Don't Let Me Fall Application~


♥ application form;

▬ the basics ▬

username ; Dhee-licious

name ; Hwan Chae Min

age / birthday ; 18(turning19), July 11 1992

ethnicity ; ¾ Korean ¼ French

birthplace ; Marseille, France

height ; 179cm

weight ; 48kg

blood type ; B

appearance ; Chae ~ Chae ~ Chae ~ Chae

uljjang name ; Kwon Su Jeong

▬ the personal you ▬

personality ; She's easy-going and friendly towards everybody, mostly. People are drawn to her because of the 'happy vibe' they seem to get from her. She's not a sweet angel though. She's feisty, stubborn, loud and has strong opinions/beliefs. She usually doesn't care about what people think of her but she hates people thinking lowly of her and comparing her to others, she prefers to be herself, no one else. One of her mottos are, "Be yourself, everybody else is taken." Many that get to know her start to get tired of her easily. She's picky and usually never satisfied. She's also very straightforward and honest, this is usually why they start to get tired of her. She'll tell the truth about what she thinks about your drawing or how you look, she doesn't care at all if she hurts the other person, she believes telling the truth is easier than lying to them and making them happy. Another one of her mottos is, "It's better to be hurt by the truth than be pleased by the lies."

She's very sporty and competitive due to her father being a proffesional athlete. She's into sports a lot which makes her quite fit. Her weight hasn't changed since her first year in high school though since she's a big eater. Everything she eats is practically gone in an hour or so since she's always playing sports. She's gained the title 'Pig Athlete' due to this. She's very smart and has a wide range of words in her vocabulary, she has slick combacks and sarcastic remarks to make people shut up when they aren't supposed to be speaking. She hates it when people interrupt her and take her food. She'll get angry and start throwing punches or at least try to injure that person. They'll usually make it up to her by buying her her favourite food, Donkatsu.

Even though she's a sporty and intellectual person she's very girly sometimes too. She is in love with fashion, she doesn't even hope to become an athlete. Sports is just a hobby for her and her real dream is to become a fashion designer or anything related to fashion. Since her mother is partly French and she was born in France she was easily influenced by fashion. The only time she doesn't look fashionable is when she's playing sports, any other time, anywhere, she's wearing something in 'season' and such. She hates seeing people dressed in ugly clothes.

background ; She was born to two Korean parents. Her mother is part French and is a Stylist for a famous fashion company whilst her father is full Korean and a proffesional athlete. They met when her father had a photoshoot for the magazine, "Athletes". Her mother was his personal stylist since he was a new and upcoming rookie like herself. They got along since they were both Korean and they both had a very big dream. They began to date 2 months after they met, they met up with each other again in France. They already had chemistry and their feelings developed even more. They both decided to stay in France because they could both pursue their dreams there together.

6 years later, they were both 27, Chae was born. She was born in Marseille, France. She was raised there until she was 6. There was a lot of conflict during this time and her grandparents had never even met her so they decided to move back to Korea. She lived with her grandparents when she moved back because her parents had to go back overseas to work. When Chae was 10 her little brother was born, her parent's were still in France so her little brother grew up like her. Her parents moved back to Korea when she was 16.

Even from when she was a young girl she was already interested in her parent's proffesions. She wanted to be like them but she grew more interested in her mother's proffesion, design/fashion, so she decided that sports ould just become her hobby. Her grandfather was very sporty when he was young too so he wanted her to like sports since her mother didn't give birth to a son yet. She grew up in a very strict household, since her grandparents were very old fashioned they really wanted a son to be born first so she was raised quite like a boy. She became more feminine when she reached puberty.

likes ; - Fashion

- Sports


- Friendly/Nice People

- Living by her mottos

- Surprises

- Perfection (not in life, things like the table being clean etc.)

- Winning

- Proving people wrong

- Romantic / Sweet moments

- HIM (soon enough xD)

dislikes ; - Being compared to others

- Lies

- Losing

- Ugly clothes

- Being misunderstood

- Losing

- People taking her food

- Being interrupted

- HIM (at the moment)

hobbies ; - Making clothes

- Playing sports

- Shopping

- Playing the violin

- Hanging out with her friends

- Eating/ Finding new types of food

- Showing her talents

habits ; - Pouts

- Speaking her mind / Telling the truth

- Practicing (eg. pretending to shoot a basketball, pretending to be kicking a football etc.)

- Speaking louder than she should

- Humming to herself while cleaning

- Fidgets (she doesn't like to stand still or be still at all)

- Speaking with full

- Speaking French when talking really fast or ranting

▬ your love story ▬

partner ; Shin Dong Woo (CNU) - B1A4

Pyo Ji Hoon (P.O.) - Block B

Yong Junhyung - BEAST

his personality ; He's an athlete and he shows it. He loves sports and is practically in all the clubs. He's gotten quite competitive due to this so whenever there's a competition or game he's in it to win it.  He's rebellious and won't listen to many though. When he sees somebody that's threatening his spot as the Number 1 athlete in the school, he won't stop until that person is miserable.

He's a total flirt and very popular amongst the girls and usually gets what he wants. When he doesn't get what he want he'll keep trying to get it. He's an all-around good guy really, he loves to make people smile and he'll make really cheesy jokes. Even his nickname 'CNU' means 'a dependable and sweet-natured friend.'

There is a hidden side of him though. The "soft" side. He's very sweet and romantic. He'll hate to see that person get hurt because of him or get hurt in general. He actually wants to have a steady relationship but can't seem to find that girl that'll make him feel weak at the sight of her smile.

dream scene ; They're having a race against each other because they want to see who's faster. Chae runs ahead of him and looks back to 'merong' but trips over some sort of pothole. CNU(or whoever she's paired up with) sees her about to fall and starts to gain speed, he trips too though and he ends up underneath her, their faces close to touching. This can be when their feelings start to develop.

▬ anything else ▬

requests ; They call each other nicknames. CNU gave her the nickname "Pig Athlete" and she calls him "Chicken-U". They always glare at each other and try to get one or the other to get into trouble.

extras ; Trivia! : - She has lots of mottos xD

- Plays the violin

- Family member's names: Father - Hwan Shim Kye

Mother - Hwan (Kang) Ji Hee

Younger Brother - Hwan Jun Woo

- Fav Colour: Purple & Baby Blue

- Has an unfathomable love for cute pink things

- Always wears non-graded black thick rimmed glasses unless playing sports

- Speaks Korean, English & French fluenty

- Learned Enlglish from cousins

- Is a hopeless romantic but doesn't show it

- Likes to be active, hates beng bored


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