Random gif spam? I think so ♥

Mostly U-KISS but... Oh well :3 ♥

So lately, it's been hot as hell in Ohio. Today it's going to be 98. So what am I going to be doing all day?


It was 4th of July this week ^^
And also 91 degrees.
It never gets this hot in Ohio.
But I walked to her house anyway because I promised to see the fireworks with her. And when I got inside, their air conditioner was on and I was EXCITED

And then I found a cold water bottle

My friend stayed the night over a few days ago and I fell asleep first, and you know that's never good
But thank god she didn't draw on my face (I have sharpies all over my room)
Instead, I woke up to see her doing this:

I've also tried teacher her to use chopsticks (she's hopless)
How she thinks she looks:


I you not.

And I realized that I fail when it comes to jokes
I'm not good at telling them, I just  say random that no one else in their lives would say out loud ^^
But when someone tells them, I'm like


When my actually gets it.

Here's something I wanted to say as well
Kind of a lesson I learned.
Never take your Chinese boyfriend to walmart (well... It's fine if he's from America. If he moved to the U.S... Don't take him to walmart.)
Me and my bf went to walmart to get some food for my mom. And I when I was paying for it, Zonda (that be his name) kept touching my .
So I'm talking to the lady at the register like "Yes that is all... I'm sure... Yes...."

I'm not making this up. I just happen to find gifs that match what happened ^^

Early this week, I pulled an allnighter to make an RP.
I sat on AFF ALL night. Don't we all?
So at 7 in the morning when my friend came over, this is what you would expect, right?

And then after awhile, we'd both be asleep

But the sad reality:

 ( "feeling" gif editing fail :3 )

And instead of sleeping, I ended up showing off my dance moves

And when she lied and said "You're a great dancer:

Then me and my friend decided: "let's have a singing contest"
Yeah. Didn't go well.
What you'd expect:

The sad Reality:

I also stayed up all night last night
I never sleep
But I was alone so it was funnier for me

So me and my friends are idiots. But I love them. And, surprisingly, I found gifs that pretty much are like us when we're together
At walmart:

At their house:

In front of a camera:

When we tell an inside joke when other people are around:

And then when their parents tell us to calm down (even when they say it so nicely)


I'm supposed to be doing school credit right now, but instead on here, on facebook and on tumblr (duh)
Please don't tell my mommy

:O You won't?

And for my mom:

Now I know I'm not the only one who sometimes feels awkward/busts out laughing during an MV because they have a erted mind.
And last weekend I showed my friend the Forbidden Love MV. And she saw the hip ing and their ic faces

Her reaction when she saw this on my computer:

It's been a while since school let out
And me and my friend Kayleigh went to walmart. On the way, we stopped at our high school. First thing we thought: HOLY ! I MISS THIS!
And then we started to remember everything we've learned in our school. Of course, it's nothing valuble really:

Crying only gets you a detention and you cry more

And in detention, you'll find people who think their badass

And what I've learned about people in detention is how they view asians:

And I was like "OH HELL NO! 'S GOING DOWN NOW!"

And then we thought about how we ALWAYS acted in class

6am when we all had to wake up:


Band ( that class):

Feeling like a boss


Lunch where my friends tell all their erted jokes:

U.S History, the class where I know everything:

Art with all the cute asian boys:

English with my boyfriend:

And then AFTER school when I realized how badly I ed up the day for all my teachers:


And later today I'll be leaving to go to a Post 4th of July party with kayleigh to set off some fireworks
You can imagine what will happen

I seemed to have run out of U-KISS gifs

......Eh...... I'll survive ^^


Here are some things I do on a daily basis.
When I do them, peole think "She's trying way to hard to be asian"
My dear, i'm not trying to be asian. I just simply watch them to damn much on shows and pick up bad habits.

The worst habit I've picked up:
Skinship .-.

And creeping

For some reason right now
I feel like a boss

I'm gonna go now .-.

Bye ^^




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vinseop #1
where did you get a gif kiseop in the car?
LOL NICE GIFSSS~ *huggles* I love skinshipppppp But my friends dontt *pouts*