
I just thought i should share this because I'm really aggravated right now....STUPID LAPTOP TOUCHPAD!!!! *sigh* I was just in the process of updating my story (it is currently 11:30 pm) because I want to make sure it has no mistakes...i am of coarse proofreading. And for some stupid reason I choose not to continue to click the save button in paranoia today. And just as I'm about to finish up...I click something by mistake on this stupid touchpad, and it refreshed my page.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

My reaction: GGGAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!! GAH!

-------_____-------# ......F%#ck it......

so I am going to sleep and will redo it tmrw. I'm so happy I write my story in a journal before I type it online or else....I would be having to recreate the whole chapter...


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