New CO-ED Group Application

Here's the form

AFF account link*:

AFF name*: starlove

Character name*: MiKyong AkiLee

Age* (): 18

Nickname: Kyo (boy name given by her brothers) or Mini

Stage name*: MK Aki

Birthday*: Novemeber 24, 1992

Ethnicity*: Half korean anf half Japanese

Personality*: She is very shy and keeps to herself when you first meet her. Once she knows you more and is comfortable, her fun side will pop out. She loves her family and close friends dearly so dont mess with them. She's a very competitive girl and doesnt like to give up(thats what her borthers taught her). She can be a moody when things are bad on her but she'll feel better. She keeps her problems to herself but always help out with other's problem. She's smart and tends to hide that fact. She is a very curious prson so she'll ask lots of questions. She protective of others more than she is of herself. She's tough on the outside but weak on the inside and doesnt like showing it. She's tomboyish in a way.  

Likes*: reading, training/working out, helping out, writing, caramel apples, dogs, nature, making scarfs/bracelet to childrens  

Dislikes*: mean peoples, darkness, heights, sight of blood, getting ignored, being avoided, clowns 

Name for the group: U.NiiK (like unique)

Lover*: Key, Minho, or Changmin

Lover personality*: Key: the diva/umma side of him. Minho: the quite yet competitive side. Changmin: the adorable maknae

Lover picture*:




Friends: Yang JinKyong(fictional)

Rivals*: SNSD, F(x) (i dont personally hate them but hey read too much ff with them as rivals)

Talent*: playing instuments, compising music, writing lyrics, taking pictures, acting

Position in the group *: main rapper or main dancer

Appearance of you or a Ulzzang and her/ his name*: Lee Yeon Joo




Hobbies* : planting, drawing, collectin charms bracelets, playing differents instruments, arts, singing alone in a quite place

Habits*: sticking out her tongue when thinking, laught when its awkward, tapping her feet when nervous, messes her hair when stress, talking to herself

Family background*: Her mother and father met when they went off to college in America. Mother graduate with musica and dance degree while father graduate with business and foreign languages. They later move to Seoul so her fatehr can start his job. Mom open studio teaching her kids along the way. 

Siblings*: Kaito and Kyle Lee

Your style of clothes*:





Trivia: hazel green eyes, black-brown average hair length, volunteers at children's orphanage/hospital, Her brothers and her are triplets


Anything else you want to add such as: update soon please wish the best to everyone :)


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loving ur application and the group name....<br />
thx for appyling
UNIIK<br />