♡ Somebody to ℒove「사랑하는 사람」 ;; a p p l i c a t i o n


My Lady



→My Lady

[name] Lee Sungjin

[nickname] Sung Sung/Jinnie (Shorter/cuter versions of her name, but ONLY used by those closest to her)

[birthday] 4 January 1993

[ethinicity] Korean

[languages] Fluent: English & Cantonese | Moderate: Korean & Mandarin | Conversational: Japanese

[height] 5 feet 1 inch (153 cm)

[weight] 110 lbs (50 kg)



[ulzzang name] Park Hwanhui/Hana

[five+ HD pics] [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]

[back-up ulzzang] Kim Seukhye/Joo

[2+ HD pics] [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]

[extras] eye color: Dark Brown, dimple on her right cheek, single piercing on each ear



[major] Major: Visual Design | Minor: Informatics (the study of human interaction with computers)


When you meet her, she seems really cold, calm, and extremely quiet, but if you become a really close friend, she's actually rather hyper and loud. Unfortunately, you have to be an EXTREMELY close friend for her to act this way. When she's by herself in front of strangers or a large crowd it's as if she's lost all train of thought. Basically, she has a huge case of stage fright in front of people/strangers; it's even worse if she's put into the spotlight in front of a crowd. Similarly, no one knows she's hyper or loud at all; though most people usually come to the conclusion that she’s either mysterious or stuck-up. Ask any friend of hers and they'll tell you people always ask why Sungjin is so quiet while the friend just sheepishly smiles knowing it's no use explaining. Also, she tends to settle with "behind-the-scenes" work, many times letting other people take the credit for her hard work. However, one of her strongest points is her observation skills in which she is very precise when assessing a person or situation. Still, her shyness is definitely a problem. In addition, she is the farthest from being a risk-taker. Those two qualities combined becomes pretty disabling for her. Although her grades show that she is part of the top percentage and an astoundingly intelligent girl, she still has a lot to show—she has very unique ideas and is quite the master with words—but her lack of boldness and confidence obviously fails her. Also, despite her age, and having never been in a relationship before, she’s a great old sister type who gives great advice—so much so, that sometimes people mistake her for being older because of her “wise” life and relationship advice.

Besides her flaws, she does have accompanying strong qualities about her: loyalty and trust. Some might say she is just innocent in this aspect, but she believes everyone is a decent person upon first meeting, giving everyone she meets the same level of her trust. This level of trust is her basic, scratch of the surface, guarded trust (as in she doesn't believe you're out to get her, or you have a reason to lie to her when giving her facts, but guarded in the sense that she will rarely tell you much about her). However, when you gain her trust, which quite difficult to obtain (that guarded part is rather strong), she becomes an extremely loyal friend. Still, if you give her one clear action of doubt, that trust she has given you shatters, extreme loyalty gone...she can drop you off her friend list like a hot potato (rather deadly in her execution).

Even though she’s great at hiding what she really feels, and though people compliment her on her great ability of acting naturally, Sungjin has a playfully short temper. Although she likes to make facial expressions, she’s really good at controlling them. For example, have a “Who-Smiles-First-is-the-Loser-Contest”, and you’ll lose hands down. I must warn you though: uses sarcasm/witty remarks; extremely stubborn when she wants things to go her way; she can be a rather bitter, negative person in a semi-evil way. Lastly, she's a very realistic girl...not the type to believe in fairy tales; sure she daydreams and has a very creative mind, but when it comes to viewing the real world and her future, she's not the type think her life is that of a fairytale princess.


Sungjin was born into a wealthy/affluent family with two older brothers, one of which is her twin. Because their parents wanted their children to represent East Asia and to showcase their company as a truly global company, her older brother has a Chinese name, her twin has a Japanese name, and she has a Korean name. Her education consisted of studying in Hong Kong for 1st-3rd grade, Tokyo for 4th-6th grade, California for 7th-10th grade, and finally to Seoul for the last two years of high school and currently for college. Although she was never growing up in her hometown, she was always accompanied by her older twin brother--the two going to school together.

Being from a wealthy family, Sungjin is expected to marry the son of another highly-established company in order to secure business relationships. This is a fact that she knows and accepts; after all, she’s not going to be some wishful girl thinking her prince charming is going to appear one day and her parents are going to accept it. Besides, she’s never fallen in love so she doesn’t think finding her “one true love” is going to happen anyway; maybe there’ll be someone to prove her wrong, but until that time, she’s not going to bother fighting against her parents. However, she’s made an agreement with her parents: she will be allowed to pursue anything she wants until that time comes.


father / name: Jacob Lee / age: 54 years old / alive / job: Company CEO / relationship with character:   Closer to Sungjin compared to his wife and spoils her like crazy, but the two aren't affectionate with each other. He also wishes his daughter along with her brother to take over the company in the future, but he doesn't want to force her into a marriage she doesn't want.  

mother / name: Melody Lee / age: 54 years old / alive / job: Marketing & Design Director / relationship with character: Has a somewhat close, affectionate relationship with Sungjin. Of course Sungjin follows her mother's rules and instructions, but she sees her mother as more of an authority figure.

older brother / name: Zengguang Lee / age: 21 years old (2 years older than Sungjin) / alive / job: College student (major: Business Administration, minor: International Studies) / relationship with character: He's very protective of Sungjin; not in that, don't touch my sister she's too good for you way, but rather a if you ever harm her or are mean to her you better watch out way. Also, similar to his dad, he spoils Sungjin and tries to protect her as much from their mother's expectations and demands.

older twin brother / name: Satoshi Lee / age: 19 years old (same age as Sungjin) / alive / job: College stident (major: Business Management, minor: Statistics) / relationship with character: Not so surprising, he's very close with Sungjin. Like what is believed about twins, the two can understand each other without having to share through words. They're fraternal twins up to the point that since they're so close and friendly with each other, you could mistake them for a couple. Also, they have inside jokes that even their older brother doesn't understand. Obvious or not, to each other, the other is the person they can be the most comfortable and silly with. However, unlike his older brother, Satoshi is a little overly protective of Sungjin; he won't automatically whip a guy's hands off her, but carefully observe and when he senses the guy had become too comfortable with Sungjin, he's the silent threatener.


[1] Bookstores
[2] Organization
[3] Peace & quiet
[4] Cool weather (breezy, chilly, rain)
[5] er for guys playing with kids
[6] Mango pudding & melon flavored drinks
[7] Anything cute


[1] Being tickled (ticklish) or teased about her height
[2] Not being occupied (her imagination will run and scare her)
[3] Talking on the phone with people (even if it’s a best friend or family member, she finds it the most awkward thing to do)
[4] Sports, mostly those that involve running (sweating...)
[5] Death (hates thinking about & is easily scared)
[6] Coffee (hates the taste)
[7] Drugs, drinking, cussing
[8] Bugs (butterflies are okay if they don't land on her)


[1] Switching languages mid-sentence (multilingual)
[2] Bugging people until they go her way
[3] Running away when she sees a bug
[4] When deep in thought, she mumbles to herself or reads out loud (when she believes no one is around)
[5] Avoiding the pool and going biking (she can't swim nor bike...)


[1] Reading
[2] Taking walks in crowded city streets
[3] Listening to music (she is almost always seen wearing headphones)
[4] Surfing the internet
[5] Studying Asian cultures
[6] Snacking
[7] Observing people
[8] Not talking
[9] Origami


[1] She has never had a boyfriend
[2] She has 2 older brothers, one of which is her twin
[3] Despite her personality, once she's very close to you, she comfortable with skinship (just doesn't initiate it)
[4] Knows calligraphy
[5] Plays violin and piano


What is Love


My Lady Kim Joo Myun ; Suho

[company] MJ Mall / "one-stop" mass malls across Asia with company products from different branches: clothing/accessories, perfume/make-up, and electronics (which would explain her and her brothers' majors)

[meeting] Being the top companies of their area(s), both of their parents are well aware of each others' business. In addition, both have attend the same business parties numerous times. Looking for a new partnership for a new project, both families have each other as contenders and have obviously done background research on one another. Part of the background research his family business has done includes the special fact that Sungjin is the only daughter of the Lee family and is around the same age as Suho. Further investigation (well, you really don't have to investigate about stuff like this since businesses are aware of each other and what is business without gossip anyways, but...) tells Suho's parents that Sungjin has a variety of international education under her belt and is very culturally experienced, a great plus for a possible daughter-in-law status. Although both families have not had strong contact with one another, they have encountered and exchanged greetings with one another during business parties, including one particular event where Suho and Sungjin did meet for a short/brief moment that neither recall.

[feelings] She’s not going to be some wishful girl thinking her prince charming is going to appear one day and her parents are going to accept it. Besides, she’s never fallen in love so she doesn’t think finding her “one true love” is going to happen anyway; maybe there’ll be someone to prove her wrong, but until that time, she’s not going to bother fighting against her parents. However, she’s made an agreement with her parents: she will be allowed to pursue anything she wants until that time comes.



History Oh Se Hun

[best friends] Although born in California, Sungjin's family returned to Korea after the twins were born (actually, all 3 siblings were born in the US; their parents having met while attending college in the States, returned to the US to form overseas connections and stayed for about 3 years and had all three children there and then returned to Korea). Upon return, the Lee's moved into a the top floor of a high scale apartment after deciding to renovate their estate.

This was where Sungjin and Sehun inevitably met and had been best friends since. Sehun's family happened to be one of the Lee's neighbors also living in the apartment complex. Before being flown around the world for their education, the twins hadn't started school and any other kids wanted to play. While "wandering" around the apartment complex or going to and fro through the elevator, Sungjin and Sehun happened to meet often on visits down or up the elevator. Like most kids, the two quickly hit it off and wanted to play together which later turned them into best friends.

However, once the twins began school, Sungjin was flown out of the country. Luckily, every summer, the twins would return (of course, just to familiarize them to the business environment), but also provided Sungjin and Sehun time to spend with each other even if only during the summer. Unfortunately, when the twins were to study overseas in the states, they would be be returning for the summers (since the other countries they were sent to were all neighboring countries whereas California was across the ocean).

[[Note: refer to the first paragraph under background for clarification]]

[new friend] While the twins were on the plane ride to the states, a little mishap happened: another passenger accidentally spilled his drink all over Sungjin's lap on his way back to his seat...which unfortunately caught the attention by many and created quite a scene. Coincidentally, that same passenger happened to be another new student at the high school they would be attending in California.

[feelings] Sungjin always a a secret crush on her new friend from the states, but she always thought it would just be a crush...like, sure he was cute and they were really good friends, but she personally never felt acting upon that feeling of a crush and only saw it as having a crush because he was cute, but nother more. However, when the two return to Korea for college, the new friend decides to possibly ask her out, and in the meantime, she's touched base with Sehun again, a little awkwardness present.


[relationship] Cautious and shy, yet when they make an effort to get to know each other, somehow playful and teasing...a comfortable feeling.


name: Nam Woohyun / age: 21 / meeting: Woohyun is her older brother's best friend (not the twin brother; the older one) and her brother introduced them when the twins returned in Korea for school / major: Theatre (with a minor in botany)

name: Victoria Song / age: 20 / meeting: Their families are business partners in China and when the twins studied in Hong Kong, they took half a year and studied in China with Victoria's family as their "host family"; fun fact - she might possibly be her older brother's arranged marriage / major: International Studies (with a minor in dance)

[best friend] name: Luhan / meeting: While the twins were on the plane ride to the states, a little mishap happened: another passenger accidentally spilled his drink all over Sungjin's lap on his way back to his seat...which unfortunately caught the attention by many and created quite a scene. Coincidentally, that same passenger happened to be another new student at the high school they would be attending in California. / major: Music

[rival] Kim Hyuna(h)

[reason] It's nothing too severe, in fact they rarely cross paths, but there's always been something about Hyuna that rubs Sungjin the wrong way. Perhaps it's Hyuna's too overly cute but y personality, she really doesn't know, but Hyuna's been interested in a particular guy who doesn't seem to really care to give her the time of day. Also, they've known each other for a really long time because their families are both rich.


Into Your World

[anything I missed?] Not that I can see...

[requests?] N/A

[comments?] Feel free to change/tweek anything to fit the story; I'm not picky :D

[password] RLAB


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