50 questions copied from the net

hmm.  im getting addicted to answering surveys/quizzes.  **sigh**  it's confirmed -- i like talking about me; such a conceited person.  **pinches bridge of nose** **sigh**

hehe.  sorry, ignore me please.  im bored here at work and i badly need to fight off sleep.  so im gonna answer a survey i found online.  at least im gonna appear like im working on something in my lappie.  **sneaky!**

here goes!


1. If you were a crayon what color would you be?


2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?

     yes.  hehehe

3. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

             is that even possible?  ah, i guess this says i havent done it before

4. Do you like to use post-it notes?

             ah, depends on what’s written on it

5. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

             ah, neither? 

6. Do you always smile for pictures?

             yes i do

7. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?


8. Have you ever peed in the woods?

             hehe, yes.  hey!  we were out camping okay.  no modern toilet around, just nature.  so you go au naturale

9. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?

             there will always be music in my head that i would end up dancing to

10. How many people have you slept with this week?

             2.  i sleep with my 2 daughters; im squished in the middle

11. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

             yeah sure, why not

12. Do you still watch cartoons?


13. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

             movies starring adam sandler and drew barrymore, though not necessarily together

             i like how adam sandler's movies seem like they're stupid movies but they actually have lessons at the end of the story

14. Last person you kissed/kissed you?

             my youngest baby when i said goodbye coz i was going to work

15. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

             i was a girl scout back in elementary

16. Would you ever strip or pose in a magazine?

             if i had the body for it, why in' not.  but i probably won't be able to -- my husband is one crazy jealous nut

17. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?

             nope.  i can handle my alcohol well

18. Chocolate or Vanilla?

             chocolate for late-night snack and vanilla for the scent

19. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?


20. Have you ever fired a gun?


21. Sugar or snickerdoodles?

              what the heck is a snickerdoodles? **googles** oh it's a cookie... ah probably the snickerdoodle thing

22. Regularly burn incense?

              ahahaha. no.

23. Ever eat a pierogi?

             a what?! **googles again** it's sorta like a dumpling? 

             errr, i probably would eat it.  im not a picky eater, so i guess il try it if it's served to me.  id try one just to be polite.  yeah

24. What is your Chinese astrological sign?

              im gonna date myself with this one.  **sigh** im a rooster

25. Do you wear: a lot of makeup, some makeup, no makeup

             no makeup

26. Could you go out in public without make up?

             yes i can

27. Are you wearing skinny jeans?

             no.  i cant.  i wont fit in it

28. Do you dislike any of your friends?

             i make it a point to only befriend people i like, so no, i don't dislike any of my friends.  if i suddenly feel that im disliking any of my friends, i disengage myself from that person for a while, just to see if the feeling is fleeting or to assess why im feeling that way

29. Are you addicted to something?

             ahhh **blushes**

30. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

             no, i dont think so.  but i have teared up coz i was laughing so hard

31. Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend with his best friend

             on an ex-bf, yes. only bcoz he did it first. he slept with his best friend's long-term girlfriend. ****

32. Have you ever been kicked out of school

              no.  but almost got the whole batch suspended for bringing playing cards to school

33. Have you ever been in trouble with the law

              no.  my life is boring

34. Have you ever sneaked out of your house

              yes.  a lot of times for a number of reasons

35. Have you ever done something bad and you still havent told your parents

             yes.  shhhh!  dont tell okay?!     

36. Have you ever sneaked a boy in your house

             yes.  **blushes**

37. Have you ever stayed gone from home and dont return until a week later

             yes.  it was actually more than a week coz i ran away from home

38. Have you ever loved more than one person at the same time

             yes.  i love my husband but im also in love with Dara. also with GD. i think im falling for Seungri.  **sigh**

39. Have you ever lied about your age to someone

             yes.  coz i tend to forget what my age is, so i would say the first number on my mind

40. Have you ever slept outside (not in a tent)

             yes.  ive fallen asleep while commuting.  i have this bad tendency of falling asleep when my back feels it's against something.  in pinoy terms, we call it MASAN -- MASANdal likod, tulog (back is resting on something hard, i fall asleep).  hehe.  it can also be MALAP -- MALAPat ulo, tulog (head is resting on something soft or hard, i fall asleep)

41. Have you ever told someone that you love them and really didnt mean it

             ahhh, yeah.  i did it to break up with someone.  it went like "i really love you and im doing this for us, for you"  and he went all puppy eyed then cried his lungs off.  ugh.

42. Have you ever hooked up with someone to make someone else mad


43. Have you ever broke someone's heart

              oh, i hope not.  that's bad karma right there

44. Have you ever done something a long time ago and just now regret it

              yes.  a lot of things and then some

45. Have you ever cried over a boy for a week straight

              ahh, not that i remember.  what i do remember is frowning and scowling for more than a week

46. If you were a dog what would you want your name to be?

              errr, coffee?

47. You have to choose: owning 9 cats or eating peanut butter forever!

              eat peanut butter forever

48. If you could make the sky any color what would it be?


49. Do you think some people are mind readers?

              hmmm, no.  but i do know that there are people who can read facial expressions really well

50. Did you ever wish you were a member of the opposite ?

              no.  they have flat chests -- where's the fun in that?  me likeeee my ies




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