Don't Let Me Fall Application [:

▬ the basics ▬

username ; pauchii

name ; Kurosawa Ae Rin

age / birthday ; 18, August 03 1992

ethnicity ; Korean-Japanese

birthplace ; Kyoto, Japan

height ; 173cm

weight ; 50kg

blood type ; AB


uljjang name ; Ha Neul

▬ the personal you ▬

personality ; A well-mannered and shy girl. She's an easy-going person who smiles from time to time. She's very observant and can pick up things fast making her a quick learner, especially languages (can speak Korean, Japanese, Chinese and English). She can be very quiet and doesn't talk much since she doesn't really have any friends in school since she was an exchange student from Japan.

She likes to look after people and hates seeing her loved ones hurt or upset. She's the type of person who you go to if you have problems and needs advice as she's very understanding and trustworthy. She's reliable like that. She also doesn't pass by a homeless person without giving the money as she thinks they deserve it more than her. Sometimes she even helps them find a place to stay.

She completely ignores everyone when something's bothering her or when it's the day of her father's death. Nobody really notice the difference since she's always quiet, which makes it more difficult for her because she has no one to turn to. She has trust issues and it can be hard for her to open up to new people or be in a relationship with someone, but once she gets to know them more and feels comfortable around them, she might express her feelings more. 
Can always be seen reading or studying as she is known as one of the hard-working and intelligent girls in school. But she can also be VERY violent when angry or provoked, making people surprised when the see her this way.
background ; Her mother is Korean while her father is Japanese. They divorced when Ae Rin was 9. They were a happy & perfect couple so Ae Rin could never understand what got into her mother to cheat on her own husband. It was the day her mother suddenly went on vacation for 2 months that Ae Rin knew something was off.
One day, Ae Rin saw her mother kissing another guy. Ae Rin knew it might be a misunderstanding and followed them. She over heard their conversation and it turns out that she's married to that guy and that they were celebrating their anniversary! So basically, that 2 months vacation was their wedding. The divorce papers were signed straight away. Ae Rin never knew why her mother even cheated in the first place but she honestly doesn't really want to know, afraid that the reason is about Ae Rin herself. She now lives with her dad and has lost all contacts and connections relating to her mother.
When Ae Rin turned 16, her father suddenly fell ill. He told Ae Rin that she should always follow her dreams and never to give up when life is hard because something good will be awaiting for her along the way. He soon died from over-working and stress. This affected her more than the divorce and cried for days before she could actually accept the fact that she has no parents. Because of this, she's trying to avoid loving someone.

likes ; - Sunny Days

- Having company

- Visiting the park or beach at sunset

- Quiet places

- Surprises

- Red Roses

- Sour jellies

- Piano music

- Seeing HIM


dislikes ; - Being alone

- Love

- Flirts

- Gossips

- Being reminded of her parents/past

- Smokers

- Liars

- Loud places

- Seeing people upset/hurt

- Disappointing people

hobbies ; - Dancing

- Collecting photographs of places for her scrapbook

- Reading

- Playing the piano

- Singing (not in front of people though. just by herself)

- Cooking

- Watching the stars at night while drawing

habits ; GOOD: - Waking up early/ Being early

- Organising anything messy

BAD: - Biting her bottom lip

- Day-dreaming


▬ your love story ▬
partner ; Kim Yoo Kwon (Block B) / Jung Jin Young (B1A4) / Kang Min Hyuk (CN.BLUE)

his personality ; He's quite a playboy and is usually seen laughing with the guys. He's known to be very competitive and a prankster and enjoys relaxing on his free time. He's funny and playful so it's easy to strike a conversation with him. Even though it may seem that he doesn't care about girls, he's super sweet and sensitive when it comes to someone he truly cares about. He can also play the guitar, sing, dance and rap. So, what's not to like?

dream scene ; He brought her to a rooftop where they can watch the stars since he knew she liked watching them at night. He confesses there too.

▬ anything else ▬

requests ; -

extras ; Good luck on picking the applicants! Here's an encouragement hug.  *HUGS~* <3


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