Unwritten application

Personal Info

Name:  Kim Wooyoung /  Suzuki Woo

Nicknames: Woohoo ( Hates it alot )

Gender (Male or Female): Male

Age (17-25): 24

Birthday: 25 December 1987

Birthplace (City and Country):  Tokyo , Japan

Current Residence: Seoul , Korea

Ethnicity (atleast half or a quarter Korean): Japanese- Korean

Personality (be descriptive): The younnger twin ,Wooyoung is cold and expressionless . It is rare to see him happy , sad , angry etc . Wooyoung have a high tolerance for patience , like his brother he cant stand the sight of untidiness but has a low tolerance for sugar . He cant handle any type of sugar , even if he eats a piece of candy he will , giggle , laugh , yell and anything else a drunk person would do and if he were to eat a candy before he sleep , he will wake up with a huge headache . He may seem calm and colected but the truth is he is very erted and loves skinship . It does not matter if it is a boy or girl . He loves to stick with his twin so that he can do alot of skinship .Very straightforward but does not like to speak his mind out Wooyoung is also a gentleman , sweet and a little bit arrogant  the type girls fall for .  Very soft and gentle towards girls . He may seem very cold on camera because the truth is he is a very awkward , if he were to open his mouth the atmosphere would be very awkward ( Sometimes ) . And Wooyoung is bad at lying and has a 4d personality .


Trainee Info

Stage name (and why you chose it): Wooyoung , because Wooyoung was born with that name and will stick to it .

Your fan club (and why you chose it): Treasures because his fans will be the treasures of his heart .

Your fan club colour: Light Appricot . Light salmon pink.

Position (choose 3): Lead Rapper , sub vocal , center face

Persona (make 2):  Awkward Rapper , Candy freak .

How were you discovered (detailed):  The same year Ryuyoung was scouted by YG , Ryuyoung did a grand birthday party/Christmas party  for him and his twin . Ryuyoung invited the YG families and some SM artistes . Wooyoung could not make it , so as a gift and a token of apology Wooyoung recorded a video of him rapping one of Ryuyoung's favourite rappers . Wooyoung rapped the song Alone by Outsider . Ryuyoung was impressed of his twin thus he showed the video to YG . YG was impressed of how Wooyoung could speed rap that fast . The next day , Ryuyoung and YG went to meet Wooyoung . YG explained to Wooyoung everything and wanted to scout him also . Wooyoung was very happy but then his hopes fell because Wooyoung tought that his mother would surely disagree . After alot of pleading and begging , Wooyoung's mother gave in . Wooyoung signed contracts with YG .

How long did you train: 4 years

Appearances before the debut (MV’s, CF’s, etc): Han Goo - Witch girl ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raEu0g5hBJU )


 Appearance (put links where photos are needed)

Ulzzang name:  Park Jiho

Ulzzang photo (3+)  

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254361_206289209415056_100001019357740_552444_2283581_n.jpg  ..  http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/262084_206289259415051_100001019357740_552445_416740_n.jpg


How would you describe your Fashion style: Preppy

Fashion photos (3+):  http://www.yesstyle.com/en/mogubleu-peter-pan-collar-denim-shirt/info.html/pid.1024620028 ..



Anything extra:



Family: Suzuki Ryu ( twin brother ) Suzuki Karen ( father ) Kim Hwayoung ( mother )

Family Background (detailed):  Suzuki Karen was one of the top entertainer in Japan , so Karen wanted one of his son to be one . Karen ended up divorcing withhis wife because of his busy schedule . At first Karen taught that Wooyoung would fit to be an entertainer but Wooyoung chose to live with his mother .

Kim Hwayoung : The daughter from a rich family was a studious type of person . Everyone from her family was a graduate from a university . Hwayoung wants Wooyoung , the only son capable to graduate from a unversity . Always telling Wooyoung to study hard and not be like his father .

Kim Ryuyoung / Suzuki Ryu : Wooyoung's twin brother . After the divorce of his parents , Wooyoung envied his older brother because he was in the entertainment biz . His brother lived with him and his mother when they were 19 years old.

Famous Friends (you’re going to befriend them during the story): Siwon and Ryeowook of Suju , T.O.P of Big Bang .

Partner:  Kim Yu Jin ( Uee ) Afterschool

2ndchoice:  Miss A Fei Fei

3rdchoice: Seungyeon Kara

How did/how will you meet (each of the guys):

  Uee ; Wooyoung was a big fan of After school , So he went to an After school fanmeet . There was a challenge where a male fan would perform for his bias in the group . Wooyoung was picked by the host . He rapped Outsider ' like a man ' for Uee . It left a huge impression on her . Uee was touched by his rapping .

  Fei ; Wooyoung would confessed on a radio show that Fei was one of his Ideal Type because of her quite and mature personality . Wooyoung would like to be featured in a Miss A song so that he could meet Fei .

 Seungyeon ; Was in a modeling photoshoot together .  Wooyoung tought that it Seungyeon was cute because Seungyeon kept complaining that she was 20 cm shorter than him . Wooyoung loves how she looks the youngest in the group even though she is the second oldest .

Ex (optional):

Rival (optional):



Something Unique about you:  Is a speed rapper like Outsider .

Likes (5+):  Fashion , Sugars ( Eventhough he cant stand them ) Books , Meat and Skinships.

Dislikes (5+):  Untidiness , Bananas , washing dishes , Dogs ( Allergy ) , Being neglected by s because of his skinship habits .

Hobbies (5+):  Doing skinships , Sleeping , Execising , Dancing to girl group songs , Composing music .

Habits (5+):  Hugging people from behind to shut them up . Rubbing his hands on the other member's arm when bored , Glare at the people who neglects him , When sleeping does not even move one bit , his voice gets high when attempting to lie . Kisses people's cheeks for fun .

Talents (5+): Plays the piano and violin , speed rapping , Judo , Bboy  .

Side Jobs (1-2): MC , Actor

Languages you speak (1-4): English , Chinese , Japanese , Korean

Pets (optional): Kitten , Baby http://www.2funnycats.com/kittens/2007/01/kitten-cute.jpg

Scandals (optional):

Ideal Type:  Uee ;  Mature , well-maneredand nice . Has soft hair , big eyes , plum lips . Tall and fit . Round face .

Bias:  Sandara park of 2ne1

Blood type: AB


 Random Info

Anything else you’d like to say? Anything at all? It could be completely random :D

People with AB blood types loves skinships .. Wooyoung loves Outsider ( and skinship )


Just for me:

Your AFF name: Nahyunisab2uty

A link to your profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/22935

Why should I pick you?  Like my twin , I wish to be in a Fic .

Anything you want to see in the story? 

Any variety shows you want to be on in the future?  Star Dance Battle .

Are you interested in being the group’s Umma/ Appa? My twin does not me ! XD

Group name:  Impact ( Like my twin I am not good with names )

Group fanclub name:  Strong effect .

Group intro:  Are ready for an Impact ? Annyeonghaseyo Ipmact ibnida .


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