Application for Falling Upside Down


AF Name: allyyoung

AF: Profile

Character Name: Alexis Young

Character Birthday- 01/17/1991

Ulzzang name-pick 2!-: Lee Dasom (,

Jang Hae Byeol (

Character's Dream: Alexis' dream was to become a world reknown graphic designer.

How it was killed-did someone tell you that you were doomed to fail at it or maybe an injury stopped you from continuing?-: When she was driving on her motorcyle to a job interview, a huge delivery truck had ran a stoplight and hit Alexis head on. She was in a coma for 7 months. When she had tried to reschedule an interview, the company rejected her, thinking that she would waste their time again.

Character's History-tell me about your life! Your family, your friends, anything about your past that you think is important-: Alexis' life was pretty normal, until her fathers random death when she was 18. When she was little she remembers her father always telling stories on how his family had always had a good relationship with animals, especially wolfs. Her mother goes into a depressed state leaving James, Alexis' older brother, to care for the family. When her mom had finally begun to ber herself again, James had started to drift away. Always sneaking out at night, working out for hours on end. This really worried Alexis. After 2 years of bickering, James was his old happy and friendly self again. He had gotten a job at an awesome paying design center. Alexis was also into art and videogames so she decided to look into the industry to better her life.

Character's Personality-at least two paragraphs, please!-:is a very bubbly, loud, and happy weirdo who will laugh at mostly anything. On the other hand, she tends to be very serious when it come to caring for her friends and family. Adding to that note, Alexis thinks more about others than herself so she is often found sick or really tired. That's how much she cares!

                 She absolutely LOVES music. You can find her saying," If music didn't exist, I wouldn't also." she is also a tech-junkie so she always has her Iphone or Ipod handy. She tends to always have a smile on her face. Alexis loves PLUSHIES!!!

Members of family-how old are they? Do you get along? Are they alive? What are their jobs if they have any?-:

Celia Young/Mom/45/ They get along great/ Yes she's alive/ She's a housemaid for a rich family.

James Young/Brother/24/ They bumped heads for a while but they got along after 2 years/ He's alive/ He works for a graphic design studio.

John Young/Dad/ 53/ Used to get along/ Deceased/ Was in the military

 Pets-do you have any? What are they? Would you bring it/them with you to Seoul? Has a Husky/Lab puppy named Sparks-->< Yes I would bring them to Seoul.

Likes-at least 5!-: Music, sweets, sound/smell of rain, cloudy days, Sleeping 

Dislikes-at least 5!-: Thunderstorms, rude/snobby people, super hot days, waking up early, and very loud noises

Hobbies-at least 3!-: drawing, singing, dancing, swimming, Tai chi, running.

Habits-at least 2!-: Constantly lips, making weird noises, spacing out

Who do you want your guide/boyfriend/girlfriend to be-your guide is your partner that fate has led you to, basically your future wife/husband. Must be from the kpop world. Pick 2!!-?:  OK Taecyeon ( 2PM ), Lee Junho (  2PM )

How did you meet?: ( Taecyeon )-> Alexis accidentally mistakes his motorcycle as hers. Tries to say that the bike's hers, but finally see that the plate, very similar to hers, is in fact not hers. Taecyeon becomes surprised that Alexis know so much about motorcyles, which leads to them having a long discussion about bikes. Taecyeon asks if she would like to come to a bike shop to check out all the new parts and pieces for motorcycles. ( Junho )-> When Alexis is walking her dog, Sparks, Junho is walking his dog too. When Alexis passes by, Junho's dog starts barking at her, almost biting her. Junho apologizes for his dog's rude behavior. His dog is usually nice and playful. Alexis understands that sometimes dogs become angry. ( Doesn't know that she's a werewolf yet! ) Junho smiles and asks if Alexis would like to go to the dog park with him. 

Why do you like them?: ( Taecyeon )-> Very kind and understanding. He tries to make me smile when I'm sad. He's really... REALLY.. y..XP ( Junho )-> Funny, Cute, Weird ( like me! ) and very random. Tries to act y ( which he already is ) to make me crack up when I'm sad. Really good at dancing.

How do they act around you?: ( Taecyeon )-> At first he's the typical strong, tough dude that doesn't really talk to girls since his last relationship that ended with his heartbreaking. Doesn't want to experience it again, but he feels like Alexis is different, in a good way. ( Junho )-> He's playful and loud when he's around me. I share alot of common interests with Junho like Dancing and singing. He's also not afraid to embarrass himself in front of me.

How do you act around them?: ( Taecyeon )-> Is very comfortable around him. She feels like she can be her normal tom-boyish self with him. ( Junho)-> lIKE A WEIRDO!!! and she acts all hyped up too. Junho's energy just seems to rub off on her.

What is your role in the group of friends? The Funny, uplifting one. The one that always cheers up people with jokes. 

How do you act with your friends?: Gets along with friends

Do you want to find out that you're some kind of magical creature, like a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, etc.: YYESSSS!! ^-^

If yes, what kind and how powerful do you want to be? Also, what do you look like if you can transform into something?:  

 Werewolf, When I get really mad, like.. SUPER DUPER MAD, I want to turn into a wolf that has Glowing eyes with magic glowing around my wolf body.. ^-^   ->

Extra information. Anything you think I need to know: Nope!! ^-^



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