Hourglass- [Girlgroup] Apply Open

User information: 

                       Asianfanfic name: azngurllover

                       Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/193114


               Name: Yong Heeyoung

               Age: 03/05/90

              Birthplace: San Fransisco

              Hometown: San Fransisco

              Languages: English, Korean, and Chinese

              Height: 5 ft 5 (165 cm)

              Weight: 48kg 

              Personality: She is fun, sarcastic, blunt, playful, and a bit tomboy. Cold to people she doesn't like, has motherly instincts, can't stand color pink, loves color blue, red, black, and white. Doesn't get mad often or easily but when she is over her limits you are over. 

              Likes: Sleeping, competition, rain, walking/dancing, and rapping/singing

              Dislike: erts, being lied to, being used, arrogant cocky people, and bullies

Positions: Main dancer/Sub vocalist/Rapper 


 Dorm wear:  http://www.polyvore.com/unknown_42/set?id=50755529


Sleep wear: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=40996296



Casual wear: http://www.polyvore.com/walk_in_park/set?id=40401652





Formal wear: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=50111788





Training wear: It will be sweats and tank top or sometimes shorts and sports bra

Stage wear: http://www.shoppingblog.com/pics/sasha_fierce_clothes_0609.jpg

Life History: Parents have a divorce and has been working to earn money and support her and her dad. Has a boyfriend once but he dumped her for her ex-bestfriend. 

Background: Parents got divorced and thats why she came with her mom to Korea. Parents weren't on great terms and thought that it would be better if they go seperate ways. 

Family members:  Yong II Kwon, 63/04/23, Father;  Angela Smith, 70/09/16, Mother

Friends/bestfriends: Park Mino, 90/02/23, Her gay best friend since grade school. Other kids will pick on him but Heeyoung will always come and defend him, they are like brother and sister that will always be there for each other. But many other people mistakes them as a couple by the way they act around each other. 


His name: B2st Yong Junhyung

His personality: He's sarcastic,possessive,sweet,erted,playful. He may come off as rude and mean most of the time but it's only because he doesn't know how to show his affection freely all the times, the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He's quiet most of the time and usually ignores others but mess with some one he cares about deeply and he won't be the quiet guy you know.

How they met: They met when he was running away from his fangirls in the streets of Seoul, while Heeyoung in the in the streets of Seoul wondering around and saved him from the fangirls. 

Back up love: Mblaq Seungho

Back up personality: He is sweet, playful, and likes to come out as a cool guy. He likes to play with kids and doesn't people to make fun of him. If you get to know him and be his friend he will be very over protective over you and cares deeply about the one he loves. 

How we met: They met at a show and got to get to know each other and from then on they were friends. 

Password: Do you mean this color









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