We got married with Mblaq application

Profile info
AFF username:

AFF Link:

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Character info:
한미래 Han Mirae

Age :




Korean --> Fluent/ Dutch --> Fluent/ English --> Fluent


One - Two - Three - Four

Ulzzang name:
변지영 Byeon Jiyoung

Backup Ulzzang:

도회지 Do HwaeJi



Personal info
Mirae is an outpoken girl that says anything she wants to whomever she wants. She isn' afraid to get criticised, but if she gets to hear something she doesn't agree with, she'll let you know. Part of her personality originates from growing up in the Netherlands for several years. Despite her outspoken personality, she's really caring and sweet. If someone has a problem, they can come to her for advice or just words of comfort. She's also learned to be independent from a young age. Since her dad was an only father and he worked, she had to take care of herself. Mirae is not one to get frustrated easily. She takes things one step at a time and isn't afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are just steps in a process to perfection as she always says. Thanks to her outspoken personality she's not afraid of showing people her emotions. Whenever she's sad or frustrated she searches for people to turn to and who are willing to listen to her. Friends, she doesn't have too many. But that's mainly because people are scared of her truthful personality. They don't want to get close to someone that tells them the truth and doesn't sugarcoat things. Yet the friends that she is close to love her for this trait. The girl is not always the smartest of the bunch, but she makes up for that with her sense of humor. She loves cracking jokes and she finds the most random things funny.

Han Mirae was born in the year 1991 in her hometown ChunCheon. Her mom and dad were quite young when they had her. You could say she was an 'accident'. Despite that, her parents were really caring and one year later they got married. Sadly the two of them found out that they just weren't right for each other and they got divorced when Mirae was 2 years old. Mirae then went on to live with her dad. Her biological mother disappeared without a trace after her parents got divorced, but Mirae never felt the urge to go look for her. Right before Mirae's sixth birthday, her dad got a job offer in the Netherlands to work for a museum since he is a historian and he decided to take her with him. They settled down in the new country and Mirae went to a Dutch school. Her dad met a woman there and after a while they started living together. When Mirae was 15 years old they decided to move back to Korea. Her dad has remarried with the Dutch woman at this time. Mirae made the transition to a Korean school again, but after having lived in a country where the people are more open and bold, she got in trouble quite a few times for her truthful and bold outbursts. A year after her family returned to Korea, her step mom gave birth to a girl. Her step mom opened up a hair salon about three years ago and Mirae loves helping out whenever she can.


          *   Tropical fruits
          *   Purple
          *   Vintage clothing
          *   Thunder storms
          *   Dr. pepper
          *   Photography       
          *   Art (Especially the art movement of Photorealism)           
          *   Dancing

          *   Apples (She's allergic to them)
          *   Loud people
          *   Coffee
          *   Rollercoasters
          *   Fishes
          *   The smell of Lavender

           *   Making short movies
*   Collecting coins from all over the world
*   Shopping (especially shoe shopping)
           *   Writing stories
  *   Being creative with photoshop
*   Photography

             *  Used to smoke when she was 16, but quit after a friend was diagnosed with lung cancer.
             *  Huge fan of actor Uhm Taewoong.
             *  She snorts when she laughs.

             *  Always carries her mp3 player with her no matter where she goes.
             *  Strangely addicted to the song 'I am the best' by 2NE1. She either hums, whistles or sings it at least once a day.
             *  Loves dogs, but she has never been allowed to keep one because her dad's allergic to them.




Relationship info

             *   Han YoungJae/43/Historian/Father, they're really close since Mirae mostly grew up without a mother.
                                                                            Because of this they always do everything together.

             *    Debora (first name) Rozenboom (Last name)/ 41/ own a hair salon/ stepmother, Mirae didn't really like her at first because she felt that this woman took all the attention of her father, but over time to the two started to share the same interests and they grew closer.
             *      Han Mia/ 6/ goes to school/ half sister, Mirae absolutely adores her. She loves to play with her and she loves to dote on her.    
                                                                          She's a total er when it comes to her little sister.

Top 2 MBLAQ husbands:
                                                           1. Yang Seungho 2. Mir

Best friends:
CL/2NE1/21/Best friend/Thunder noticed how Mirae kept on singing 2NE1's I am the best and decided to introduce her to his sister's group. CL and her hit off immediately.

MBLAQ's G.O/ Bigbang's Daesung/
Wonder Girl's Lim

SNSD's Yoona

Receptionist at her stepmother's hair salon. (She takes care of the customers when they first come in, reservations, cancelations etc.)




Any comments:
I'm really looking forward to this. Good luck to you with chosing and writing and good luck to me as well. ^^ If you are unclear about anything, let me know and I'll change it. Hope you'll like it.



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