OMG A Blog post!!

So, yeah. I love and hate Kentucky all at the same time. I don't have reliable internet access on my laptop, so that means I have to use my Mom's ancient desk top. Which also means my updates have slowed way too much for my liking. Not that I've ever kept to a tight schedule before, but still. When I finish a chapter I feel like it takes forever to post it. I'm also incredibly lazy with my writing during the summer.

Anyway, I love how quiet it is here. I can sit on the back porch and write and not be bothered by people. And the library is decent too. I mean, they don't have a copy of 'The Great Gatsby' but no library is perfect. And their Gore Vidal selection is a bit lacking, but I can make do.

And I can blast music as loud as I want and no one will complain! 

This has been Serenity M. Singing off! ^__^


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