I like this picture, too.

Something's seriously wrong with SM fandoms.  They argue so much :\   Cassiopeia!


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I love how the V.I.Ps and blackjacks are just chilling and watching all the fighting. (I am a V.I.P and a blackjack.
honeypeachies #2
So much hate in this world. ;__;
@ yourmom: Well, yeah, they portrayed that properly in the picture. Sones and ELFs are either completely nice to each other (Sugen shippers, mostly, lol coughsapphiredreamscough) or they hate each other. I don't know why though...
@ D_R_Mattice: First of all, I don't know you...? So...hi...? And I wouldn't know 'cause I'm not a YG fan...
yourmom #4
SHINee doesn't really fight with many SM fandoms. I think its mostly Elfs and Sones.