I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back from my vacation and here's some of the low down:


BAD Point:

1 - HOTEL:

    - Looks nice from the internet but in reality looks like a haunted hotel in movies!

    - The room is...urghhhh! (hair on the carpet, smelly...definitely the worst hotel ever!)

    - Breakfast menu there....I've had better street food compared to the one they served at the hotel!

2. People cutting the queue during the cable car ride!

3. Insanely expensive food!


Moving on....


GOOD Point:

1. Meeting a very fun husband and wife couple

2. Having a blast with my bestfriend!

3. First boat ride in my life...SOOOOOOO FUN!!!!

4. Chocolate HEAVEN!!!!! (can't buy that much because of tight budget...huhu...T T...)

5. Beautiful scenery....

6. Enjoy a fun trip with my students


Overall, it was a great trip...3 days of stress free vacation away from home....


I'm back and lets get the story continue.....


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sounds like langkawi? oh yeah! it is. hahahaha me wanna chocoooo!!! hahaahh
unnir welcome back!!
i still got 2 papers left then im free!!!
welcome back unnie..!!! <3
waiting for your updates okey..?