Application for B.A.D


I only stayed because you turned the lights off
 Username: piscesdog
Nickname: Rin
Activity of AFF: 9-10
I think i'd rather misbehave. My way.
Name: Yong Jae Rin
Nicknames: Jae, Jaengnan (Jae from her name + Jangnan is prank)
Age: 18
Birthday: 02/25/1994
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Birthplace: South Korea
Hometown: Seoul
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese. 


I wrote the story myself. It's about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it.


Jae Rin may looked innocent and girly but she aint girly girly, She loves to wear clothes that are comfortable and easily movable. So don't give her clothes like Short shorts, mini skirts or dress. Jae Rin may be cold at first but when she finally know you, She will be really caring and you can see the side that others can't see. she also love to prank people when she is bored but she hate it when people pull a prank on her. Even though she may looks cold, she have alot of friends that is around her age.

She is not afraid to sweats and is willing to improve herself without anyone to prompt her thus she knows how to speak English,Japanese and Chinese fluently. Since young she have been independent as she doesn't want to always rely on her parents. Her brother is protective of her ever since young and she care for him alot and will always be there for him no matter what and the same for her brother.

She hate people lying to her and she will not tolerate anyone talking back of her family and friends, she willing to fight for her  friends and all.

If you are sick or hurt physically or emotionally , she will get really worried and will try to make you better even if she tired or came back from harsh training she will still take care of you no matter what. And if you don't listen to her and rest well be ready to get her wrath of speed nagging that she learnt and get from her brother and you will immediately regret for not listening to her.

She love High Top Shoes alot and will stop at the stores to stare at it until someone pulled her back to reality if not she will start to walk into the shop and buy at least one pair of shoes.

She tends to sneak out of her apartment to go to underground dance battle.
Strengths: Composing, Rapping, Dancing 
Weakness: Tend to keep everythings to herself, Once she is sick she get really sick. her cold exterior made people thinks that she is rude but she isn't.
Pet Peeves: When people push her around as if she is a thing, Agyeo
Turn Ons: Deep voice, muscles
Turn Offs: hairy chests, speak without thinking
Fears: Cats- she is allergy to it therefore she tend to avoid it since once she is near it or someone did touches it and is near her, she will start to sneeze and cough.
I have a tendency to like anything addictive and destructive
High Top Shoes

Coke (her brother influence her)


Taking photos with her SLR



Jasmine Green Tea (when she is stress)

Pranking on others 


People playing prank on hers



people who hurt her family friend and members


 Her Brother speed Nagging 

Short shorts and mini skirt

Killer Heels

Cats (allergic to it )

tend to smirk alot like her brother

using her tongue to play with her inner cheek

ruffles her hair when she is frustrated, annoyed, worried, irritated and confuse

dance while listening to music 

listen to music when bathing

you can see her in her room composing when she have her free time

playing guitar

compose music 





She loves to cook for her Brother , Cousin, Closed Friends and members
Have Been an underground dancer and rapper before

You can see her in the corridor/ hallway dancing with her head phone on

She will have her IPAD ITOUCH MACBOOK and Iphone with her 24/7 everywhere she goes so she can compose if she is bored

She will be at the dancing or figure a choreograph with any music if you can't find her in the dorm

 Brother is Beast Yong Jun Hyung. 

She knows B.A.P Zelo because of his brother Choi Jun Young.

Like Shinee Key, She is one of the founder of the 94-Line

Ideal Type Bang Yong Guk

she have three tattoos one on her left back near the shoulder that say " i love my life"

the other one is on her back waist that say " music is my life"

Another one is on her wrists ' life is a climb and no matter what happen live life to the fullest'

Random Talent: She can make a random rap and compose a songs on the spot.
We're all addicted to something that takes away the pain
Food: Sushi, Prawn
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coke
Alcoholic Drink [if ]:nil
Animal: Puppy
Family Member: Junhyung and Jun sung her elder and younger brother
Color: Sky Blue
Song: 2NE1 Ugly
Dance: 2NE1 I am the best
Drug: nil she doesn't like drugs
Bad Habits: She will drink alot of coke when she is happy or Drink green tea continuously when she is stress
I'm leaning on the fence between past and present tense.
[Yong Jae Jin | 51 | Father | Co-shop owner with his wife | Close | Alive]
[Woo Soon Rin | 46| Mother | Co-shop owner with his husband | Close | Alive]
[Yong Jun Hyung | 23 | Elder Brother | Idol | Really Close and protective | Alive]
[Yong Jun Sung | 17 | Younger Brother | Student | Really Close and Protective | Alive]
Pets: NIL
Best Childhood Memory: The day when she found out that there is someone that still care about her after everything she had been through. 
Worst Childhood Memory: The day of the accident where her late boyfriend died during their 3rd anniversary. When she found out she got into depression 
And that's just how she lives, loving all the wrong people and wanting all the wrong things.
The reason why you are a BAD girl: 
Ever since she is 13, she have been sneaking out at night to go the underground dance club where she had found accidentally one day after school, She will sneakily ran out of the house and enjoy herself in there and slowly she started to join in rapping and dancing. Her innocent look draw alot of attention from the guys and some decided to do something to her while walking out of the alley ways, she noticed that she had been follow, so she decided to hide at  a corner and then jump on them and fight them. She is also started to fight those who is bullying her younger brother, Jun Sung when she found out that her brother has been coming home with bruises she decided to follow him and found out that bullies had been threatening him and extorting money from him. Jae Rin couldn't take it anymore from seeing her brother being beating up so she jump up and fight for her brother, she glared at them after beating all of them up and warned them if she found out that they are bullying Jun Sung again she won't hesitate to foght them even if she risk in getting suspend and expel.
She was born in an average home with a loving parents and brother. Even though they were close Jae Rin felt that she shouldn't always tell her her problems to her parents and should be independent. So when she was 16 she asked her parents for permission to move out and live alone.When her parents heard about it they objected but after listening to her explaination with the help of her brother they finally convince them and only willing to let her move out if she lived with her brother. Both of them accept immdiately. Jae Rin doesn't want to burden her parents finacially she decided to sneak out at night to a underground club to display her talent there. where she found at the age of 13 Jae Rin also had a boyfriend for 2 years ever since she was 14 both of their parents accept them . They love each other alot but when she was 17 they were celebrating for their 3 year anniversary but everthing turn into a tragic event for her. While crossing the road happily, a truck was speeding toward her knocking them both,When the ambulance came they found her boyfriend Junyoung beside her hugging and protecting her. When she woke up she asked for Junyoung but they told her to calm down before they mention anything. When they told her she went into a depressing  state throwing anything that is beside her. The doctor had to gave her a injection to calm her down. Even though both of their parent doesn't blame her , she kept blaming herself. She kept herself lock in her room for months until Jun Young younger brother think enough is enough, He asked her brother to open her bed room door before talking to her " Jae Rin Noona please hyung doesn't want you to become like that " after talking to her for hours, He finally convince her to move on "Thank You Jun Hong~ah sorry for worrying you guys"  Jae Rin patted his head and hug him.  She apologised to her family and Jun Young's Family. Since then they still contact with each other.

She become a cold person since then she doesn't want to fall in love again afraid that something like that will happen again. She spend most of the time training ever since she was scouted at the underground dance club at age of 13. She was scouted by a TS manager but stopped training after the death of Jun Young. She decided to live her dream again after Jun Hong's convincing. She decided to go back to TS entertainment since they knew what happen to her so she audition again with her strong rapping and dancing which she have improve alot. She also tried acting when she is in there too which she is good as it .

She is close with Beast members since her brother introduce her to them they are like her second brother. She know Gong Minji and Lee Sungjong since she was young, as their parents are friends. She is able to make friend easily despite her cool look

I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.
Ulzzang Name: Lee Ye Rin
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Park Yong Hee
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Second Back-Up Name: Lee Hyang su
Pardon the swag.
Casual Style: 
Dorm Style: 
Sleep Style: 
Training Style: 
Formal Style: 
Date Style: 
Variety Show Style: <--- instead of Gikwang is Junhyung
Beach Style:

Special: she have three tattoos one on her left back near the shoulder that say " i love my life"

the other one is on her back waist that say " music is my life"

Another one is on her wrists ' life is a climb and no matter what happen live life to the fullest'


she have three piercing on the left ear and two on the right ear

I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.
Best Friend: Gong Min ji 2NE1
Friends: 94 liner
Lee Sung Jong Infinite
Choi Jun Hong B.A.P
P.O Block B
Amber F(x)
Mentor: Hyo Sung
Role Model: Jun Hyung 
And if you want trouble, i want the same thing.
Rival: Serri Dalshabet  She has been jealous of her since middle school since she can made friends easily with boys withoug using any agyeo and that she's the favorite of her dance school teacher.
Enemies: Seo Rin (oc), Seo min (oc) they are trainees in Ts 
Ex-Boyfriends: Choi Jun Young 
Ex-Friends: [ optional ]
But these bright lights turned me into a monster!
How Did You Get Into TS? 
She was scouted during a dance battle in an underground battle, she was only 13 then, she had been underground for 6 month before being scouted by an TS manager. She was then asked to go to audition the next week. When she return home, she found her brother on her bed staring at her shocking the hell out of her, She told him what happen and Junhyung asked her to give them a chance, so the next day she called the manager and  he asked her to go there after school where her brother then sent her there. During the audition, she dance powerfully using her own choreograph routine, and when they asked her if she has any talent she told them that she rap and had compose a few song with the help of her brother. so she ask her to rap and show them the song she compose so from there she was chosen to become a trainee in JYP.
Training Time: 5 years
How Were They? She was close with almost trainees except those who was jealous of her talents, She is not afraid to sweat which many people love to take care of her and teaches her to dance
Stage Name: Jaei
Reason: There's no reason and the name is quite normal is of Jae from her name they add a 'i' behind eat and pronounce as 'E'
Persona:Cheeky Rapster
Position: Main Rapper + Lead Dancer + Sub-Vocal | More difficult rapping parts; dance solos; a singing line here and there
Back-Up Position: Lead Rapper + Main Dancer | More rapping lines in the song; stands at the front during dance breaks
Second Back-Up: Lead Rapper + Main Vocalist | More lines in the song; more difficult parts of the song such as long or high notes 
Personal Fanclub: JAEIker
Personal Fanclub Color: Sky Blue and Grey
Specialties/Talents: Composes easily on the spot, Acting, active in sports really good in sports



Personal Message to Fans: No matter what happen live life to the fullest 
I tried to be strong, but baby your the right kind of wrong.
Love Interest: [P.O Pyo Ji Hoon | 19 | BlockB
How You Act Around Each Other: They love to tease each other and they both are partner in crime when it comes to prank. They know how each other felt about one another so they tend to contact one another, He will use agyeo on her when she is angry at him or not listening to him when she is sick and all. He has been by her side since her boyfriend passed.
How You Met:
When Block B is training after their debut and Jae rin just got out of depression and Ji ho who is free decided to bring her to Brand new Stardom after getting permission from Cho PD. He brought her to his studio and started to show her and teach her how to use since he knew that she have a lot if interest on composing due to her brother JunHyung and his influence. They were making some music when P.O barged into the studio shocking the two of them, Jae Rin immediately put on her cold facade and Jiho just introduce her to P.O which she just nodded at him which made Jiho nudged her and gave her an agyeo face telling her to behave which she just sighed and introduce herself . From there, he always asked her about herself and she slowly opened up to him and slowly fall for him  
Scene Request: How her boyfriend died and how P.O and her met
 Back-Up Love Interest: [Gong Chan  | 19 | B1A4]
How You Act Around Each Other: Love to used agyeo on her which she think is annoying but she is kay with it , love to Prank him and see his annoyed look
How You Met: They met when Jiho introduce to her when she is visiting them during their Block B and B1A4 match up. 
Scene Request: [Optional]
2nd Back-Up Love Interest: [HyunSeong | 20 | Boyfriend]
How You Act Around Each Other: Hyunseong is protective of her after knowing her background even though she looked strong, he can read her like an open book, He love to pamper her and know everything she likes , same as Jae Rin she know what he likes and will use agyeo if she accidentally made him mad.
How You Met: They met during Beast comeback and Boyfriends were greeting them and she barged in shocking almost everyone. She just bowed at them and she walked to her Brother and greet the rest of beast as they asked her about her training. Jeongmin who is part of the 94 Line high 5 her and introduced her to Boyfriends and they instantly learned more of each other. 
Scene Request: [Optional]
But I say the world, i'm too young for this .
Pre-Debut Works: Back up dancer for Secret, Feature in beast Beautiful MV as a Students
Pre-Debut Photo: 
Job: Nil she just earned her money through winning the battles on the underground dance battle
Arrest Recorded: nil
School: Anyang High School
Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history.
Questions: Nil for now
Fanclub name/color Suggestions:  Baddies/ Black


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you mean TS not JYP.. right?