Application for Scripted




Username: elf_verl

Profile Link: Profile

What should we call you?: Verl =)

Breathe ~ ~



Name: An Yonni

Nickname: SushiCat

Age: 18

Birthday: 13/11/1994  

Height: 169cm

Weight: 55kg

Birthplace: Korea



Languages spoken: Korean, English


Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

Pictures one | two | three | four | five | six 

Backup Ulzzang Lee Geum Hee

Pictures: one|two|three


Appearance : She loves to wear boots, and always have a pair of dangling earrings on. She also loves to wear dangling kind of bracelets. Sort of like the following~ one | two | three


Style: Yonni loves to wear dresses. She adores anything that has laces or ribbons on it. Basically, she goes for the sweet looks~ one | two | three | four | five 


School Uniform (highlight your preferences in purple)

Tops Bottoms Outerwear +
Short sleeves Pants Sweater vest School tie
3/4 sleeves Shorts Vest Bow tie
Long sleeve shirt Skirt School jacket Suspenders
Polo shirt      

About her


1) Cats

2) Music

3) Singing

4) Horror Movies

5) Anything paranormal

6) Collecting things

7) Peach pink and Purple items



1) Butterflies

2) Animal-abusers

3) Hypocrites

4) Two-faced people

5) People who speaks bad of others



1) She loves to collect stuff

2) Taking pictures

3) Playing with cats

4) Writing stories

5) Baking



1) She loves to sing, and is constantly either humming a song or singing a song no matter where she is

2) She is terrified of butterflies, when she sees butterflies, her mind becomes blank instantly, and her only thought would be to get away from that insect

3) She loves cats too much. When she sees anything with a hint of cat on it, she will immedietely get the item, regardless of whether she will use it or not.

4) She loves to play with her hair, and is constantly fidgeting with it.

5) She suffers from slight OCD, and have the urge to arrange stuff in order.



Yonni used to be a fun loving and bubbly girl who loves making friends and meeting new people. She used to spend her time dreaming of pretty things and how beautiful life was. That was until she became the target of the 'elite' group in her school. Her parents were strict disciplinarian who expected the best from her. When she turned to her parents for help regarding the bullying from the elite group, her parents did nothing to help her as they disregard her pleas. Having no one to turn to, she had no choice but to undergo radical change and became one of 'them'.


Now, she is no longer the fun loving and bubbly girl. She is afraid of making friends, and also reluctant to meet new people. She spend her days hanging around the 'elite' group, doing whatever they asked her to do in order to escape their wrath. She is now a quiet and cold person, who hides under her covers and cries herself to sleep every night. Every day is a torture for she hates the kind of life she is leading now. But the alternative will be much worse than this. She managed to build a wall around herself, a transparent one that only she knew exisit. To her old friends and new 'friends', Yonni had changed. But only she knows that it was simply a facade, one that protects her from the cruel world that she lives in.


Yet underneath all that makeup and trendy fashion, is a pure and simple girl. A girl who is still secretly hoping to re-emerge one day. A girl, still waiting for hope.


Family members (No more than three siblings c: )


Father An JungJae | 55 | CEO of Thirst International | Alive | Strict Disciplinarian | Bad and uncaring, only expect Yonni to follow his orders |


Mother | Kang Yuri | 50 | GM of Thirst International | Alive | Materialistic | Bad and not understanding, only expect Yonni to grow up and get married to another rich man so their family could become richer |


Grandmother | Park EunHye | 88 | Retired Teacher | Dead | Caring and understanding | Very good, she is the only person that truely cares about what Yonni wants


Family Background

Yonni's father is the CEO of Thirst International, a beverage enterprise that has established itself in the global market. Yonni was the only child, and from young, her parents had set up a strict regime in order to keep her in check. They always decided everything for her, and expects her to be the best in everything she does.


Luckily Yonni had her gentle grandmother with her. She was the person that taught Yonni to see the good in everything, that there was a silver lining in every cloud. Unfortunately, she passed away just as Yonni entered high school. The most prestigious high school in the whole of Korea. This meant that when Yonni ran into trouble with the 'elite' group, she no longer had her grandmother to turn to.

School Subjects


Seven subjects must be chosen (Excluding Math “unfortunately” and Korean are mandatory as well as one language) so nine in total...

You can choose one more language course, but Korean is compulsary

Highlight your chosen subjects like the Math one

Compulsory Language Science Humanities Arts IT Knowledge
Math English Anatomy Business Film Computer Science Anthropology
Korean Mandarin Biology Economics Music Graphic Design Psychology
  Japanese Chemistry Geography Theatre    
    Physics History Visual Arts    


Physical Education (Four of the sports must be chosen, as each will be taught for one quarter of the school year)

Highlight your chosen subjects in pink

| Badminton | Basketball | Soccer | Gymnastics | Volleyball | Baseball | Cycling | Horse Riding | Swimming | Martial Arts | Track and Field |


Favourite subject Psychology

Worst subject Economics


Friends (up to 5 “unless she’s the type who has no friends…”)

| IU | 18 | Sweet and caring. Supportive | She used to be Yonni's best friend in school. Even when Yonni got bullied by the 'elite', she continued staying by her side. When Yonni turned bulimic, she stayed in the hospital and took care of her around the clock. Howver, when Yonni recovered, IU discovered that her sweet friend was gone. In her place was a cold person, one who had no shadow of her previous self at all.  |



| Yoona | 18 | Competetive and scheming| Yoona is the mind of the 'elite' group. Being extremely smart, she used the 'elite' group to get her ways without being blamed for any of its bad deeds. She hates Yonni's free and easy character. |


Reason for being her rival - She was the person that turned the 'elite' group on Yonni, wanting to use the group to crush her completely. However, she did not expect that Yonni would join the group instead. Thus. she now scheme to crush her from within.

Love Interest 

| Leeteuk| 18| Gentle and bright person| He was in the same school club as Yonni before she joined the 'elite'. They were both active members of the Cat Society, and he was always intridged by her sunny diposition and happy-go-lucky attitude. He was baffled when Yonni suddenly changed into another person, and was determined to find out the reason behind her change for he believed that the new Yonni was not the true Yonni |

{Optional} School Uniform

(highlight your preferences in purple)


Tops Bottoms Outerwear +
Short sleeves Pants Sweater vest Schol tie
3/4 sleeves Shorts Vest Bow tie
Long sleeve shirt   School jacket Suspenders


Backup love interest

| Lee Sungmin | 18 | Quiet but gentle | The Lee family and the An family were family friends as they had many business dealings. Sungmin and Yonni practically grew up together, and Yonni was like the bright sun in his life. When this bright sun suddenly darkened, Sungmin was confused and scared. He decided to embark on a journey to help Yonni find back her old cheerful self. |

{Optional} School Uniform

(highlight your preferences in purple)

Tops Bottoms Outerwear +
Short sleeves Pants Sweater vest Schol tie
3/4 sleeves Shorts Vest Bow tie
Long sleeve shirt   School jacket Suspenders



Love interest's chosen subjects

Highlight his subjects in green

Compulsory Language Science Humanities Arts IT Knowledge
Math English Anatomy Business Film Computer Science Anthropology
Korean Mandarin Biology Economics Music Graphic Design Psychology
  Japanese Chemistry Geography Theatre    
    Physics History Visual Arts    


Physical Education

| Badminton | Basketball | Soccer | Gymnastics | Volleyball | Baseball | Horse Riding | Swimming | Martial Arts | Track and Field |



Any requests? A confession scene between the love interest and character?

Comments, questions, thoughts?: You are so creative to come up with the scenarios! I had a hard time deciding but also a great time filling in the form=) I chose the one that no one had chosen because I feel that it is the most interesting one among all of the scenes, and I tried to fit Yonni in with the scenario, so... here's hoping you will choose my application =)) Keep up the good work!

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