[[ ❀ A Moment to Remember ❀ || An Yonni's Application]]


→ ♡ I    R e m e m b e r


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[ my address is... ]: elf_verl (AFF)
[ you can find me ]: here! 
[ call me maybe ]: Verl =)
[ my number is... ]: 10
[ e-mail ]: You can just pm me of AFF =)

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[ hello, i'm... ]: An Yonni
[ i also respond to ]: Blur-Kitty, because she loves cats and she is a little blur because of her illness. Thus, her friends and family gave her this nickname
[ age is but a number ]: 22 years old
[ but we can still celebrate ]: 13th November
[ i hail from... ]: Korean + Singaporean
[ but i was born in ]: Singapore
[ and I grew up in ]: She grew up in Singapore but when she was 10 years old, her family migrated back to her father's motherland- Korea as he moved his business to penetrate the Korea market.
[ care to converse? ]: English (Fluent), Korean (Moderate), Mandarin (Fluent)

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[ when i look into the mirror ]:  one | two | three | four | five | six
[ they say i resemble ]: Kim Shin Yeong
[ certain angles i see ]: I'm okay with you using your images =))
[ i'm sometimes mistaken for ]: NA
[ a ruler will tell you ]: 169cm, 5.5 feet
[ scales can determine ]: 60kg, 132 lbs
[ looks can be deceiving ]: Yonni has big, round, hazel-coloured eyes. Her eyes are always full of emotions. She has perfect eyesight, but likes to wear glasses as a fashion accessories at times. She does not have a dimple but her smile is extremely sweet. She wear very light makeup but lip gloss is a must for her. She dyed her hair dark brown and her hair is naturally straight. However, she likes to use hair iron to curl them to suit her outfit for the day. She has a sharp oval face that complements her soft profile. In general, she looks like a soft spoken but sunny girl.
[ my best feature ]: Her original hair colour was black, but after she watched her favourite star Jennifer Love Hewitt on Ghost Whisperer, she decided to follow the style of Melinda Gordon and dyed it brown. In general, Yonni likes her hair curvy as it goes well with her fashion style. Also because she likes to feel the wind in her hair. She loves to wear hair accessories, ranging from headbands to ribbons and flowers.  She always tries to keep her hair at waist length and she loves her hair a lot. She spents about an hour each day to take care of her hair, using all sorts of hair masks to keep it soft and silky.
[ am i a fashionista? ]: Yonni is a girlish girl who have love for ribbon, laces, and light colours. Therefore her fashion style follows that of Japanese and Korean styles. She loves to wear dresses, skirts and high heels, cuteness is her call.
PJs 1 | PJs 2 | PJs 3Casual 1 | Casual 2 | Casual 3 | Beach 1 | Beach 2 | Dolled-up 1 | Dolled-up 2 | Formal 1 | Formal 2 (PS: If you need more examples, you can pm me and I'll give you more =))
[ it's called accessorizing ]: She loves dangling earrings and hair accessories. She will usually at least have one piece on jewelry on her.

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[ this is me ]: Yonni's personality is just like how she looks like, gentle and sweet. However, she can be rather wilful and unreasonable at times, especially when someone tries to deny her desserts. A typical sugar addict, she is always very hyper, and loves to make new friends. On the outside, nothing seems to be able to pull her down, but deep inside, she is actually using the happy facade to hide from her fears. Fears that eventually, she will forget the reason why she is smiling today. She tries to display her best in front of everybody, because she does not know if she will ever have the chance to repeat the experience like she remembers it, if she remembers it. She's not as perfect as she sounds though, many a times she finds herself getting more and more irritable as she starts forgetting things, less and less patient as she loses more and more of her memory. Afraid of being left alone, she is an attention seeker who constantly needs others around her. She is very easily crushed and finds it hard to get back onto her feet after failures despite her sunny deposition.
[ they call me ]: Walking Sunshine, Miss Smiles 
[ i'm currently studying ]: Yonni's major are psychology and theatre arts at Haut Monde Seoul University.
[ choices & reasons ]: Yonni has always been interested in psychology as she had always wanted to learn more about the pseudoscience about human behaviours and cognitive processes. Psychology became even more important to her when the illness suddenly struck her. She carries a hope that through her study, she will be able to find, or devise a way to slow down or improve her illness and psychology allows her to look indepth into how memories are formed. Singing has always been her passion, and she always wanted to become an opera singer, touching the hearts of others through her voice. After her illness, she became even more determined to strike big, wanting to bring her name to all the corners of the world so it may remind her of who she is, lest she forgets it one day,
[ the day in the life of ]: Before her illness, she spend her days carefree and happily. She would start her day by having breakfast at home before leaving for school where she would meet up with her unofficial boyfriend. After school, she would hang out with her friends and him. Ever since Yonni had been struck with her illness, she kept a pocketbook close to her. In the diary, she has recorded down the details of the people around her and what she was supposed to do for the day. She has another personal diary which she will write in at the end of the day where she records the day events so she could read back and fill in the blank space in her head. She wakes up with a big smile each day and reads her diary and refresh her memory on anything that seemed blurry. Then she will continue on her day, not wasting one single second. At the end of the day, she might end up crying secretly under her covers as the worries of her illness caught up with her.

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[ my favorites ]: Cats, Matcha, Sweet stuff, Spending time with her friends and family, Clouds, white and pink, laces and ribbons, horror movies
[ if i could burn them ]: Insects, animal abusers, medicines, hospitals, hypocrites, naggy people
[ i could do this all day ]: Sing, write in her diary, taking photos, playing with animals, go to amusement parks, talking with others, spend time with the people she likes and loves, shopping, reading her diary so she could refresh her blurry memories
[ again & again ]: She loves matcha, and that's here first choice drink always. *She has a habit of carrying her pocketbook and a pen with her so she could constantly refer and record stuff inside. *When she sees a cat, she will immediately go over to pet it or to carry it. *She has a extreme fear of butterflies and will scream and run or cower in fear when she sees one. *Being a sugar-addict, she always carries confectionaries with her. *She brings a camera with her wherever she goes.
[ they say i have a gift ]: Sings like an angel, plays the flute beautifully, has an eye for fashion, and an innate sense of the true emotions of others
[ stay away from me ]: Butterflies, Inablity to recall things or people, Heights, The dark
[ the contents of my bag? ]: She uses a Faber Castell Ondoro Precious Resin Rollerball Pen that she always carries with her to write in her pocket book. It was a gift from her unofficial boyfriend after the illness struck her and it has their names carved on it. It holds a very special place in her heart, and even though she may have blurry memories about who gave it to her and the meaning behind it, she subconsciously treasures it a lot. The Pen @She is constantly either humming or singing a song when she is not talking or eating. @She has a weakness for hair accessories, and she has a huge shelf at home where she puts all her hair accessories. 
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[ my life's story ]: Although Yonni's family is rich, they are just like any other normal loving family. Laughter fills the room whenever they get together. Yonni's father was an orphan, so he saw the importance of Yonni having the happy childhood that he did not get to enjoy. He isn't a strict disciplnarian whom expect his daughter to wield to his whims and wishes. Instead, he is a good father who discuss things over with Yonni, allowing her to make her own decisions. In general, her parents did not have a plan for Yonni's life, leaving her to live in whichever way she preferred, as long as her good grades stayed up. They do not restrict her circle of friends as they do not believe in the unspoken rule of matching social status.
[ pretty little princess ]: LandMongul International - a construction and property trading multinational company where Yonni's father is the CEO and also one of the directors.
[ through thick and thin ]: 
Parents :: together | divorced | remarried ( father / mother )
Father :: An Junghae |55 years old | alive | CEO and pioneer of LandMongul International | Humorous and amiable, loving husband, caring father| Harmonious, like that of friends
Mother :: Kang Eun Hyo | 50 years old | alive| Retired doctor | Serious but gentle and caring | A very caring mother who respect her daughter choices
Sibling(s) :: None
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[ call me when you get here ]: 
IU (Lee Ji-eun) | 20 years old | Nurse at the hospital where Yonni has to go to for regular checkups because of her illness.
Sunny- SNSD | 22 years old | Student (Psychology), classmate of Yonni
Seohyun- SNSD | 22 years old | Student (Theatre Arts), classmate of Yonni
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I  R e m e m b e r . . .
[ big change ]: Yonni was initailly very crushed when she realised that she had this illness. What's worse was that nobody seemed to know what to do with it. At first, she was dejected and was unwilling to leave the house to do anything, saying that there's no point because she won't remember it anyway. But when she saw how hard everybody was working for her, and how sad everybody were when she gave up on herself, especially her parents and Leeteuk, she decided to try her best for their sake. Now, she has already come to terms with her illness, and is trying to live everyday to its fullest so she will not have any regrets at the end of the day. Her only regret is her inability to recall Leeteuk at times despite having soecial feelings for him.
[ the name i loved ]: Leeteuk (Park Jung-soo) - Super Junior
[ birthday boy ]: 24 years old | 1st July
[ butterflies in my tummy ]: He is a bright and sunny person who seems to be able to light up any room that he steps into. Caring and gentle, he is nice to everybody that he meets. Your typical Mr-Nice-Guy. He's also humorous and witty, and is able to see the light in even the darkest thing. He is also very determined when it comes to matters that he holds dear in his heart, showing his do-or-die attitude. He loves to laugh and spend 90% of his time either smiling, laughing, or talking. However, cross him once and he will never ever forget it.
[ because of you ]: His smiling eyes and the dimple on his left cheek left Yonni breathless since the first time she met Leeteuk. Whenever she's with Leeteuk, he never fails to amaze her with his never-ending zeal in everything that he does. His gentleness and caring behaviour only caused her to fall more and more for him without even knowing iwhether he shared the same feelings towards her. THE SMILE
Yonni had accidentally jumped right into his arms on the first day of school when she tried to get away from a butterfly that was dashing in her direction. It started of as a hi-bye relationship. However, things began to spice up when Leeteuk took the first move and sat beside her during Pyschology class. Their relationship quickly developed to that of good friends who shared many lunchs together and finally rumors that they were an item began to surface as they practically became a pair of twins, always within close proximity of each other. However, neither of them had the courage to take the first step over the boundary between friendship and love as they were both afraid of losing the special feelings they had with each other.
Yonni's illness struck as sudden as lightning on a sunny day. When Leeteuk discovered that Yonni was begining to lose her memory to the weird illness that plagued her, he was determined to create more memories with her than the illness can erase. He believed that the special bond that they shared was not something that could be broken by the illness. He believed that as long as he tried, Yonni will always remember him at the end of the day. He began spending more and more time with her, almost all of his waking hours, and on days when Yonni is hospitalised, he even sacrificed his sleeping hours so he would be there for her.
[ who are you? ]: Initially, Yonni is very afraid of Leeteuk. I mean, who would not be afraid of a stranger who insisted that he knew you and was more than a close friend? However, the fluttery feelings she feels in her heart whenever she looks at him served as a indicator that he indeed held a special place in her heart, even when she is unable to recall his name. With Leeteuk, she feels safe and comfortable. Her head tells her that this guy is a stranger, but her heart whispered otherwise.
[ say my name ]: Lee Sungmin - Super Junior
[ birthday boy ]: 24 years old | 1st January
[ those little things about you ]: Quiet but understanding. Sungmin is a very quiet boy who tends to keep to himself due to shyness. He only opens up to his close friends and family. With them, he becomes a bubbly boy who loves to do aegyo to make them happy. He is quick to understand the pains that others felt, but slow to share his.
[ then there's you ]: Kim Ryeowook, Cho Kyuhyun, Kim Heechul, Lee Donghae (Super Junior), Hongki (FT Island), Sehun (EXO)
[ reciting shakespeare ]: "Memories, the keepsakes that life gives you. But when you begin losing them, does it mean you are going to reach the light at the end of the tunnel soon?"

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back off ]: N.A
there's something about you ]: N.A
why you hating ]: N.A
warrior ]: N.A
ideal guy ]: N.A
dream girl ]: N.A

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[ that one spark ]: I love the way you created the different plots and they were really original! I was attracted by the neat organisation of not only the story, but also this form that we have to fill in. I believed that even if my application is not chosen, it will still be a cool story to read about because the four plots all sounds so original and exciting!
[ with all my heart ]: As I had told you, I really had a hard time deciding which plot to apply for... In the end, I chose " I Remember" because I really like the romantic idea of the guy and the girl fighting against something that they probably cannot win! Imagine an illness that actually cause you to lose your memories! Its soooooo romantic and angsty and exciting all in one!!! Because of the many details that I need to fill in for the form, I gained a sense of attachment to the chracter that I had developed for your story. So much so that I actually felt the pain of Yonni when she is unable to recall the things that she should be able to >< If I begged real hard would you PLEASEEEEEEEEEE choose me??? I think I would really cry if she was not selected... >< After all... She seems like a real character to me now... Omo... I can't stop thinking abut her ><

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[ almost there ]: Are you going to write all four plots in one single story? Cause... I think it's gonna be quite messy... what about you? I think it might be better to go either plot by plot, or maybe an individual chapter for each plot update?
[ fairy godmother ]: CHOOSE ME PPPLLLLEEAAASSSEEEE >< HEHEHE... *Blushes*
[ finally done ]: I think this fic is realy a brilliant idea! Cheers to you for being so creative!!! Hope to see it up and going soon =)) Feel free to pm me about any clarifications regarding my application =)) Hwaiting <3



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