
Okay, so recently me and a friend have been planning a really cool, fantasy themed fic that we're gonna write together, and it got me thinking about the types of fics that get the most subscribers and what draws them to certain fics.


I came to a pretty disturbing discovery: The most subscribed fics are almost always the mature, ty ones.

Are we all really that erted? What about the people that don't wanna write that sort of thing? Do we sit back and appreciate our "average" fics just because we haven't written ? Idk, sometimes this place is really crazy.


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I know what you mean. I really feel this is crazy.
I'm not the type to read / and even if I would I don't think that's the important thing in a story.
You should just concentrate on your story, I'm sure it will be great ^^ Just ignore what people prefer to read and do your thing.