
warning: ranting ahead. Leave if you don't wanna read it.

Why is it that in some stories where I apply as a character, the writer does not consider the idea of telling me if there's anything wrong in my application? I blanked on a certain application so I wasn't sure if it was sent. I got seriously frustrated because I took an hour and a half on that application. So I ask the author if it was sent in but it's been days and he/she still didn't reply to me. And I know he/she was on these days because he/she updated his/her story and listed all the people who applied. I don't see my name on the list so yeah I guess the application didn't go through. But he/she should at least tell me so that I could do something about it. I work seriously hard on my applications especially that particular one where I just created a new character from the top of my head for the first time JUST for the plot. And what do I get for trying? Nothing I guess. ==;; Sigh...but I guess not all authors really care about his/her applicants. I also really liked that character but I don't remember everything I wrote. Oh my gosh, what the hell...>.>

Sorry for anyone reading this and had to hear my ranting................but yeah....................maybe I should take a break from applying until my head clears up from the stress..............well whatever. This is life and I have to deal with it. >3<


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LOL yeaaaa thanks