Application Form


AFF Username: supergenerationrocks


Profile Link: here



Who are you?

Name: Sophia Wu


Species : Human (psychic)

Power :

Pheromone Manipulation (The ability to psychically manipulate one's own pheromones as well as the pheromones of others for one's own purposes. The user can exude pheromones from the skin or mouth. With this ability, one could release pheromones that do everything from inducing attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding amounts of pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change emotions and draw crowds. These pheromones may induce a pleasure,)------------>>>>>>sort of like Poison Ivy

Psychometry (Also known as "object reading", psychometry enables a psychic to pick up on psychic impressions (vibrations) left on an object  by someone connected with it. Someone with this ability could use an unfamiliar object to reveal much about its owner.)


Personality: Sophia is very independent and mature. She hates it when people said she's weak. She's very ambitious and and she'll prove to anyone that she can do everything by herself. Don't even try to out- her, because she's the olym- champion! She's the only human that other species are not dared to mess with, because she could fight back and when she does, it's an ugly scheming. She can make friends attack each other, enemies try to rip each other's head off. She also has this classy aura around her, that makes her dfficult to be approached. She's also very sneaky and her words are sharp. But once you get on her good side, she will do anything for you.


Background: Her parents were divorced when she was 12, because her father is apparently dating a man behind her mother's back, and her mother seducing alot of men to keep her alive. Well, her father is a psychic too and her mother is half-siren so yeah, she needs to feed from men, or to be exact. But she has more of her dad's talent than her mother's. The only thing that her mother's inherited for her is probably the pheromone manipulation. Sophie can make every species lusting over her, and she uses them for her own benefits. Her father put her to the school because he was also a student back then, and he wants his only daughter to get an education.


Ethic: Chinese-American


Age: 18



 What do you look like?


Ulzzang (4+):1 2 3 4 5


Style (4+): 1 2 3 4 5



Tell me a little about yourself


Likes (4+):

  • yellow roses
  • books
  • classical music
  • spicy food
  • italian food
  • the first snow fall
  • beach
  • ice cream (cookies n cream)


Dislikes (4+):

  • hospitals
  • dirty rooms
  • girls with too much aegyo
  • arrogant people
  • cigarettes
  • when someone messing up with her
  • people with bad fashion style


Love Interest: T..O.P and G.O (they're just lovers, not love interest)



How did you guys meet?: At school, T.O.P hit on her on her first day, two years ago, and she refused, so they decided to play a game. Sometimes Sophie will just give in, but sometimes she will leave him ually frustrated. It's just a game for her. T.O.P really amused wth her antique, and thinks that this beautiful creature is his. But unfortunetly, she thinks the otherwise and it really frustrates him because none of his girls behave like that. and he's determined to make her his.

With G.O : Sophie knew that sleeping with a werewolf will pissed T.O.P off, so she looked for him, and since then they also have twisted relationship .


Are you guys dating or not?: no, but it's a sick and twisted LUST triangle for her amusement. Both T.O.P and G.O knows that she sleeps with both of them. T.O.P was irritated and annoyed with it, but G.O enjoyed it, because finally he can mess up with a vampire without getting in to a fight (well sometimes..)



Shim Changmin, wizard, the most well-respected student in the academy and he's already in his last year on the academy

Jung Yunho, vampire, the most reputable student  (for winning every fight) in the academy, same as Changmin he's also in his last year on academy.




Species you HATE: none..



  • she likes dogs and wolves (no, she doesn't love G.O..)
  • she likes classical music
  • she loves book
  • likes to cook
  • her eyes will turn pitch black if she use her power too much
  • treating Changmin and Yunho as her own brothers and vice versa


Persona: The Seductress


Are you GOOD or BAD: hmm, how about 25% Good and 75% BAD...


A/N : Yeah I know my character is so...twisted, it just that I'm tired of playing a good girl in the other apply fics so I decded to try something new..^^ If something's wrong just feel free to tell me..



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oh thank u!!! *throwing confetti*
Kamoria #2
oohhh damn i love your character! you have a 99.99 % chance of getting in! :)