cross academy application~


Application Cross Academy


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Username + link: Ceeyyo >>

Activity: 9


Admission File

Name: Lee Cho Hee

DOB: 16/11/1993

Height: 165cm

Weight: 50kg

Profile picture: 




Ulzzang name: Park Sora

Back up ulzzang: Jung Min Hee


Previous records


She's a natural play boy. Her quote is; if you love two people, choose the second one because if you loved the first one you would have fallen for the second. However, underneath all that she really does believe in love. She always gives advice about love to her friends when needed but truthfully, she can't even get herself the right boyfriend. When she does fall in love she hopes that the guy will confess. It may be ladies first for everything but not this! 

The first look at her, you would think she's a scary and tense girl. Well she is. But that's just like judging a book by its cover. Once you get to know her (really really well) she's actually caring. She's determined to make sure noone ever hurts her friend. You do something to one of her close friends then...well...we'll save that for later ;) When noones around that's probably her most innocent time. She takes in abandoned animals and nurses them back to health...most of the time. It's hard for her to hide some of these facts but she tries hard.

Going to her old school, which she was expelled from, she loved bullying and pranking people. She would even pick on younger (and older!) students on the grounds giving her the nickname, Devils Daughter. She likes the nickname and she thinks it suits her but deep down it hurts her inside. Being tough and pretty much a tomboy kills her on the inside. 

Background: Cho Hee was left at an orphanage when she was about 4 months old! She was quickly adopted, however, into the Lee family where there was two busy parents and two older brothers. Since her parents were normally busy, her older brothers would take care of her. She's three years apart from the second oldest and six years from the oldest. Normally the second oldest would bully her and her oldest brother, which she loved dearly, protected her all the time. By the time she had entered middle school, she was known as the strange girl and no one even talked to her. She normally sat down by herself and stare into space until she found a silver lighter on the school grounds; which she began playing with. This led her to becoming a mute and having so much anger in her, of course, she would have to snap sometime soon. She was bullied a lot and having her brothers go to an all boy school, she had no on to protect her. Instead of going to school everyday, she started skipping school and eventually her parents moved her away. In highschool, she recountered her bullies but as it was a long time ago, they had forgotten what she had looked like. Having past puberty, she became a gorgeous girl yet still slightly evil. One of her previous bullies had asked her out and she rejected him and caused dramatic embarassment for him. Name her the Devils Daughter. 

Reason of enrollment: Burning a building down in middle school, bullying younger+older students, fighting practically every day and pranking teachers every chance she gets. May not seem bad but she gave multiple teachers nervous break downs already.


Extra Info


-puff up her cheeks

-scrunching her face on the side when something touches her cheek

-tapping her foot

-evilly smiling when she thought of a briliant new prank


-martial arts (tricking)

-playing the piano when no one's around


-playing with animals that she had saved

-playing pranks



-spicy food

-pranks (of course)

-cocky kids that she can beat up






-annoying people that just won't give up (persistent people)


-sweet treats


-girly stuff


Family: [Name, age, occupation, relationship]

-Lee Chin Ho, 45, CEO of a huge company, father (by adoption)

-Park Hyun Mi, 40, business woman, mother (by adoption)

-Lee Kwang Ho, 22, chemist, second oldest brother (by adoption)

-Lee Kyung, 25, personal gym trainer, oldest brother (by adoption)


Partner: Jung Daehyun (B.A.P) and Bang Yong Guk (B.A.P)


-Jung Daehyun was the one that had opened up to her and made her feel comfortable. He's probably one of her closest friends. He also has a crush on her but he's less obvious then she is.

-Bang Yong Guk is a tough guy that protected her one time from a senior. The both of them argue but in real fact they are actually very close. 


Programme: both peers :)




Good luck author-nim! I'll try help out with your english as much as possible :) and I hope you like my character (y) -bbuing bbuing-



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