{ OCC } SM Entertainment Question & Answer OwO (For Tiffany Unnie and Anyone else who wants to audition!!~ ^^)

SM Entertainment Q&A

1. Is SM considered to be Hell on Earth (beating you up for mistakes)
-Nope. They do have some restrictions to their trainees but they certainly don’t abuse them.

2. Will they force ...me to to get plastic surgery (which i don’t like)
-SM doesn’t force people to get surgery, but they will strongly recommend it because they are strict on looks.

3. What about school, not a fluent Korean speaker etc. (every bit of info would help) do i go to a different school.
-If you go to school overseas, you only train during breaks at the SM building. If you live in Korea, though, you will be going to training everyday. And by the time you’re in high school, SM will transfer you to Kent Foreign High School (for students in Korea who lived in a foreign country for a while). SM cares so much about education that if you’re not doing good in school, then they will kick you out of the company. Also, if you’re not a fluent Korean speaker, they will teach you Korean as a trainee.

4. Best age to start (Im 15 is it to late)?
-Nope, it’s definitely not too late. SM likes trainees to be around 12-16. If you are 17 and above, it’s kind of late, but if you are talented, you still have a chance. It also really matters if you look young. If you’re 20 but still look like you’re 16, then your chances of becoming a trainee are higher.

5. Training – example will they train all trainess in one class at the same time ( like teaching 100 students in one dance class)
- I don’t think so. They probably have like three or four students in one class, because the less people you have in a class, the more ypu can learn.

Here’s the trainee schedule:

Basically, you go to school. Then, you go back home (or to your dorm) to do homework until you finish. At 7 in the evening, you get Korean Language classes with a private tutor for an hour, then dance and singing lessons. Training ends at 10:30.

Saturday: Training by yourself from 1:30-9; you may have some private language lessons, although you will be expected to review on your own as well.

Sunday: None, lots of Koreans go to church/ have a day off.

6. Breaks (do i get to visit family/friends in Canada) if so will they pay for the expenses (plus how long are the breaks)
- Like I said you have Sundays off. As a trainee, you have TONS of free time if you train carefully. However, if you don’t train enough, you will debut later than everyone else. If you are just visiting your friends and family, then SM won’t pay for your ticket.

7. House – do they give you a dorm with other trainess/and what are the things(stuff like TV) are inside the dorm.
- Yes, you’ll live in a dorm during your trainee days and they do have stuff like TVs and other stuff,. However, you are limited to using them.

8. Trainess – since im not a fluent Korean speaker how do i communicate with them. ( need some friends)
- I’m not sure what you mean by “them” but I assume you mean the SM staff. Like I said before, they will give you Korean lessons if you’re not fluent and the staff there probably knows basic English. I guess you can use Konglish (Korean and English) with each other :) And if you’re lucky, you might be able to meet another trainee who also speaks English.

9. food/diet – where do we have breakfast, dinner etc will there be a cafeteria/and i also heard that they give you water diet. (is it true)
-You will eat your meals in the cafeteria, and no the water diet rumor is not true.

10. i know you get allowance but exactly how much.
- You get $20 per week.
(Which is like 20000 won in Korea which is not that much I guess...)

11. Trainers – are SM trainers evil hell mean, or cranky teacher mean (and how long do you train everyday)
- No! They are actually really funny and nice. They crack jokes a lot. You train from 7pm-10:30pm on week days, From !:30pm-9pm on Saturdays, and a day off on Sunday.

12. Can SM people kick you out (example 3 years of work and suddenly you get cut).
-Yes they can. Sometimes, they have financial problems like they have too many trainees and decide to kick you out. But there are definitely more reasons why they would do that.

That is all for now~
I will add on more posts about it later OwO
Hehehehe~ ^^


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well im auditoning fro sm 2
OMG!!! Saranghae SUllI~~~~~