AFF account link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/9320

AFF name: LoveViaKatina

Character name: Lee Lana

Age (): 17

Nickname: Lailai(pronounces Lay Lay) or Lala

Stage name: LaiLai

Birthday: May 14, 1994

Ethnicity( can be mixed but only two please): ½ Korean ½ American

Personality(I don't mind if it's long or short but make it descriptive):

She can be shy when she first meets people, but after a few minutes she is her normal self. She is a laid back girly girl who loves shopping. Heals and make up are her best friends. She can be mean if someone makes her mad. She finds that honesty is the best type of policy so she states whats on her mind no matter what. If she see's something she doesn't like she will let who ever is with her know. If she doesn't like a person, she will tell them. But when it comes to people, she never judges a book by its cover.


- Monkeys
- green
- going to new places
- learning new things
- snow and rain
- swimming
- shopping
- pickles and cheese
- wearing shorts to show off her legs

- Kids


- Spiders and snakes
- the color pink (but wears it)
- when people yell at her or go through her things
- onions
- pants(they don't show off her legs)
- when people yell at her friends
- thunderstorms
- heights
- cake
- people who wear too much cologne or perfume

Name for the group (I'm too lazy to make one): The name could be.. i have no idea.. i'm sorry.. "/

Lover (No Taemin and at least 3 lover please and write it in order of your most preference): Jaehoon(LEDApple)

Lover personality: Jaehoon is the main vocals and the leader of the rock kpop band LEDApple. The way he acts and the way he looks on stage are completely the same. He loves to go out partying and finding girls to bring back. He's cool, calm, and collected all at the same time. Major bad boy type. Which all the girls love. They can never seem to get enough of him

Lover picture: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F2ld8dnlLMU/Tf2hTrLo85I/AAAAAAAAA0c/rU1Gm1MK1bg/s1600/Jae+Hoon+Profile.JPG

Friends (can be a star or made up one):

Suzy(Miss A), Taemin(SHINee) Dongho(U-Kiss) Sulli(Fx)


Rivals: Hyomin(T-Ara)






Can play the piano

Can play the guitar


Position in the group (like rapper, dancer, singer, face, or think of something else): Main Vocals or Face


Appearance of you or a Ulzzang and her/ his name* (3+):

Jung Hyunjoo





Hobbies (5+):

- Reading,
- Gymnastics,
- Collecting Braclets,
- knitting
- Collecting stuffed animals
- collecting cabbage patch kids
- singing and dancing
- collecting anything green
- photography
- tanning



- biting her nails
- biting the insides of her cheeks
- looking up when talking
- sighing at random times
- rolling her eyes
- coloring things green
- dying her hair different colors
- correcting peoples words
- not minding her own business


Family background:

Lana was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Lee Dongmin/Mike Lee and Erica Lee. When she was younger, there was a sickness going around and it killed quite a few people and made a lot of them really sick. She would always say that when she grew up she wanted to help the hurt. When she was 2, her mom died of cancer. That really took a huge toll on her. She became distant from a lot of people. Stopped having friends, and just focused on school. She wanted to help the hurt really bad at that point.


When she was 11, her dad went on vacation to Korea to take care of his mother for a month or so. She had to stay at her uncles(moms brother) house. During her stay, he became more and more psycho. He tried to her and everything else. Late one night, she was fed up with him trying to hurt her, she went to the cops. The cops ended up arresting him. Now she was all alone, had no where to go. She had to take care of herself at her house, by herself.


Her dad came back a few days later because the police go ahold of him. After a few months of thinking, they moved to Korea. In Korea, she decided to start new and find friends. Along the way, she discovered art, music, and the fact she was related to someone famous. Lee Sungmin. The Lee Sungmin from Super Junior. Knowing that they were cousins, she became interested in music. Started singing in school, and took dance classes. She wanted to be just like him. Till one day where she actually became a trainee for SM Entertainment but later on transferred to JYP

Siblings: None.

Your style of clothes(3+)

She loves wearing shorts and dresses. Plus puffy shirts. Or anything from the style PUFFY. And lots and lots of heals.





Birthday: May 14

Age: 17

Mom died

Cousin is in SUJU

loves pickles cheese and monkeys

Favorite color is green

Password*: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/F2ld8dnlLMU/Tf2hTrLo85I/AAAAAAAAA0c/rU1Gm1MK1bg/s1600/Jae+Hoon+Profile.JPG


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