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Name: Park Sung Rin
Nickname(s): Sophia, Sophie-Umma
Age: 22
Birthdate: January 27th 1990
Birthplace: Seoul
Hometown: Seoul
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Ulzzang Name:  Shi Zi Jia
Ulzzang Photos: 1 2 3 4
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Yang Qihan

Park Sung Rin is known for her 'something in between' unique character. She is y yet innocent. She is mature yet very childish. She always believes that both female and male need to be treated equally.She is very matured and independent. She hates it when people look down on her just because she's a girl. She cares about her friends and taking care who are younger than her. It's easier for her to make friends with boys than girls, though she's not a tomboy. she just thinks that boys are easier to accept her open-minded thought.

When girls her age are busy looking for a decent guy to marry, she's more concern on how to fill her brain with knowledge and skill. Doesn't really care about having a boyfriend. Never afraid to speak her mind, sometimes with a harsh attitude. When things not going her way, she can be very ugly especially if someoone messes up her plan, and she knows a lot of pretty good ugly scheming. Good with responsibility. Her family is one of the socialites in Seoul, which is why she can bring herself gracefully in front of the media. And fashion always comes first fro her.

  • books
  • classical music
  • spicy food
  • italian food
  • the first snow fall
  • beach
  • ice cream (cookies n cream)
  • fashion
  • arrogant people
  • cigarettes
  • men who thinks that girls are weak
  • girls with too much aegyo
  • hospitals
  • reading books
  • listening to the music (classic is more preferable)
  • ice skating
  • swimming
  • is shopping a hobby????
  • love to spend her time alone when she's in a bad mood
  • clapping and jumping around when she's happy
  • talk to herself when she's nervous
  • loves dogs, wolves, bears, basically anything big and fluffy
  • the y icon of the group
  • doesn't like to eat anything that is too sweet
  • likes spicy food
  • doesn't like men who smoke
  • good at doing house chores
  • loves red
  • can't do aegyo, it'll always end up awkward
  • loves to show affection to all her dongsaengs and oppas
  • allergic to coffee
  • strawberry and grapes are her favorites fruits
  • the group's fashionista, always wearing designer's clothes
  • together with G.O they are the agency 'unofficial' couple
Languages Spoken: Korean "Fluent", English "Fluent", Japanese "Conversational"
Parents: (Park Il Woo, 45, the owner of Ritz Hotel Seoul (five-star hotel), very close, she's her daddy's little princess)
                (Jung Chaerin, 42, designer of DIAMONDS (an uuper class clothing-line), very close)
Siblings: -
Best Friends: Choi Siwon, 26, they knew each other since they were in diapers, they often meet in a gala dinner or a charity gala, etc. They have an oppa-dongsaeng relationship
MBLAQ match: G.O
Back Up MBLAQ match: Lee JOON
Position: (Check one)
[ x] Main Vocal/Lead Dancer
[ ] Main Rapper/Lead Dancer
[ ] Main Dancer/Lead Vocal
[ ]  Lead Vocal/Lead Dancer
[ ] Jack of all the trades.
Back Up Position: (Check one)
[ ] Main Vocal/Lead Dancer
[ ] Main Rapper/Lead Dancer
[ ] Main Dancer/Lead Vocal
[ x]  Lead Vocal/Lead Dancer
[ ] Jack of all the trades
Persona: Fashion Queen
Personal Fanclub Name: GLAMBITION ( Tagline : I'm Glamorous and full of Ambition)
Personal Fanclub Color: Violet
Casual Clothes: 1 2
Variety Show Clothes: 1 2
Formal Clothes:1 2
Pajama(s):1 2
Training Clothes: 1 2


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