I'm in really bad mood. Please comment anything that will turn my mood to something... happier!

Warning: I can't think straight right now..


1. This older ~female~ came and asked after me since she saw my name in the paper waste that was in her... I don't know what to call it... Where she lived. I live in a town, and she is kinda my neighbour. In the street, her door is 50 metres away from my and my family's. And how the beep that got there, I have no idea. But she came to us and asked for me. Then I came, since she said that she wanted to call the police (for a garbage bag.  LOL!), and I am a REALLY nice girl >__< When I came, she started to curse at me and ask me why I put the garbage there!!! And I felt almost like crying, and said that this was a misunderstanding, and that it wasn't supposed to get there. But she said that it was really rude of me to put the waste there. Thankfully my stepfather came to my rescue. He told her that she couldn't tell that it was really me if she didn't see that I walked in and put it there. Ooooh, yes. It was me! One of the paper "thingys" had my name on it! Heck! It was our garbage! She thought that I had it all by myself? "What would we earn to put the paper waste in your garbage can?" he asked her. Nooo answer. She just continued to curse at me. To concider that he got mad to, is actually quite... well.. He RARELY gets mad! And she was an old... she doesn't deserve to be called lady. It's the first time I called anyone a . I didn't say it out loud, but when I got home, I shaped my mouth to say that word. GRRR!!! And I am even a Christian... My mom and the ones we have to visit us just laughed at me.......


I really hope that she will call the police.. I will win! But we are going to call the garbage blah company...



2. And now we have visitors. They play poker. I hate poker. I don't have any control! I love playing cards, but... I can't do anything to win poker... Like I can with "Casino", or "hearts"...



3. I can't use headphones on this computer... Only loud and proud sound is the only way I can hear anything. So it's impossible to watch anything on youtube without letting anyone else here know what I am watching. And I am the quiet girl (NOT!:P But when it comes to music and stuff, YES!)


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My neighborhood is full of old ladies.. how do you think I feel?<br />
Lol but I always watch this person. She's made me laugh so much. <br />
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMdfvCQ1m84&;feature=channel_video_title<br />
Feel better!

Moo I'm a giraffe hear me roar, Woof. ^^<br />
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Cheer up gal! Don't worry that old witch must real;y be evil. -_-<br />
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1gxsc8nuSg&;feature=channel_video_title<br />
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Just watch this...maybe it will crack a smile on your face. ^^ <br />