you for coming into my life.


lol (lots of love),

mrs lee byunghun 


done! thank you, everyone ^^ love you! /blows kisses/


this is shineeroxx, signing out.


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Aha thank you!! ;D we shall talk more! It's okay!!^^ thank you for the letter ;D
Thanks mrs lee byunghun. XD you can call me mrs lee hyukjae if u want. I hope we could get closer too. Bye! ^^
Ohmygosh! I'm actually Mrs Choi Minho but thank you for the letter! Ashleigh would be Mrs Lee Jinki cos he was her first bias.
GAH. YOU JUST HAD TO SAY THAT, HUH? XD. Anyways; love love love love love love love you too. :3 <3

/counts myself lucky that I saw your awesome and perfect face/ xD.

Of course underage people rule. /wears sunglasses, like a boss/ B| Deal with it; peepo.