
My first ever blog post. Usually I don't quite keep up my blog. But this post is especially to commemorate one of the most eventful happiest days ever, (and may there be more happy days to come!)

1. Federer won Wimbledon!!!!! HE'S WORLD #1 AGAIN!!!! YAY FEDDIEEE

2. NANI VISITED MY SCHOOL OMFGJKLjfdl;ajfkdl;asjfkld;ajfkdl;ajfkald; I freaking shouted NANI when he walked past and he smiled at me hehehe~ (somehow everyone there was pretty chill and not screaming so when I called him it was kinda obvious ><). Okay I'm more of a Chicharito fan, but MANU FTW! 

3. I passed math (which is near impossible for me sometimes).


Baekhyun's ADORABLE SWOON-WORTHY SMILE cheers me up ^^


I hope everyone has a great day ahead as well, God bless :)


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