A Random Rant: Not Mandatory to Read unless you want to o.o......

So....I was contemplating whether I should put up this rant. And I decided, I think I should because it makes me feel much better and uncap all the negative energy within me so....ready?


Note: Please do not take any of this content to heart. I was angry and you know when that happens, you tend to become insensitive. So I apologize a head of time. *I tend to become repetitive and BEWARE of the language. I don't want you innocent little people become corrupt because of me :D LOL*



So I was on my college page on facebook and there is this ing posting something about orientation.

ahahaha you're probably thinking...so what? You don't know her and never met her. You only saw that one post, but boy was I a ing pissed girl.

Not only was the content offensive, but it also portrayed her as a cocky head (not even a word) who thinks she's better than everyone else.

1. That ing hypocritical be complaining about how "close-minded" people are and how you should 'force' people to change....

ing , listen up and listen good 'cause what chu just said is basically contradicting yo poor self. ing hypocrite..........

You're telling others not to change you, but yet you publically diss the way they are acting. I feel bad for whoever you're talking about.

2. Don't chu "git" cocky about cho accent. 'Cause where you're going to school aka "my hood" is much more ghetto and more accented than ya'll think. (See that? There goes my accent) No one gives a about accents as long as people can understand you. Seriously -___- Everyone has accents you don't see me flauting and bragging about it. unless I'm angry. like now. LOL ._."

3. Gurl, don't chu be calling people losers. Like you said, at your ing high school there were mean es like yourself so why you tryna call other people losers. You have absolutely no right to put someone down like that. Have you ever taken a Peer Communications class? Guess not.....

4. Yeah, we all know you ain't from the Eastern Coast. But is it really necessary to state that you're from LA and a "Beachy So Cal Girl" More like a y So Cal girl No one gives a ing damn about where the you're from. Everyone is from different states, countries, planets......galaxies.............
Plus no one is ing telling you to change your so-called "style" to fit into the Eastern Coast life....no one said ...so don't assume you're important.
A/N: I apologize to those who are actually from Cali reading this. I didn't mean to diss you, just the ing that's all.

5. This one is my fav. How the ing green lords can you even get all egotistical about how Eastern Coasters dress??? Preppy? Really?? Have you ever heard of NYC? Philly? Boston? D.C? and other big cities?? Do you not know anything about the outside world besides your so called Beachy So Cal life??? Did you know these are big cities and big cities = all kinds of people = includes the ghetto people/gangs/druggies etc. etc. etc. How the dickens do you associate the way we dress as preppy??? (Not saying everyone dresses inappropriately, but I'm just trying to say is, everyone is different and has their own style)
And that brings me to another point. WHAT KIND OF ING BRAIN DO YOU HAVE IF YOU THINK EASTERN COAST RESIDENTS DO NOT WEAR BEACH CLOTHING??? What the is that??? Ever heard of  "Jersey Shore" Guess not since it seems like you live in a box.
I would like to say, this girl I'm ranting about is totally ignorant. Just because we have a winter and LA weather is sunny and nice year round doesn't mean we live in a gloomy dark box. -___- We have summers too. Yeah sure, we maybe be higher up north, but have you not been watching the gawddamn news? There's a ing heatwave. Just two days ago it was 105 degrees fahrenheit. So you if you think we are dumb enough to wear sweaters and long sleeves instead of "beach wear" (As in tank tops and shorts etc.)

6. Slang. OHHH part of my daily life........ Apparently there is no such thing as slang in other states except for So Cal.
"Supa fly" "Obvi" and shortening words....yeah that ain't So Cal slang. THAT'S ING AMERICAN SLANG THAT ANY ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSON WOULD UNDERSTAND. period.

7. Don't you ing give people advice on how to act or behave. Or I'll call the popos on you. LOL

Basically what this just typed at the end to conclude her "speech", which was something along the lines of "Can't wait to meet you guys and I hope we all get along because we will be with each other for a long nine months."

Me: "Yeahh away from me for the next nine months, please. I can't wait to not meet you so I don't have to put the effort to get along with a hypocritical narcissist like yourself."

I know I'm a bit judgemental in this area, but I cannot stand people like that especially when she called people losers and just placed herself higher amongst everyone. It just ticks me off usually I would let this slide and ignore it, but when it comes to putting people down to make yourself feel better, I'm not fond of it. Why? Because I know how it feels like to be put down by another person so that person can feel better about themselves. In a way, it sounds pitiful for that person to use such tactics to make her insecurities lower and self-esteem higher, but what about the person that's being dissed? How will he/she feel? Not so great, obviously. (Which reminds me about a book called "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher. I read this book 5 times and loved every single page of it. Not only does it encourage other students to be more aware of other's feelings and how words can really hurt someone, it also teaches how you can help reach out to a person who considers suicide. A great book to read that I hope those who actually reads this long blog would consider reading it.)


So that's the end of my rant....umm....so...yeahh....sorry if any of you feel offended....I just wanted to diss a specific person not an entire population....so....uhh....ard peace out BYE! xD (Kinda long)





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LaGrandeDame #1
OMG! I read thirteen reasons why too!! It was awesome right?
P.S don't waste your time with es like that. :)
EXOtic123 #2
lol it's actually very entertaining to read this rant while listening to nikki minaj's stupid hoe :3
Oh wow what a
I hope nobody going to my college is going one like that
Obvi?supa fly?those words are so stupid and nobody uses it anymore cuz its so in retro and old
Nobody would be using those words other than if they are ghetto niggas that have been socially deprived
And what if she's from Cali?ive been around the whole world and lived in the states my whole life
You should judge other people until you have seen yourself
Don't worry and just ignore the for the whole year