#Personal. Rages

Nom nom nom. I'm blogging here because I don't like tumblr anymore.

This is my compilation of rages that I will add to every now and then, seriously, if you don't wanna read a whiny and immature child rant, don't continue :) But if you like that kinda stuff... o__o LULJK.


Hmph. "/ I know for sure it's not a good thing when you're AFRAID to talk to your parents. They scare me. I'm afraid they're going to talk down on me and make me cry.

Few days ago they made me feel like an idiot. That didn't end well. 

Today my dad asked me what I did with my mom when I had to go to the elementary school, because she fixes her classroom and things like that. I said I went to sleep. He scolded me saying, why didn't I help her. She didn't ask. He said I'm supposed to offer. Well, in all actuality, what am I supposed to do? She was looking at her files. I helped her when she asked.

Later, my brother set the table. My dad said, "Wow. You set it without being asked." He says it in a tone where it's directed towards me. And I KNOW it is. He's done it so many times.

My parents think that they're so nice. And they're strict because it's necessary. Well, have they seen other people's parents? I know it's not good to wish for different parents. I don't. I just wish they would be such FILIPINO PARENTS! 

And my dad scolds me for being online too much. Well, if I had a life and I could go to my friend's houses, or go out with my friends, maybe I wouldn't be so online, would I? But no. I can't talk to THEM about my issues or laugh with them. They don't understand me. They don't. Especially my dad! He thinks he understands. HE DOESN'T. I'm online because I can't text or call my friends (my texts & minutes are very limited) and the computer, the internet, is where I can actually TALK to people.

I don't please them enough. Yes, I get straight A's the entire school year, I can do that for them. But EVERYTHING else is just not enough! I do my part, I wash dishes, I clean the house, I do what I'm ASKED to do. I know I should do more, and sometimes I do. Sometimes I clean the bathroom without being told to. Hell, yesterday I dropped a bottle of fish sauce. I mopped the whole thing up, and picked up EVERY. PIECE. OF. GLASS. I got on the floor and looked at eye level to make sure every bit of glass was picked up. I sweeped the floor, and mopped again. Just to be sure. Did anyone know about this? NO. They don't need to know. 

PLEASE PARDON MY LANGUAGE but ! Why don't they just give me a ginormous list of every little thing to do?! I'D LIKE IT A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAT WAY! Maybe that way, I won't be scolded for not thinking of something on my own! 

I wish I could talk to my parents the way I could talk to my friends. I don't feel close with them. I'm always silent.


I feel like my parents hate me. Yes yes, I know. They don't hate me. It's all outta love.

But I just wanna hide in my room .___. And talk to my friends. My friends I can talk to. My friends that understand my issues. Nyehh. I don't have that close parent-child relationship everyone else has. 

For the past days I've been yelled at for every reason possible. Being online too much. Listening to music. Eating ice. Stupid reasons, am I right? If not, then whatever, it's how I feel.

At least I have good friends. [COUGH COUGH EONNI @InnocentKitty COUGH SPUTTER COUGH] 

Okay. Gonna get off of this computer, creep in my room, and blast B2ST in my ears.


You're so inconsiderate...

We just finish dinner and my mom is laughing at the computer screen, I just wanted to see what was so funny... You walk in and scream at me,

What's wrong with you.

Go ing clean the table.

Wash the ing dishes.

If I'm standing at the sink trying to hold in tears, you say,

, you're sad because you wash the dishes?

No, it's because I'm so tired of the way you treat me.

I hate you. You're my dad, I love you. But I hate you.


I find it unnecessary you yell at me for listening to music.



HI. Another rage about my parents. :D

"Don't add wood to the fire."

I was washing the dishes, and my brother was being scolded about not taking out the trash. I said "Maybe it's because he didn't eat with us..." I didn't mean it in a bad way. But my mom went through this ginormous lecture about an old saying. "Don't add wood to the fire."

"Don't judge other before you judge yourself."

That doesn't even make sense. But I told my brother he didn't wash his pan when he cooked sausage. My mom then said, 

"I wash your cup when you make hot chocolate. You didn't wash your cutting board and knife when you made salad earlier." 

Like omg. I wash everyone's loads of dishes EVERY DAMN DAY. And you, eomma, you use as many pots as possible. Just because I wash dishes.


I gave my little cousin my old DS Lite for her birthday along with a DS/DSi Kit. AND all my old games. Turns out she already had a DSi. So I asked my uncle for my DS back. Not the games. Just the DS.

My mom's ing at me because she said I gave it so I should leave it.

My dad said that doing what I did is like spitting on the ground then it back up. EW.

Then they compare me to my brother.

. YOU. I love you, parents, I'll never say I hate you, like other kids, but YOU!

. this marshmallow... is fricken beyond her limitations right now.


when people make my blood boil i'm sure to get MOTHER ING ANGRY.


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PikaChew #1
I will freaking talk to your parents. Or send them an anonymous threat letter. <br />
Absolutely the same situation I have!! TT_TT