Who Cares? I'm Back! :P... News!

Her beautiful lips and soft long hair,

I have fallen in love with an angelic girl.

Together, we will jump every hurdle,

and I need him as much as air.


What I imagine Junhyung and Hara's relationship is like.

Both of them are awesome and I just hope it isn't like Jonghyun oppa and Sekyung unnie's ...

Falling apart because of work;

that just isn't right.


Not that it doesn't happen all the time, but still.



Why hello everyone! :D I'm back from the dead with a super cheesy poem that makes me go

puke cough puke

Is that the correct way? Well, they aren't onomatopeias but whatever lah!

Seriously though, how is everyone?

I still have to go through about fourty updated fics but I'll do that later.

Meanwhile, I'm concentrating on writing

...how come I don't remember having so many fics to work on? Oh my Shisus, help meh!


Did anyone like Jang Woo Hyuk's comeback album?

It was so, so, so awesome!

Anyone enter the allkpop.com contest with an entry? Imma check ya' out!

Here's a link to Time Is Over's MV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64HnjNAycOg

and a DL link: http://www.4shared.com/audio/a1OOp016/Jang_Woo_Hyuk_-_Time_Is_LOver.html


2PM's Comeback? I can't stand Hands Up but I really like Hot..

I can't stand the clubby techno urgh of Hands Up, but all the other tracks are pretty bloody amazing!

2ne1's Comeback? Not the "WHOAH! THAT'S BLEEPIN' AMAZIN' " track people were expecting but still really good!

Kinda came as a shock after Lonely though; I think allkpop.com's reviewer talked about that in his/her review of

I Am The Best.

I need SJ's Comeback to come soon though, but FT Island's new Japanese single MV came out! Yay!

I quite liked it.


No links for comebacks because you can go search Youtube and everything for yourself.


I was gone for personal matters but Imma start working again!

Today was the last day of school! Only ... I didn't go.

Speechless, are ya'? Well, just because I'm Chinese doesn't mean I don't skip school!

That didn't make any sense to me, but whatever.

By the way, my crush from last year in Beijing has a new girlfriend! Who said Chinese kids didn't date?

I think she's from.. 人大附中,and he's from 北京师大附中 (my school for 7th grade)..

Eh, who cares? (ME!) But, I was away and will be away for a random few days at a time because my parents have decided that they want to try out what divorcing feels like without the law part.

They're mental, don't worry.


I have a mild concussion, too!

It could be from me falling off the bed yesterday night.

It might also be from the 10 hours of rollercoasters at Wonderland?

I didn't even stop for lunch until four in the afternoon, so yeah.

But, they're really boring compared to Six Flags or Disney Land.

It's horrible though because everytime the rollercoaster turns, loops or flips upside down, it's horrible!


whoosh crack boom whoosh pop whoosh




Btw, I'm listening to five songs at the same time! It's really fun; you should try it!

Now Playing: Lollipop - Lil Wayne

Now K Poppin': Sweet Holiday - CN Blue, U Go Girl - Lee Hyori

No C Poppin': Hot Shot - Show Luo [罗志祥]

Now J Poppin' [Rockin'?]: Cat - Anna Tsuchiya


I guess I'll finish off this long blog post with quotes of random (Asian) YouTubers!


Good luck! (michellephan: my role model in life)

Until next time, take care guys! (bubzbeauty: my role model for Asianess-ish-ish)

Thanks for watching [reading] and I'll see you next time! (kevjumba: hilariousness)




Y'know, Ryan Higa? Nigahiga? Sean Fujiyoshi? Ring a bell?



I finish this off with a bloody poem,

and I think of this with a British accent.

Life needs more Eminem, just kidding, but I do need to vent:

Why is life so boring and grim?

Yes, that doesn't make sense,

but it does to me, I don't need your two cents.


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I have a friend who looks like Sean fujiyoshi!