Complicated Love







username: MulticultureINSPIRIT

What should i call you?: Crystal


⇒one in a million

name:Matsua-Cha, Crystal

nicknames: I only go by Crystal


birthday:February 20,1997

place of birth: San Francisco, California.

hometown:  San Francisco, California

languages: English| Fluent Korean| Semi Fluent



⇒ the inner me

personality: Many people say I'm too nice, but I believe that you should treat people as how you want to be treated. I tend to put people before putting my self into thought, so that way, no one gets their feelings get hurts. I don't believe in judging people, so I try my best to talk to a person and get to know them before judging them. I hate when people judges a person based on what they think they know or hear about that person. I hate lying unless if I know the truth will hurt someone I'll lied then and let them find out on their own. I'm not perfect at being nice, but I really do care about hurting people feelings, so I tend to lie about my emotions, and just put a smile, if something upsets me I'll just smile and brush it away. I usually only focus on helping people with their problems, more then my own, I feel happy when other people are happy. I can kind of be Naive when it comes to bullies and rude people, or when someone is using me. I'm more quiet in early morning, because I know that I probably would yell and not be as patient with someone, so I just smile.



* Rain (when it's relaxing)

* When everyone's happy

* Reading

* Sleeping In

*Track & Field 

*Classical Music.


*Early Morning 

* Getting into agurments 

* Violence 

* Fake People

* Breaking Promises

* Bitter things

* Lying

*Loud places


* The Dark

* Thunder storms 

* Being hated

* Being alone


* Smiling when upset.

* Saying sorry if I feel like I said something bad

* Grabbing onto people during thunder storms or blackouts


*Running Track 

* Writing Poems

*  Baking 


* I love oranges, but I have an citrus allergy

* I'm a member  of my Highschool Track Team

*I have a shiba Inu puppy name Changmin

*I'm the co-onwer of my mom Cafe

*I have a 3.8 GPA

occupation:I work at a cafe, as a waitress

do they use profanity?: No

if yes what language?:


⇒on the surface


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⇒people in my life

family:Yume Matsua. | 35| Mother| she really kind to people, she the one who made me who I am. She has a things for sweets. She the onwer of the Cafe. 

⇒ cupid shot him in the

chosen plot:Wishing on a Star

who do you end up with?  I want to end up with Niel, but it's more fun being a surpise 

love interest one:  Ahn Daniel 

age: 15

birthday: August 16, 1996

personality: Well in front of strangers or when practicing, he cold and serious,however he has his wacky times and moments. He can't admit his feelings very well, he gets embarrassed when it comes to lovey dovey stuff. He has a kind heart. When he upset, he gets really serious and scary, he quiet and more observant, waiting for the right thing to set off his fuse. When he's mad, that person is died to him. when he jealous, he act similar to when he's upset but he more talkative.

how you interact: He's my best friend, so we're really close. We know what each other thinking. He's knows how to make me smile if I'm upset or sad, he knows how to calm me down, when I'm pissed off. We meet, when he was staying with family in america, they were me and my mom's neighbors. We became friends quickly, to the point where we called each other brother and sister.  

trivia: He loves Skinship, (but only with close people)  He hates when people lie or take advantage of the innocent. He's scared to lose his family. He loves sweets, but he hates candy. He likes Track and Field, but his events are High Jump, 4X1 dash, and discus.

backup love interest one: Yi Wufan aka Kris Yi

age: 16

birthday:  November 6, 1996

personality: He's really sweet but he's a prankster, he loves to tease people. He get shy when it comes to Love. 

how you interact: We meet, when my mom took me to her friend's chinese resteraunt, where her family ran it, so when we go there I meet Kris. He's older then me, so he treats me like a little sister. He makes me eat his cooking, and ask how it tastes. He gets shy when we're walking and people ask if we're a Couple  

trivia:   He wants to be a chief, when he graduates from highschool. He allergic to cats, but he loves them. He has a fear of Spiders. He speaks 4 languages, English, Mandarin, Catonese, and Korean.


love interest two:  Lee Sungjong 

age: 15

birthday:  September 3, 1996

personality:  He a super sweet and very protective when it comes to his friends, he really kind to strangers, but he still very cautious about the person. When cares about something, he so protective about it. He very dense about his feelings, when it comes to love. he also can seem to be dimwitted, but actually is very smart. Even though he is usually happy, he can be angered somewhat easily, and can be very intimidating at times.

how you interact: He's nice to me, it's like he knew me for his whole life., which made me catious. but he was really sweet. He treats me really kindly, but he said it's sometimes seem that I am pretending to be happy, so he tries to get me to open up to him, but it's sort of awkward. We first saw each other at the school library, but we really met when he came to my mom cafe. 

trivia:   He always orders the same thing when he comes to my mom cafe (A Strawberry danish and Hot chocolate). He loves little kids. He hates being disrespectful to people. He like's to do girl diva dances.


back up love interest two:  Jang Dongwoo

age: 15

birthday: November 21, 1996

personality:  He extremely playful, and naughty, has a huge thing for skinship but understanding and gentle when it's needed always teasing me. He always smiling, his laugh is very contagious, he always making me laugh, when he sad,so usually he come and sit next to me, and laid his head on my head. when he mad, it get's kind of scary, as he has a dark glare on his face and he doesn't say anything, to the person he mad at he acts like they're not there. When he's jealous he acts similar to when he mad, but he more observant, and he talks, but in a rude way and is clingy .

how you interact: We met when he came into my cafe, to hide from the rain. We were awkward at first, but then slowly we began to get closer. At times it still Awkward but in the end he always find a way to get me to laugh, along with him. (include how you met)  

trivia: He really sensetive, he cries easily. He has a soft spot for baby animals. He hates spiders, he likes eating bitters things. He loves to read. He's very clusmy.



requests: A kiss in heavy rain (I find that super cute>///<)

suggestions: Nope,

comments: hmm Fighting, good luck with the story




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