
1. Name: Eun Ae

2. Age: 20

3. Occupation: She is in training to become a fashion designer ( where she draws it, she loves to draw)

4. Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

5. Background: Her parents got a divorce when she was 10, her father moved to America, with her 2 brothers, shes the youngest of the 3. She stayed with her mum in Seoul, she hated to choose parents but she felt bad for her mum because no one stayed with her, even though they got a divorce they still talk happily and her dad understood her decision. Her father has re-married and is happy and she has a step-sister, they get along good step sister and step mum, shes (Eun Ae) is still the youngest but not by much. She calls freqently, and goes to visit when she can. Speaks fluent english.  

6. Height: 168cm

7. Weight: 53kg

8. Appearance:






9. Ullzang name:  Song Ah Ri

10. Style:  She likes any style, depends on the weather and how shes feels e.g if shes down she wears darker colours, when shes happy bright colours) she loves to get dressed out on special occasions. Loves to feel pretty.

11. Personality: She encourages others to work hard. Not shy around strangers always friendly, nice and always talking. Shes optimist and appreciates things in life. Shes unique and loves it. Shes smart but sometimes clumsy, but people find that cute. She sticks to what she believes absolute suker for romace, she loves couple things and the tipical cliché moments,reads and watches romace things, gets excited when she see’s couples doing cute things. When  the time is right she wants to live a long happy life with her husnad and kids. Shes loud and likes to be funny, always happy to make anyone smile and laugh, doesnt care if she embarrasses herself, loves to play jokes and hear funny things. She gets along well with funny, nice, caring people, always seen smiling.she also gets along easily with people that keep to thereslves, she brings then out of there ‘shells’.  Will be serious when need to be.  shes the 'joker'  Shes honest and says what she thinks, but not to harsh about it sometimes. She uses aegyo sometimes. Shes hates crying in front of others , keeps her  emotions to herself,  she hates when people worry over her. When she gets angry people get out of her way, she hardly gets angry it takes alot to make her angry or sad.  She loves her family and friends and will do anything for them, she stands up for herself and friends and is willing to take the blame for them.
Shes brave and courageous, always willing to try new things. She listens to people speak about there problems or there days, but she wont talk about herself (emotions) but will never stop talking about her exciting days. She has a love hate realation ship with scary movies, hates when people scare her. Doesn't like heights, but will go on them and thats what gives her the thrill. She describes her self as bubbly, and cheerful. She will try and bring the mood up if its is down or awkward, but somethings she can make it worse. If she makes a mistake or falls she laughs it off and if people and laughs with them.

12. Favorite...

-flower: Yellow and Red roses

-dessert: Lollipops, choc chip cookies

-drink: fruit smoothies

-color: blue

-group/singer beast, teen top, infinite, ze;a, 2pm, shinee,, miss a, 2ne1, big bang

-ideal date: a fun day with someone she likes, they can feed each other food, have a play in the park, or a walk along the beach. She would also want to give each other teddies or, cute couple gifts.

13. Your views on:

-money: She thnks everyone should have equal amount of money, and that everyone is wealthy. Money is a very big problem in the world and if people could give a little more to help people in need, the world would be a better place.

-: ( umm. babies. ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE. keke^^)  Well she believes if you think his the right one, and you can see a future with him, and you trust him why not. but a big NO NO to one night stands, or affairs or any of that, and NOWAY if your too young, maybe if you believe if the time is right.

-public display of affection: she finds it sooooo cute that, couples dont care who see's there true feelings, and that there happy and proud enough to show that they love each other to the public.

-kissing: Kissing is fine, everyone does it.

-alcohol: Sure, if you no what you can handle or when enough is enough. Or if your not an angry drunk.

Saying i love you: (extra) if you truly mean it, and that is really how you feel, if you no that you will do anyhting to be with that person. But not saying it without meaning is just wrong.

14. Partners: 

- Doojoon (beast)

- L.Joe ( Teen Top)

- Dongwoon ( beast)

- CAP (Teen top)

- DongJun ( Ze:a)

Sungyeol (infinite)

Kikwang (beast)

L ( infinite)

15. Anything else?

Habits: ruffling hair when frustrated
- taps finger on thigh (when bored)
- biting lip when nervous
- talking fast when excited
- tilits head to the side when confused
- silent when angry

Trvia: likes to tell anyone a random fact of the day, or laughs out of no where.


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Odete- #1
Hi! :)<br />
Thanks for applying ;DDD<br />
I added you the the list of applicants ^^<br />
please look forward to the story ;DDD