Can anyone tell me what is this?! >:(

Can anyone tell me? 


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Thank you btw, and I already know it yesterday! ^^
IGOT7Babiez #2
double click the image and it'll have it's own tab (maybe) tHE URL should be in the URL Address box then(THAT IS YOUR DIRECT LINK).If you're using photobucket,click on the image then look on the right hand side.You'll find a box saying 'direct link' click on the link and it'll say 'copied' meaning it automatically copied itself.So then all you need to do is Ctrl+V in the section where you need to put the link.

Hopefully I explained it properly.
I had the same problem a while ago, I tried to solve it but in the end I gave up.

To get the direct link, you can also right-click at the picture and then, select properties, you can see the URL or Address URL, copy it and there you have it.

Hope I have helped even a little bit..I guess.
Hope you fix it soon!!! Good Luck!! Fighting!!
i know 8D i think >.>
to get the direct link:
On google you press the picture then press full-size image.
on other stuff, you can just easily drag the photo into a new tab
if that doesn't work, right-click on the image and press "View image" or "open image in new tab" or something like that 8DD
sorry if i explained it badly XDD
A_moonstar: Hey! I know right!
I don't know what the hell is this! I tried embed, but it didn't work >:(
HEY !!!!!!!!!!