Red out?

My school never comes up with clever names for spirit days... Football game later against the school where all my middle school friends go! Stoked (: And I get to hang out with Michaelllll<3


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Msaprilfools #1
Just passing by, and read your blog.<br />
^^ Hope you have fun.<br />
You have more school spirit than most kids at my school. <br />
Lol. We have the oddest themes for football games..<br />
The most recent ones that I can recall were Footie PJs (like the overall ones that babies wear, only these are for adults) and then we had a combined effort with all of the schools in our district to raise money for Cancer, so every school in the district was to wear these Brest Cancer shirts at last Friday's games. There was also a Superhero theme at one game a while back.. Then we have Blue Sea (wear all blue), Whiteouts (wear white), Sea of Red (wear red). Red, white and blue are our school colors.. Well not really white... It's silver, but it's not common to have silver shirts and stuff. XD So the next best thing is white, though it SHOULD be gray.