What's your name~

AFF Username: supergenerationrocks

Profile Link:here

How should I call you?: chingu or unnie will do

*Feel Free to add me*



Charater's Name: Oh Se Na

Nick Names?*Optional*:  Diva-Umma

Age: 21

Birthplace: Seoul

HomeTown: Seoul

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthday: January 27

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Lauguages: Korean, English, Mandarin



Ulzzang name: huang fu lin

Ulzzang picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Back-up Ulzzang name: momo jing

Back up Ulzzang Picture Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6



Se Na is a mature and independent girl, maybe that's also because of her age. Her calm and graceful motherly aura attract anyone who is younger than her. In SM, she's known as the EXO's Umma, because the EXO boys treat her like their second mom, especially Kai and D.O. Being the eldest of the family means she's working her off to be the perfect daughter every parents wants. She believes that everything happens for a reason no matter how unpleasant it was. It's easier for her to be frinds with boys than girls, though she's not a tomboy. She dislikes everyone who thinks that girls are only pretty on the outside but brainless and useless on the inside. She'll prove to anyone that she can do everything well by herself.  She also believes that nothing is instant, you have to work hard to get what you want. No pain no gain.

In a loud conversation, you will rarely hear her talk. Not because she's shy, but because she's waiting for the right moment to talk. Usually when there is a conversation going, she's just gonna observes everything first, then she'll talk . It's the same when meeting new people, she will only just bowed/nod and smile because she thinks it's not really appropriate to talk with a stranger, let alone to start a conversation, unless they talk first of course.

She doesn't like being 'all cutesy and full of aegyo' when there were boys around. She thinks it's not necessary and well, she thinks girls with too much aegyo are retarded and only can attract boys that way, and it makes girls look dumb, something that she couldn't agree on. Yeah, she's a hardcore feminist, so what?? She's also a hardcore fashionista, wearing jeans and T-shirt is a big NO NO for her and she doesn't need a fashion stylist to do that for her.


  • books
  • classical music
  • spicy food
  • blueberry cheese cake
  • anything RED
  • ice cream (cookies n cream)
  • rain (both of the weather and the idol LOL..)
  • babies
  • visiting new places
  • strawberry


  • hospitals
  • dirty rooms
  • girls who act 'extremely' cute when there are boys around
  • men who smoke
  • cigarettes
  • men who couldn't get the hint that she's not into them
  • arrogant people


  • swimming
  • reading
  • listening music (classic is more preferable but it can change depends on her mood)
  • travelling
  • is shopping a hobby? LOL..


  • biting her lips when she's uncomfortable
  • talk to herself when she's nervous
  • locked herself alone in her room when she's angry
  • playing with her nails when she's lying
  • she'll just sit in the corner and talk to no one when she's in a bad mood
  • ALWAYS putting things back to its place after she uses them




1. Oh Ji Ho (father),45, restaurant owner, discpline, hard worker, alive

2. Lee Hwayoung (mother), 43, restaurant owner, caring, gentle, alive

Sibling/s or Relatives: Little Brother

1. Oh Se Hoon, EXO, 18, they love each other a lot. Se Hoon looked up to his sister, when something was bothering him, he will go to his sister's dorm and sleep with her or Se Na will be the one who go to his dorm.

History: Uhm, nothing much really. Being the eldest of the Oh family, means she has to work hard to be the most responsible one. Since she was a child, she learnt that she needs to be a role-model for her little brother and not to dissapoint her parents. Her parents actually wanted her to be a doctor, because she got the brain and determination, but she got another idea. At first, her parents didn't like the fact that she got through the SM audition, but Se Hoon persuaded their parent so they agreed, but in one condition, Se Na had to prove that this is really what she wants, and if nothing works out she got to go home and applied to medical school. So, She entered SM when she was 17 and even if she had to go back and forth between school and practice, she still managed to squeezed some part-time job in her hectic schedule (or she won't have any money). She had done a lot of job such as a waitress, a shop-keeper, an accounting staff, a nanny, a tutor, basically she had tried everything.


*Can be IDOLS

Friends (Max: 5): BigBang's GDragon, MBLAQ's Joon, Miss A's Jia, DBSK's Changmin

Best Friends (Max: 3): BigBang's Seungri, SHInee's Minho

Love Intertest 1: MBLAQ's G.O

Love Intertest 2: BigBang's Taeyang

How you met both of them and what's your relationship?(Hoobae- Sunbae. Friends. More than Friends): On Strong Heart (variety show). Se Na and other girls from Angels are the guests with other idols including G.O/Taeyang. The host suddenly asked his group(MBLAQ/BigBang) about their ideal type from MR and he answered Se Na. He said because she has the closest and because she looks already like a woman and not just a teeny-girl anymore.

The relationship : just friend.

Rival: IU

Why they are you rival:

Well, it all started when some variety show has Se NA and IU as their guest. The host suddenly asked IU about the Strong Heart episode when G.O/Taeyang answered that Se Na is his ideal type. And everyone knows that IU is obsesses with him. Since then, IU always gives her a y attitude that everyone awares of. But Se Na just shrugged it off coolly. She always thinks that IU is much younger than her, that's why she acts childishly and she's not worth her time.


Stage name (Can be your character's name): Se Na

Fan Club Name: GLAMBITION (GLAMourous and full of amBITION)

Fan Club Color: violet

Desired Position: main vocalist/lead vocalist

Back up Position (Just in case): main dancer

How many years have you trained? (At lease 2 years): almost 4 years now

Persona : Fashion Diva



*If something's wrong feel fee to tell me*


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