Goddess .:. Park Joo Hye


G o d d e s s .:.

Username: JooHye

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/55187

How we should call you: Jordi

Activeness: 7



a s i c s .:.

Name: Jordi Park Joo Hye / 박 주 

Stage name: Kiss / 

Nickname(s): Joori, Monkey, JJ, Choco Brain

Birthdate: April 12, 1994

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: London, England

Hometown: Albany, New York

Language(s): English (Fluent), Korean (Semi-fluent)


Blood Type: O+

Height: 170cm

Ulzzang name: Byeon Seo Eun

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Style: 1 2 3 4 5 - She has casual fashion styles, not too fancy or plain. She likes wearing shorts with any type of shirt. She wore jeans sometimes, and her outfits always accompany by pair of high heels or sneakers. Never wear skirt or dress, only wear them on special occasion.


     [4] Main Vocalist
     [2] Main Dancer & Vocalist
     [3] Main Rapper & Vocalist
     [1] Lead Rapper & Dancer
     [5] Jack Of All Trades

Persona: Hyperactive Monkey

Fanclub name: Kisses / Kisser

Fanclub color: #ff0000 , red



n f o r m a t i o n .:.

Personality: JJ is outgoing and sociable. She's pretty dorky, and an easy person to talk to. She can literally start a conversation with anybody. She crack jokes and tend to laugh all the times. Sarcastic, and she's proud about it "I can speak 3 different languages, English, Korean, and Sarcasm", she consider sarcasm a language. The laid back type of girl, take things easy, and stay calm. But the she get pissed off if someone touch her hair without permission, mock her, or give her the attitude, those are the things that get on her nerves. JJ used to treat everybody with friend to friend manner, but after living in Korea she learned to treat older ones formally, and has polite attitude. She also have a "Me First" attitude, want to be the first one to try everything, JJ is quite competitive.

This girl is a Chocolate lover. She eats chocolate when she's sad, happy, stressed out, pissed off, etc. in any kind of emotion she eats chocolate. She hates chocolate ice-cream though, but when she eats it, that mean she's really depressed. Normally, JJ's already loud, but once she consume chocolate, she'll go louder and crazy. She could be annoying at times, because she would never be quiet. You can tell her politely to be quiet, but if you tell her to shut up, she'll ignored you, until you give her chocolate. It's very easy to make up with JJ, a chocolate bar, Hershey, is enough.

She's also straightforward and bossy. She hates to go around the bush, rather going straight to the point. Sometimes, this chick can be a little to blunt, that she say things without thinking twice, she'll hurt someone's feeling in a snap. That's why she always informed others when she intoduced herself "Annyeong! My name is Joo Hye go by Kiss, I'm blunt, sorry if I hurt your feeling in the future", some find her introduction wierd, but some thinks it cute. She is absolutely sensitive, any kind of harsh action or words can make her cry.

Background: JJ was born in London, England. She moved to Albany, New York at the age of 5, the same age she was put in Taekwondo class, and is now black belt. Her family isn't rich nor poor, middle-class it is. Her mom is a Fashion Designer, while her dad is a psychologist. JJ have an older brother, he's 3 years older than JJ, a Junior in College Major in Business Administration in UCLA. JJ was the School Girls Varsity Basketball Captain for 2 years in Middle School, 2 for High School, which make it 4 years straight. By the end of her Sophomore year JJ moved to Seoul, South Korea with her older cousin Nakari, but she called him Nana. She moved because she got an offered SMent to become their trainee. And Nana volunteered to take care of JJ over there.

Hobbies: Basketball, Taekwondo, Volleyball, Eat, Shopping, Play video games, Doodle.

Likes: Chocolates, Cute stuffs, Video Games, Winter / Snow, Giant teddy bears. 

Dislikes: Cats, Dolls, Clowns, Shrimps, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Thunder, Potatoes, Strawberries.

Habits: Snap finger while thinking, Roll her eyes if annoy, Stick her tongue out wheneber she's bore.

Favorite color: #cc9900 , golden rod

Favorite number: 3

Instruments: Drum & Guitar

Trivia: Own a whole snapbacks collection, Can't sit criss cross, Role model is Taeyang and CL, Ideal type is BEAST's Gikwang, A b-girl, can do the tutting dance, freestyle rap.

Does your character use cuss words? [] yes ; [] no ; [x] sometimes



a m i l y .:.

Father: Park Jae Son | 41 | Psychologist

Mother: Kang / Park Ji Min | 39 | Fashion Designer 

Sibling(s): Jordan Park | Male | 21 | Student at UCLA, major in Business Administration

Other relatives: Nakari Kang | Male | 25 | Engineering Technologist



T r a i n e e .:.

Background: JJ was discovered on the street of Albany, New York when she was 16. She was having a street battle with the other B-Boys/Girls.

Years of Training: 2

Singing Voice: Slow

Rapping Voice: YEEYEE~

Dance Video: Hit it!

Weak points: [x] singing ; [] rapping ; [] dancing



e l a t i o n s h i p s .:.

Best friend: Hyuna of 4Minute

Close friends: Yoona, D.O, Amber, Taemin


Rival: Kai of EXO-K

Reason: They're both competitive, and Kai is a great dancer. Him and JJ compete on everything from food to dancing.


Love Interest: Kai of EXO-K

His Personality: He is competitive and annoying. He look all serious and y on stage but in reality he is very childish. He likes mocking and teasing people. Awkward when it come to expressing his feelings. He also treat people with well-mannered. And a bossy type of guy, likes to be in command. Kai is short-tempered, he gets annoy easily and he'll explode any time.

How do you act around each other?: They challange one another every time they meet. Both argue and bicker all the times. They get awkward when they did skinship.

You call him: Pabo Oppa

He calls you:  Choco Brain or Monkey

Scene requests: Maybe later?



E n d .:.

Any suggestions?: Nope

Comments: I don't know if I got the password right. What is yeoshin?

Password: [Yeoshin]



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