Aish he's too pretty I cant even... *_*



Happy Birthday to our truly beloved Angel Leader Teukkie~


This old namja XD... Oh my... to even BEGIN to describe this world without him... Where would Super Junior be? Where would WE even be? His angelic soul is what builds and forms the main base and everything that is Super Junior. He completely the 15 stars (you heard right, 15 >.^) His soul is what holds them, and us together, binds us with our love, completes us, makes us, and defines us ans his beloved children. 

The best leader in the WORLD. Kay? WORLD. Yup.

The umma of one of the greatest groups to ever set foot on this earth straight to holy heaven, aint that right shisus? 


*ignores* k thanks. XD


But really, he isnt just called an angel for nothing. I mean the things he has done for his dongsaengs, the speeches he has given, the things he always so beautifully says, marks the words of a true born leader.


Okay, yes he may not be the most perfect person in the world, we all have our derpy moments and say stupid things we later regret and joke around and insult each other, yes we regret those things, we may have been a little harsh to one another, but who are we to judge about anything? We've done a lot worse im sure but I can guarantee no one has done half of the things this man has stood by, helped and accomplished in the past 6 years and even before that during trainee days and everything.



He has gone through and been there for every single trauma SJ have been through, spoken like a true leader, helped those who were in trouble and has always been born with the most kindest loving, caring mother-like heart anyone you ever perceive. And that. Is why he is the true angel of our time. /gets pelted with tomatos for tehh cheesyness

(I mean, cmon, he even says it himself XD but not the our time bit... thats just... bad... trolol /shot)


He is nothing but a natural born leader.




When I first saw you, I thought you were a rather odd (and still is), lets just be honest here, and well, you've really shown me what more you are, how incredible you are. How amazing you are.

He really cannot just be described simply(bwara mr shimple trolol /bricked) at all...

His endless hilarity... he is known to be one of the best and one of the funniest on variety shows, as we all have witnessed ourselves too many times...



His oh so, epic laugh. That contagiously pissingly funny hyena laughter which sends shock waves through whoever hears it and starts bursting into hysterics themselves, it just proves its hilarious effect nonetheless XD

His asdfghjkl body... just... OH MY. You... screwed up my bias list one TOO many times okay. JUST NO. May I need to remind you of Bonamana just in itself. And SS4 on the drums. Oh GOD. That was too much. Just... mindblowing(ly awesome *major troll* /bricked XD)

^ just... holy mother of... WHAT IS AIR. jus'... X_X

Not to mention he just astoundingly has one of the most sweetest voices dubbed ever. His purely romantic ballads he sings, even to when he sung 'She' that had to send every single heart melting into a gloopy puddle on the floor because just, his engrish was REALLY good, he sung a Stevie Wonder song and performed it with utter perfection, and, won the hearts of every single ELF watching him sing that live, or on youtube. He just had the ability to do that.

His derpy faces always making us laugh, his natural comedy always putting a smile on our poker faces, 



His obsession with white, cmon, lets be honest, we've ALL noticed it ahha~ hey, he lives up to his angel name at least~ >.^

His gorgeous dimpled face, his beautiful smile, his adorable eyes, his ledgendary hair flips~ /will spam in a few~



His cuteness being the leader normally having to wake the other members up, yet being the last to wake up XD

Ever though during your trainee days he would cry alone on a bus because he was slowly losing hope of debuting. He never really did. And it was because he tried to stay stong and keep holding on, he made it. And is one of the most respected people in k-pop history.

Hes so specially talented in every way, his piano, drumming etc, his gorgeous medodic voice, those heart breaking high notes, his epically foretold rapping, his incredible dancing as one of SJ's best and so much more hes too incredible to admire...

This old man. And his adorable childish demeanour. 30, but forever young at heart. Plus, Koreans always look like 10 years younger than what they are... Lucky bastards... XD <3


His ability gove the most amazingly tear-jerking speeches and wise words. 

How sensitive he is for a guy, how he can cry to sweetly at the mere things his fans do for Super Junior, as well as the things he has gone through. He can really pull a heart string within you. When his precious tears fall, so do the tears of every ELF crying along with him. Our hearts break to see him cry, no matter how much he does. <3... ;w;

^ take notes guys. THAT. Is what you call a REAL man. Teukkie please dont cry, im so serious you dont know how badly it breaks our hearts to see you cry... even if they are happy tears, we really cannot help crying with you...

How he stayed so, so strong especially during the time of the accident having to get 170 stitches or so due to it, he still broke through and because that much MORE stronger, fighting, even with all of the love he will forever receive.

Although I may have not been there since your Superjunior05 days, I want to be there for you now, he is true inspiration and will continue to be one no matter what.



His pure motivation to always keep going, to keep his dongsaengs going, to work hard, to survive, to make everyone happy, not to mention the unfathomable inspiration you see from him. He has without a doubt inspired us all in someway, and will forever continue, one of the strongest people, forever hwaiting.

He really is our special leader. Our angel. SJ's angel. THE angel. 


And I'm going to be so unbelievably sad to see you go... that'll be the day all ELFs around the world will hold their breath. That one day. Holding one hand to our hearts. We'll all feel a missing piece gone deep down. It will go yes, lost from us and sent directly straight to him.

That day, that moment, sending him our endless love, pieces of all our hearts to remind him, to let him know we're going to be there. We will be there undoubtfully. Waiting for him to come back the same smiling leader, two years from now. Saranghaeyo Leeteuk-shi. Always and forever. 


Always, I PROM15E TO 13ELIEVE 10V3 THE REMAINING 10, PROTECT THE MISSING 3 and now you Leeteuk. We'll miss you like crazy. But we'll still be strong for you.


okay now im gonna sob over Teukkie and Hae crying yah why you do this?! ;w; Baby dont cryy tonight... T^T /bricked





Teukhae~! Cute~~ Nao how jealous was Kanghyuk I wonder~? /lolz



DUH XD /le ROFLMAO... Hyukkie, you genius for doing this. Really.


/le nao spamming yTeuk~

/major Teukgasm like hell yah.


OwO THAT... TONGUE. HOLY... FREEKING... AHMAHGAD. Seriously... Me gusta Just... Kang Sora you luckeh bish... ^ le perfect hubbeh. <3 *_*

*runs sobbing* mean yah. ^ *lolling at gif* XDD too cute. just TOO cute. <3


/dying *_*


Trollin Teukkie~

I cant handle MAH FEELS YAH.


just... this guy... <3 XD


the adorbness. /makes le grabby hands~


oh dont look at me like that.


can I has? just... can I?

yay~! /le happeh.


~COVER ANY NEARBY MINOR'S EYES~ Its about to get kids. *_*

oh holy shisus. O.O

dont judge my thoughts here. yah. I KNOW YOU HAD THEM TOO. >.>

oh here~ same pic, before in slow mo, this one... just... OH... MY... Im not the only one who sees this. COVER THE NEAREST CHILD'S EYES. Just... Is there some untold story behind this... Teukchul. Thats my hypothesis. Ima go with that. Yup. Definitely because he's naughty naughty~ Hey~! ...



Kangteuk= WIN.


(^ please tell me im not the only one who thought this wasnt... minor-friendly... O.o)

TeukChul = still win oh yeah. DEFINATELY. *stares* >.^


okay fine I shuddup.


He is singularly the most beautiful guy when he cries even... ;w;

lol aaand /just killed le touching moment XD


yeah.. thought so XD


bo beep bo beep bo beep~ XDDD


Oh you man-child you... XDDD THIS is exactly why we love you. You see?







Aww and Teukkie not only is it your birthday but you have the best birthday present EVER~! y, Free and Single coming out too /le double WIN. Hell yeah~

And I was just trollin the teaser vid cause I really love it, its rather hilarious because everyone is going crazy (including me) waiting for the MV commenting saying that so I commented saying~

''I love it, everyone's waiting for the MV to be uploaded who's sleeping tonight!? HELL NO! Y FREE AND SINGLE WE'RE READY TO SEE YOUUU~!!! BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEADERTEUKKIE~!!! <3'' and within about 10 minutes it got 40 likes?! I was completely astounded I mean dont get me wrong I love the madness but really its hilarious I was like seriously?! Why?! But hey, I love our fandom!!! SECSHY, FREE AND SHINGLE IM READY TO BINGO X3 pfft lol srsly what? ^///^~


*crawls into dark cave refusing to come out* wae?! why you no upload SM whaaayyyy?! ;w;

/le tired OTL

And yet,

Nuff said.



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innersense #1
Happy Birthday to Angel Leeteuk!! the best, funniest, cutest, loving leader evvveerr :D <3
Spamming u laika boss.
DON'T GOOOOOO ;~~~~~~~;
Omg I love u so much for dis.
He is so unappreciated.
Omg. My Teukie feels.
My 6th gib feels.
Too many feels.

/is gng to do dis later whn my laptop is available ;w;