About Me & Stuff about U-Kiss

So... I kind of figured that first blogs are always awkward...

*cricket cricket*

Anyways, this IS indeed my VERY first AFF blog~ YIPPEE~

So, since I don't post "About Me" on my profile, I kinda figured that I would just post a blog for my friends and people to see.

I am BELOW 18 years old even though I am mature enough and I read rated "M" fanfics.

I love the color blue.

​I DO have an annoying older brother.

​I am a "Shawol", "KissMe", "Angel", "V.I.P", "Blackjack", Sort of an "InSpirit" and so on.

​I have an adorable puppy.

I like pie.

​I love reading.

​And stuff...

*cricket cricket*

Moving on.

​So, I heard rumors that U-KISS MIGHT be disbanding if they don't win #1 on MNET voting. Is that true? I mean... why would they disband on they're precious fans? Please, let me know if it's true. I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IF IT'S TRUE OR NOT! IF IT IS TRUE, WHICH I HOPE NOT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR THEM ONLINE AT MNET.COM AND/OR BUY THEY'RE ALBUMS. TT.TT

​I have a letter addressed to U-KISS that I KNOW they're not gonna read.

Dear U-KISS,

I am a huge KissMe, as you can tell. If the rumors are true that if you do not win #1, you will disband, I will vote for U-KISS and buy you're albums. I think that that is the least I can do in return of the beautiful music you produce and the laughs that you bring and the hard work you go through making music videos and singing live. Whatever you do, you make me proud. 

​Dongho- I see the progress you make in each and every music video that you produce but inside, you will still be the cute little child that I see, no matter if you are supposed to have a "Badass" image like in "Shut Up", "ManManHaNi", and "Bingeul Bingeul". Remain good and remember you're hyungs are always there for you.

Eli- My handsome pigeon. If I didn't know you, I would stay away from you and you're badass TaeKwonDo and you're superb rapping. I know that you didn't have the best childhood life but you have loyal fans now that practically stalk you O_______________________________________________________________________________________O and you have supportive bandmembers. By the way, Eli. LOVE you're Donald Duck and Elephant expression. You always look handsome, whichever color you dye you're hair, ditto with you're bandmembers :D

​Kiseop- Ah... my talented beatboxer, dancer, and free- styler. I hate the fact that you thought of suicide when you tried out to be in the KPOP Industry. It angers me to think about how they would not let such a talented guy into the KPOP Industry. The judges must've been BLIND to not see that. Kiseop was officially the seventh member of U-KISS.

​Kevin- My awesome angel. You have the voice of an angel. I love your voice. Hoon's and Soohyun's voice together. It makes perfect harmony and adds a bit more 'oomph' to the song. I just absolutely ADORE you're aegyo, Kevin and it'd not hard to believe that you have never gotten angry. Not once in you're life. You're so innocent and lovable and huggable. 

​Hoon- My bunny. I love bunnies :p I wish I could just give you a BIG, GIGANTIC HUG. You and AJ make a perfect addition to U-KISS but there is no doubt that it would've been lovely if it was a nine member group. If only Alexander (Xander) and Kibum left the group. Hoon, I love you're voice. It sounds so... natural.

​AJ- AJ. Where to begin. You make a perfect rapping partner with Eli. You both rap naturally and very smoothly, if you get my point. I love you're hair in DORADORA, by the way. So... SWAGGISH on you. You're English- With- An- Accent is so cool and awesome and did I mention cute ;). I can never get used to it. It would be awesome if you could do "Pops In Seoul" with Eli and Kevin in place of Xander and the series would CONTINUE. AJ, continue writing you're own songs. Remember, don't deny our r2π

Soohyun- My lovely leader. You're voice... OMG... I'll bet it makes noona's faint... I love the fact that you always PROJECT you're voice and it makes it stand out. My cute leader. You're so cute. Soohyun, don't infect you're members and dongsaeng's with inapro- pro computer... things.

​Xander/ Alexander and Kibum- I speak on behalf of sll the KissMe's. We miss you. I heard that Kibum was told that he was lacking and he had no talent. That's what I HEARD. That is so not true. Kibum, you have so much POTENTIAL in you and I can see it SHINE like the sun. Xander, my funny monkey XD. You are so funny, and you're English is great. I miss when you, Eli and Kevin would make "Pops In Seoul". Xander, we miss you're "Foxy Girl" sign XD. WE MISS YOU, TOO~

​U-KISS- Please continue to stay in the KPOP Industry. Us KissMe's will support you no matter what. You have the talent and the looks. I JUST DON'T FREAKING UNDERSTAND WHY THE HELL YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE A SINGLE MUSIC AWARD SINCE YOU DEBUTED WHICH WAS IN 2008! Saranghae~ FIGHTING~



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I don't think they'll disband....groups usually give some type of signs that they'll disband like SS501 or DBSK :/ if the boys disbanded so many KissMes would be beyond heartbroken. Me included :(
U-Kiss? No way!!
Oh my gosh, what? Why? Oh my -Dies-
They Can't!!!
Your letter is so sweet!
I can't even believe it..