Super Girl Application

AFF Username : SungGi

Link of your profile :

Name : Park Min Hyo

Stage name : Miley (Miley Park)

Birthdate : December 20, 1989

Appearance [debut and pre debut picts] :



Personality : Park Minhyo or Miley Park is a very kind and bubbly girl. She likes to go outing and hanging out with her friends. She hate dirty places, shes very neat to her things and to herself. She's sweet and romantic but she doesn't have any boyfriend before. She's afraid of cocroaches, rats and lizard. Miley is a fashionable person, on her trainee days she work as a model on a expensive clothing brand. She's is the 'breadwinner' of the family she works hard for her parents and for her little sister she loves them very much. She's very funny and easy to be with and very friendly at the same time. That's why many people likes her.

Bias in Super Junior [who do you want to pair with you] : Lee Donghae

Before ending in your bias do you want to have a relationship with other? Who? : It's up to you haha ^^ I don't mind :)

Position  in band : Lead Dancer


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SungGi #1
@gabie_16 i applied an apply fanfic hehe. this is my application form :) <br />
gabie_16 #2
what's this? :)