Seoul Underground: Street Racing/ Kim Ava


Name:  Kim ‘Ava’ Ha Ra

Age: 20

Date of Birth:19/ 08/ 92

Height: 157cm

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicity: ½ Korean, ½ Mexican

About you

Background: Ava ‘s childhood was a happy one. She was a little monster though. She never felt shy or the need to be quiet. She attended elementary school close to her neighborhood and she was never met with hostility because of her mixed heritage but that all changed when her parents decided to send her to a secondary school in the nicer part of Seoul where her brother had gone. Her brother was attending high school close by and would pick her up. Because she was mixed she would be picked on constantly in school for being darker than others and for being mixed and not ‘pure’. She was so angry at herself because she never really stood up for herself when others would make fun of her and throw things at her. She had never really experienced this back home, sure she saw people whisper things to themselves and point in her direction or glare at her but she never connected it to the fact that they were judging her for her being a ‘half breed’ as they would call her. During her middle school days she kept a lot f that anger inside of her and it was mostly directed at herself for not standing up. Once she went to high school her anger finally exploded and she got into her first fight which got her expelled from that high school. Her parents were angry at first until she explained to them what had caused her to fight and so they enrolled her in the local high school in the neighborhood. She was introduced to racing when she and her family went on vacation in America when she was 16. Her older brother had found out of a street race that was going to happen one day and Ava managed to blackmail her brother into letting her go with him if she didn’t tell her parents that he had been sneaking out with his girlfriend at night. Ava’s older brother didn’t participate in the race that night but both of them were so hypnotized and pulled in by the flashy cars and noise and money that it almost became an addiction. When they returned back to Seoul Her brother did everything he could to find something similar in Korea and in time both of them became part of Seoul’s Underground racing. Although Ava hasn't been able to participiate and become part of a group till this year, joining Miss A. Ava comes from a working class family and does whatever she can to help her parents with money so if she has won a race or something she ends up giving alot of it to her parent's.

Personality: Ava seems like a very rational person at first glance. She has a stoic expression and a very intimidating presence, she’ll let a smirk, eye roll or smile escape every now and then and you get the impression that she is a calm person, until you see her freeze then all hell breaks lose. Ava is a person who doesn’t have the best control over her temper. She will either attack with sharp words or heavy fists. She has been described as a drama queen although her argument for that is “ Listen, I only react like that if are disrespectful towards me and think you’re better than me, okay?” She will go from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat if she feels that you have disrespected her and is not afraid to fight anyone, female or male. She hates when people look down one her, So, if she feels like someone is challenging her, even someone much stronger than her she stupidly goes at it. This becomes a problem a lot of the time since she isn’t the most powerful person out there and gets hurt often. She is a stubborn person and will not quit no matter how many times she is stomped down. 

The reason why Ava has such a temper is that she is a very sensitive person when it comes to what others think of her. She feels like she has to prove herself to everyone and make them respect her, she does not care if that respect comes from how well she did on a job or how hard she smashed someone’s face in. The difference between other sensitive people and Ava is that Ava’s reaction to being looked down on is not depression or sadness, it’s rage. Like I said, she is a very sensitive person when it comes to how others see her, she wants them to see her as a person, not somone who isn't 'pure' 

But just because she has an explosive temper does not mean that that Ava is an unapproachable beast. She tries to get along with everyone when she first meets you. She can be reserved in the beginning since it always takes a while for her to warm up to someone unless she feels that instant click with you. With her small group of friends she is loud, funny and somewhat warm towards them. She finds it very hard for herself to show how she is feeling and to show love. She’s that friend who you have to force into a group hug and will make a face and try to pry herself away immediately. She has a very dark and Americanized sense of humor and because of this she feels like she comes off as unladylike which bothers her immensely. Even though she comes off as a crazy animal Ava actually has a very girly side to her so when she feels like people perceive her as a tomboy and ‘one of the boys’ it bothers her for days. She thinks that if she is known as one of the guys no male will ever think of her in a romantic light and will approach her because they see her as too manly or an oddity so she always has her nails fixed and her hair taken care of, she takes good care of her skin and uses any remedy she can to make all the scars she has gotten from fighting smaller. It’s kind of funny just how much she worries about her appearance, you wouldn’t think she was the type of person who cared about how she looked and was worried about boys when you saw her acting all intimidating and harsh.

Likes: -going to the salon and getting her hair and nails done once every week
-working at her father’s wood shop
-mango and tangerines
-hip hop, r&b and pop music

Dislikes: -people who disrespect her
- she dislikes her small chest
-saying oppa or unnie, only saying this when she absolutely has to
-she doesn’t like birds

Habits: - applying hand cream at least times a day so her hands don’t become rough
Whenever someone sneezes she says “Bless you” even if it’s someone walking down the street who she doesn’t know.
-talking back to people
- applying lip balm

Hobbies: going to the salon
-trying out new skin products

Trivia:-People are always surprised when they see Ava's race car, they think she would have had an all black car or soemthing like that, not a pink car but Ava feels like it just shows her girly side. 

- she introduces herself as Ava to everyone since she doesn’t really like her Korean name, only her family calls her Ha Ra
-Ava drinks but no one has ever seen her drunk so her friends are always buying her drinks and trying to get her drunk just to see what kind of drunk she would be
-Ava likes to wake up in the middle of some nights and eat cereal
- she isn’t a frequent smoker, only smoking when she needs five minutes to herself, she ends up feeling very guilty after smoking though, since that is what caused her father's lung cancer.
- She mixes y clothing with urban clothing.
-She works part time at her dad’s wood shop that makes hand made furniture
- she sleeps in booty shorts and her bra
-always wears red underwear
-she has a pear shaped body
-she feels like she has absolutely no chance of winning a guy over if he had to choose between her and a girl who fit the mold of what a female should look like
-she begins to build crushes on any guy who actually treats her like a girl
-when she likes someone she finds it very hard to look them in their eyes

-she isn't very fond of rich people


Ulzzang name: Im Da Hye

Links: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 

Backup Ulzzang name: Hwang Ji Min

Links: 1, 2. 3. 

Street Racing details

Race name: Well, she uses her English name Ava since she prefers to be called this by everyone.

Preferred choice of car:
It is very girly but Ava feels like it shows another side of her, she is extemely proud of her race car. It's not the newest car out there and she often has to save up money for months to pay back her brother for fixing it whenever it needs repairs but it's her baby and it always makes a scene.
Team Choice 1: Miss A

Team Choice 2: Secret

Extra Information

Day time job: she works at her dad’s wood shop 3 times a week

Are you a university student? She is a part time student at a local community college, right now she is trying to finish her required classes but she wants to become an English teacher in the future.

Family Information

Do you live at home with your parents? No

Siblings: Yes

Older Brother/ Kim ‘Mark’ Dae Ho/ 24/ He is a mechanic/ He is your typical protective older brother, except for the fact that he actually encouraged Ava into car racing. Before they found racing they didn’t have a close relationship but once they found something they both liked this made them closer. Now they have a close relationship. He doesn’t race a t all anymore though because his girlfriend Ha Hyo, is pregnant so he got a full time job as a mechanic and he handles a lot of the racing cars but mainly focuses on Miss A. This is a strong reason on how Ava was let into Miss A since Mark had been helping them out with there cars for almost 3 years.


Name: Kim Hyoyeon

How did you meet? They met in elementary school.

What are you like together: Hyoyeon is a very independent, she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She doesn’t like asking for help or letting people know when she is having a hard time. Ava and Hyoyeon have known each other since they were little, Hyoyeon being the first person who didn’t care that Ava was mixed. Hyoyeon is someone who will always try to make you laugh and is just a good time.

Name: Jung ‘Zinger’ Hana

How did you meet: They met when Ava attended her first race in Seoul.
What are you like together: Zinger is Ava’s go to person to go to the salon and get pampered. They both have that girly side to them that people wouldn’t expect. Together they are loud and fun. Zinger was just someone who Ava clocked with instantly.

Love Life

Love Interest 1: Bang Yongguk

What are you two like together? Ava and Yongguk have not met yet. They have heard of eachother, though. Ava often ehars his name mentioned when she hangs out with Zinger and Secret and all Yongguk has heard is that Miss A has a new 'Mixed Racer' who has a fiery temper. There first meeting is at a club. Ava was dacing with Zinger and the other members of Secret when Yongguk first sees her. He had been looking for Secret when his eyes landed on Ava, her tan skin easily destinguishable from all the other creamy colored girls. Ava was wearing a crop top and Yongguk was able to see the snake tattooon her right side she has move and dance as Ava danced. He was intrigued and finally approached them. He is introduced to Ava and manages to dance with her and tells her how much he likes her tattoo and manages to creep Ava the out. Ava doesn't like Yongguk at the beggining, she thinks he's a creepy ert but still manages to let out a few sharp and witty comments. Bang was interested in the 'Mixed Demon', he thought she was exotic. Yongguk always had the plan of dominating Ava, you could say. He wanted to be the one to tame the girl with the fiery temper and decided to act upon his feelings.He would give her compliments and stop by to check up on her at first, he would by her flowers and just take interest in Ava romantically which made Ava like him. He asked her out but Ava declined, she knew of his history with women and relationships and didn’t trust him enough to accept. She wanted a relationship and she didn’t think he could give her that. The thing that bothered Ava the most was when he confessed to wanting to be the only one who could tame Ava. 

Love Interest 2: Jongup

What are you like together?  Ava thinks of Jongup as her dancing partner, he was actually the first member Ava met from B.A.P. She was hanging out with Zinger on the day she met Jongup. Jongup was very shy since he didn't really talk to girls at first but Ava finds this incredibly  cute.


Miscellaneous: Style: 1. 2. 3. 4.  5.

Ava likes to blend urban clothing with tight, y clothing. For example she’ll mix tight jeans or shorts with a baggy shirt. Or she’ll wear a cropped shirt with a oversized sweater on top. She likes to wear caps and beanies and a lot of sweaters and jackets. Although, since she does like to show cleavage when she can so her s will look bigger since she feels like her top is smaller compared to her hips so she’ll wear push up bras to make her B cup chest look bigger. She usually wears sneakers or boots since she feels more safe with them on. She is capable of walking in heels and wearing dresses when the time calls for, much to her friends surprise. Her retort to their surprise was “ I am capable of acting and looking civilized, you know.” She doesn’t wear jewelry other than hoop ear rings.When she has to wear something dressy she either wears dresses that are tight at the bust and bouncy at the bottom or dresses that are tight everywhere.

her snake tattoo:1.

Love triangle: Yes

: Yes
Suggestions: How about cars start getting stolen from almost every team and people start thinking another team stole it or something like that and everyone just starts being paranoid. Also, how about some rivalry between Ava and Jieun because of Yongguk and so this stresses the friendship between Ava and Zinger?

Comments: Holy crap, this seems like such a different and cool idea. I’m glad you had this idea.


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